[ Season 1 !Season 2 !Season 3 !Season 4 !Season 5 !Season 6 !Season 7 ! Season 8 ]
James Read is in town to hold the sisters' funeral. The Elders, Demons and FBI all believe they were killed. But Adrienne Wilkinson and a couple of other hot chicks are hanging around ...
A hot chick in skintight, revealing leathers is running aound, doing wire-fu and slaying demons. Yes, it is new character Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ), in need of a Whitelighter for guidance.
The girls are still using unconvincing Mirror images. They even sound like different voices. Phoebe is on a Sex in the City kick, and impersonates Carrie Bradshaw. After all, they are both advice columnists. Paige ( Rose McGowan ) does not want to be the Kim Catrall character. Pity, because she fits the criteria!
The Demons ransack Magick Skool, and attack witches to lure the Charmed Ones out. Their next attempt involves using a Tia Texada lookalike as White Rabbit, to lure teenagers with Al names into an alley.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) kicks ass, but refuses to listen to her Whitelighter. Pity, since she could take the Charmed Ones' workload and let them have boring middle-class middle-age lives.
Leo, responsible parent, babysits the brats with the help of the local single moms. Bored housewives, more like!
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) is breaking in the newbie. Pity the sisters, now in their 30s, are apparently so out-of-touch with the core audience (teenage girls, one imagines) they must bring in a reserve player!
Phoebe is obsessing about the stranger she is supposed to marry and get pregnant by. Yes, freedom and career are cast aside in favour of arranged marriage. And strangely, her mirror image has a different hairstyle from her real self!
Piper's image is that of a supermodel. She sits an interview for Corporate Exec job, since P3 is apparently beyond repair. Unfortunately, her photo is identified. The model is a kickboxing fugitive, wanted for murder. Worse, Darryl is now on the East Coast so he is no use!
This is damsel-in-distress crap, and the villain is not even supernatural. The witches use typical overkill to tie the plot up.
Leo tries training Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) in the attic. Eventually they decide to do the training at Magic School. Unfortunately, demons have broken in and redecorated. A demon plots to revive the Source (Peter Woodward - Crusade ).
Billie disguises herself as a demon by wearing a pulled-up tee-shirt that shows off her belly-button. This is nowhere near as impressive as the low-cut cleavage-enhancer that Phoebe wears. Unfortunately for Phoebe it may not be enough, because her new BF Dex has a hot ex ( Alana de la Garza ).
The girls get back to their original identities. This means they need the cooperation of Homeland Security, giving them an excuse to have changed their names.
Phoebe sorts out her relationship with Dex.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) goes up against an uber-demon. But she has flashbacks to her childhood. The same uber-demon kidnapped her sister! Unfortunately we do not get a cameo by Amy Davidson (her on-screen sister in 8 Simple Rules).
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) deals with the press. Phoebe divorces Dex.
This is the Hallowe'en ep.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) gets her old job back as a Social Worker. Unfortunately, her deadbeat dad (a Whitelighter) turns up.
The demon of the week is Demonic photographer Will Snow ( Lost World ). He photographs people, thus trapping their souls in his album. One of his victims, a 20-something charge of Paige's dad, escapes after 50 years. He becomes Bille's love-interest-of-the-week.
Phoebe visits sperm banks.
Homeland Security give Phoebe and Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) a room full of evidence to look at. Unfortunately, Billie puts on a magical belt and becomes a costumed superheroine. A skimpy blue leather costume. Worse, the belt takes control of her violent impulses.
Billie complains that all men are thugs or wimps, and wants to create a world where women are dominant. Why bother? Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher were both elected in the 1970s. The English-speaking world has been female-dominated since before Bille was born. Hell, Producer Aaron Spelling's TV show Charlie's Angels was from the 1970s!
A female demon cons Billie into trying to murder all the men on Earth.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) meets Henry (Ivan Sergei - ), her new charge's parole officer. Meanwhile, Phoebe is dating lots of guys in a scattershot approach to finding Mr Right. And Leo has a friend, a new token black guy named Smitty. They spend a lot of time together golfing. Hmm.
The demons are fighting among themselves to get control of a new superpower. Something is causing people to get infected, turn into incredible hulk type creatures, then self-destruct after a small time.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) gets infected, and the others have to find a cure. It turns out that Homeland Security are involved in a secret project.
The Angel of Death is after Leo. The Elders (La Femme Nikita) and Avatars cannot do anything - it is Leo's destiny.
Leo gets written out of the show. For the moment, at least. Nobody will notice, since he never does anything.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) gets clues to her sister's fate. This is the story arc for the season ...
Billie's parents come to town. She accidentally uses a new power on them - they become lover-assassins (like Mr & Mrs Smith ), but forget who their daughter is.
The demons have been planning a corporate takeover. Billie uncovers it by accident.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) is still seeing the Parole Officer guy.
Piper is making a video diary, for Leo.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ), Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) and Ivan the Parole Officer are in a bank when they are held hostage by one of the parolees.
Wyatt brings his toys to life.
Phoebe is moving out of the manor, and lets Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) use her room.
A demon replaces the sisters, one by one, with shapeshifter babes. The real sisters are shrunk and trapped in a miniature verson of their home.
The shapeshifters can use the Power of Three! They need it to assassinate a rival demon.
An uber-demon tries to steal the Chinese Zodiac staff from Chinatown. Piper must guard it, but unleashes everyone's obsessions.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) works on her new superpower - she can do anything she wishes, even reversing spells that turn the Charmed Ones evil! She discovers the prison that her sister was kept in when she was a kid. Before The Change ....
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) orbs her BF around the world, even to the top of the Golden Gate bridge. There is no wind or weather there, but he still falls!
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) discovers her long lost sister, Christy ( Marne Patterson ).
The Charmed Ones face off against the curent leaders of the Underworld. Yes, we get to see who the Season's main villains are.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) is getting engaged to her BF. Leo is still MIA, and the Cupid is still hanging out with Phoebe.
Is it just me, or does the night-time exterior shot of Halliwell House make it look like the Bates Motel?
The Triad demon wants to seperate Christy from her parents.
The witches in Magic School got fun from torturing POWs. The demons escaped and want justice. Naturally the Charmless ones side with the spineless wiccans.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) is totally under Christy's influence. As are the remaining demons, who once served the Triad.
Coop the Cupid (Victor Webster - Mutant X ) tries to set Phoebe up with a boring office-boy. He also solves Paige's marital problems by putting her spirit in her husband's body.
This was directed by Levar Burton ( Star Trek: TNG ).
Paige's charge is hunted by the boss of the Darklighters, Peter Wingfield ( Highlander, Queen of Swords ).
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) and Christie know the sisters are after them. They cast a spell on the Charmed ones, putting them in a dream state. Each realises what their subconscious is obsessed with. Phoebe fancies Coop, Piper is overwhelmed without Leo, and Paige does not know herself.
Paige ( Rose McGowan ) sends the Leprechauns to spy on the demons at Magic School. Christy manages to manipulate this fact. The sisters always use lesser magical beings as their cannon fodder!
The demons put the sisters under a spell. Phoebes becomes lustful for Coop the Cupid (Victor Webster - Mutant X ), for example. Thus, the sisters are too pre-occupied to save the lesser beings when the demons attack!
The sisters are on the run. They hide the Book of Shadows at Phoebe's appartment, and leave the kids at James Read's place.
Coop the Cupid (Victor Webster - Mutant X ) is looking for Phoebe. So are some demons - are they potential allies?
Everyone's plan is to unleash the Hollow, and suck everyone else's powers. The poor old demons are fodder!
This is the final ep of the show. The good guys call in reinforcements - Chris is back from the future.
Billie ( Kaley Cuoco ) must choose sides, and we see the final showdown with Chrissie and the Triad.
The ending, far inferior to that of last Season, is actually quite similar to that of Alias S5 .
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