ORBzine - 2000.12 Dave Lally Interview

ORBzine Dave Lally Interview December 2000

    This month we got a chance to speak with Dave Lally, an infamous name in UK SF fandom. His profile [care of Terry Quinn] reads Can talk hind legs off a donkey. Will freely admit to this.

    Dave is now acting as an agent for 3 Cons, 2 of them outside the UK. They include:

  1. Octocon [Irish Republic] is finalised for Dun Laogaire in October. Anne McCaffrey is main Guest.
  2. SweKen, a Swedish Con, due in Stockholm on June 15-7th.

    News from other SF Cons includes:

  3. Armageddon Con [in Israel] has been cancelled due to the current political problems there
  4. Avengers get-together in January, in London. Diana Rigg has stated she has no interest in attending, although Patrick McNee may
  5. MeriCon [at Portmerion] is due for the end of March, 2 weeks after MeCon.
  6. MeCon Delta [ie the 4th MeCon] is due for the second weekend in March, 2001. There have been discussions about getting back previous guests;

    Dave remarked that he once appeared in a Christopher Lee film called The Face of Fu Manchu. Dave was an extra, and can be seen lying face-down in a village that got wiped out.

    On a similar note, it has been said that Iain M. Banks was an extra in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Apparently he appears in the crowd scene near the end, when King Arthur masses an army to defeat the French. I'm the tall one in the middle, Banks allegedly said.

    Dave mentioned the GURPS module for The Prisoner which he was asked to play-test. There were problems with it insofar as the module breached several copyrights. Dave's opinion on the module: It's all right, but it's very American-orientated.

    What was the last good book you read?
    I don't read books, I watch TV and movies.

    What was the last good movie you saw?
    Pitch Black . It was very enjoyable. It evoked a wonderful paranoia, and plays on the audience's inherent fear of the dark.

    [Terry Quinn stated It was poorly paced - tense all the way through.]

    Who's your top SF babe?
    The one from Labyrinth - Jennifer Connolly ! Oh, have you heard about Winona Ryder ?

    Peter Woodward [ Babylon 5: Crusade ] was also due in town, but unfortunately didn't make it. :(

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    Apparently she gets her kit off in her next film.