ORBzine - 2001.06 Book Reviews

ORBzine - Book Reviews


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Beyond The Blue Moon

by Simon R. Green

Yes, the author of the Deathstalker novels strikes again. While those books are Space Opera, this is Fantasy - like a very serious version of Discworld, a modernistic take that owes nothing to historical accuracy or the inspired writings of previous Fantasy writers like J.R.R. Tolkien . In some ways this is refreshing, because it gives an original alternative to the cliched Quest for the magical object. However, his modernism grates even more than Pratchett 's. He embraces the concepts of Trade Unionism and Democracy in a way unthinkable to any true medieval society!

The protagonists are Hawk and Fisher, a husband and wife team of Guard Captains in Ankh-Morpork - err, Haven. They are summoned to solve the murder of the King of a remote rural kingdom. As in the Deathstalker series there is lots of aristocratic politicking. It's not your average Fantasy book, more like your average Simon R. Green book ...

This is the fifth or sixth in the series, so here are lots of references to previous works. By the end of the book, everyone's secret past has been exposed. All wrongs are righted, all plot threads are tied up, and things couldn't better be.

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