Luke Wilson ( Charlie's Angels ) works in a no-sex office with Anna Farris . Though they have feelings for one another, circumstances are against them. Wilson instead dates Jenny ( Uma Thurman ), who turns out to be the alter-ego of superheroine G-Girl.
Unfortunately, Jenny's a neurotic psycho, and when Wilson dumps her she takes it badly. G-Girl's supervillain foe, Professor Bedlam (Eddie Izzard - Mystery Men ), pops up with a plan of his own.
Three backpackers are driving across the Australian outback. Their car breaks down, but they are helped by a friendly local. However, he has plans for them ...
They take aboard Jap pilot Soon-Tek Oh ( 7 Days ) and annoying US Senator Charles Durning ( Dark Night of the Scarecrow ).
Will they change history by shooting down the entire Japanese carrier force?
Chaney kills a wolf as it attacks his love interest, but he discovers the wolf was a man - and he was bitten by it!
Tim Robbins ( Shawshank Redemption ) is a detective who visits Singapore and interrogates Samantha Morton (still with her hair cropped short from Minority Report ). Unfortunately he falls in love with her.
This is unfortunate because he was IVF-born and she is a clone, so their DNA is within one degree of consanguinity! Not only is this a Code 46 violation, but the Government can surgically remove peoples' memories!
The Apocalypse Now similarities soon end, however. The soldiers settle down in an old building from the French colonial era. Then creepy things start to happen, like in The Keep, The Bunker, Deathwatch ...
This is basically a Korean take on the other films mentioned above. There's more shooting, SPFX and so on - it had to compete with other Asian films, of course - and the ghosts owe more to asian cinema than to Western culture. But it's a well-made film, and very watchable.
Back in Port Royal, the Governor (Jonathan Pryce ) has been usurped by the East India Company. Why they're in the WEST Indies is never explained. But they send Will Turner to get Jack Sparrow's magical compass.
The crew meet up on an island infested with Cannibals, which serves no real plot purpose but allows the first of several set-piece references to Disney amusement-park rides.
Elizabeth Swann ( Keira Knightley ) escapes the East India Company and rejoins her friends. Most of the old faces from the original are back, including ex-Commodore Norrington - though the 2 Redcoats are mysteriously missing.
The film's length (2 and a half hours) and structure mean that there are numerous climaxes. However, there is no real resolution. Gore Verbinski has left so many loose ends because this is the Empire Strikes Back of the Series. More like Back to the Future 2 , in fact - the 2 sequels were filmed back-to-back.
Max Von Sydow ( Flash Gordon ), who once played Jesus of Nazareth, is here cast as an evil Philistine Governor. He wants Samson dead or enslaved, but Samson always out-fights the Philistine warriors. Luckily, Samson has a soft spot of Philistine courtesan Delilah [ Belinda Bauer ].
It's not really fair to compare this with the Conan films. It's certainly better than the old Victor Mature version. The locations are more convincing, even though it was filmed on location in Mexico. And they get a real lion for the fight scene!
It appears that one of the team is a telekinetic, murdering the other scientists so he can keep credit for their discoveries. Our heroes have to track down the killer, before they are his next victims.
The climax makes this seem like a late 1960s version of Scanners . The SPFX are a bit more primitive, but it's not a bad film.
The High School football team, who all look in their mid-20s, have sex with girls. Eeeevil indeed! But horror movies have traditionally enforced rigid moral rules - look at Hallowe'en!
Token nice-guy jock Jason London [ Mallrats ] falls for Carrie. Disaster is just round the corner.
Amy Irving , the only survivor from the original film, is now Head Teacher. She suspects that something bad will happen - but if you haven't seen the trailers, the climax might shock you. It's straight out of Hellraiser 3 - really, she should have been a Cenobite!
Jeffrey Cooms [ ST: DS9 ] is a doctor who believes that, not unike a certain Dr Frankenstein, he can reanimate dead bodies. He develops a serum that can revive corpses ... or parts of them!
This was made in 1979. The animation isn't quite up to more recent standards, more comparable to Battle of the Planets . Also, for some reason the English-dubbed version still uses Japanese-sounding names for very caucasian-loking charactors!
He journeys to Irontown, where an Industrial Revolution is being overseen by Minnie Driver . This is violently opposed by the huge wolf forest-spirit [ Gillian Anderson ] and the human girl she has adopted as her daughter [ Anna Paquin ].
The theme is basically magic versus industrialisation, which has also been addressed in Lord of the Rings . That was Tolkien's diatribe, of course - this is more even-handed.
The girl knows the location of Laputa, the flying island from Gulliver's Travels . Here it's like a flying Atlantis, a lost city full of hi-tech gadgetry.
The youngest girl goes missing, which leads to genuine drama. Luckily her sister and Totoro [a fat, furry frozen-faced blob] get help from a cat-bus, which is a cat that is also a bus.
No, didn't make sense to me either. But the theme tune's kinds catchy. Maybe the kiddies would enjoy this film more than adults would.
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