ORBzine - 1999.07 Speculative Fiction Fanzine

Editor In Chief: Speculator
Special Thanks: Chris Hawkins

July 1999

  1. The Editor's Desk
    Welcome to ORBzine

  2. The Adventures of Jedi Slacker Yodood!
    Anakin Starkiller brings us a look at Yoda's most useless pupil.

  3. Novel Ideas
    This month we look at the first 2 parts of Mike Stackpole's X-Wing series - Rogue Squadron & Wedge's Gamble.

  4. Novel Ideas
    Check out our book review column, now our regular reviewer [long-time Hard SF fan John Kane] is back after his month off.

  5. Now On the Big Screen
    This month we've got comments on The Phantom Menace from our Hard SF Reviewer! This review of the new Star Wars film comes after the UK release of the film - JK was unable to make the 1999 London-NY RASSMCon due to other commitments - but we couldn't talk him out of it! :)

  6. UK Television Roundup
    Check out what's been on in the UK - here is a summary of UK television for the last few weeks.

  7. Television Reviews
    Yet more repeats appear on UK television.
    Also, this month's meagre crop of SF films shown on UK TV.

  8. August 1999 issue coming soon!

ORBzine has had several hundred visitors between January and May 1999. From 1st June to 31st October 1999 there were over 300 more visitors. You are the -th visitor since 1st November 1999.

The Summer 1999 Special has had visitors since 1st June 2001.

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