ORBzine - Adrienne Wilkinson [Saturday]
The hour started with Sean Harry, the announcer/organiser, explaining that Adrienne [pronounced Adrian] had a bad cold but would carry on regardless. She apologised for her voice.
Did you like playing Livia?
How did you get the part?
Did you deliberately base Livia's fight moves on Callisto's?
Do they cast shorter people in supporting roles?
Is it fun being villainous?
How do you find the fights?
Joxer's death scene was hilarious. The sun made his make-up melt - it took 3 hours to put on. Ted was surrounded by people with sun-shades and fans. When it came to shoot the scene, Ted ran at Adrienne but kept tripping.
How did you do the scene where you are stabbed?
Will Eve get any fight scenes?
How did you like working with the spider?
Adrienne expected the difficult stuff would be CGI and stunt-
doubles, eg burning set, dragged around desert.
She had to do it herself.
Her hair got caught in the 4x4 that was dragging her.
She shouted Stop, the cameraman went Yeah! That's great!
What was your favourite scene?
What are the actors like in person?
Every episode filmed that year is out of order.
Will there be an Eve spin-off series?
Despite the gruelling regime of episodic TV [1 episode per week], Adrienne would love to sign up for 5-7 years! Xena is filmed with a non-union crew - they work from 7am to 7pm. The actors work 14 hours per day.
Were there any big problems shooting the show?
Livia's horse, Blackie, was a recently-retired race-horse. Filming was difficult - a horse can't hit a mark! Somehow the horse knew the word "action", and bolted every time the director said it. In the end he had to use a different word! You don't see the horse from the shoulders down because there are wranglers holding its feet.
Will you get to do a Musical episode?
Have you still got the Livia costume?
Is there an Eve & Virgil romance?
Eve is jealous of Gabby's relationship with Xena, her mother.
What is Rob Tapert like?
How is your music career going?
Did anyone explain Eve's parentage?
The show's Producers are impressed by the fanbase and the worldwide
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ORBzine - Adrienne Wilkinson [sunday]![]() Adrienne started by saying she felt better, but sounded worse. In this writer's opinion she had a lovely husky voice.
You play Xena's daughter.
Do you look like Lucy Lawless' RL daughter?
What about the Season 6 episodes you've filmed?
The story is about their families, and coming to terms with the fact they've been away for 25 years. The conflict is about Eve's pacifism.
How do you co-ordinate the fights?
How would you like your character to be developed in Season 6?
Did you know much about the show before you started working on it?
Which of the cast is the best fighter?
It says in you bio you have a pop group ...
Is it difficult working in New Zealand?
Do you have anything in common with Eve?
How do the cast get into character?
What's your favourite line?
Are there any rumours about Season 6?
How are things going with your pop group?
Did you get to meet Hudson Leick?
Do you have any siblings?
Is there a dream role you would love to play?
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