ORBzine - 2001.06 Editorial

ORBzine - Editorial

The Sixth of June has come and gone again, the anniversary of Pearl Harbour - oops, sorry, D-Day. Damn US war propaganda films, I always get those two mixed up. If you want to see a decent World War Two film in the cinema I suggest Captain Correlli's Mandolin instead. It's quite silly, and you'll probably cheer for the Germans, but at least there are no square-jawed American heroes to save the day.

We've got lots of movies - Series 7: The Contenders is the best of the bunch, so if you have the chance to see it, go for it.

Meanwhile, the TV show we look at in depth this month is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World. It's been out in Australia for a couple of years, recently confirmed for two more years. It has limited exposure in the UK, but if you like Rachel Blakely then this show is for you!

We have lots of other great stuff too, so feel free to check it out. And remember, we're always on the lookout for new submissions. If you have anything you'd like us to publish, the address is still submissions@orb-store.com .



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