[Chariots of War III]
The announcer instructed Please stand for the National Anthem . As we complied, we got the Joxer the Mighty song. Ted enters, and breaks the mood with a couple of well-timed pratfalls. Then he tells us about a previous Con he was at. GUY Can you tell my wife you took all my money?
How many of you were here last year? Ted asked. Most of the audience stuck up their hands. I can't use the old crap.
Ted tries to adjust the microphone.
Forget American know-how, it's all about brute force.
Broke actors buy everything in bulk - Toilet paper, phone cards to call the manager and beg for work. On Friday Ted went to the British museum, and he remarks on how everything in it is so - old! Ted says it's really cool. There's a sign that says Treasures from around the world - according to Ted it should read Treasures STOLEN from around the world. British Candy with names like skittles, magic stars, time out Ted suggested new names like groovy and not a problem
What was your best moment on Xena?
Ted says his favourite is the fight scenes, and jokes I'm a pretty physical guy. It gave me a chance to do cool stuff. Remember when I was on SeaQuest? I sat in front of a computer all day.
What's your scariest moment on Xena?
TED Right now! I heard there were haunted places in England, I just didn't think they were at Heathrow. The scariest scenes were ones involving horses. He didn't see one until he was aged 25. The kiwis were blokeish, they all thought it was hilarious.
What character do you play in the new Spiderman character?
What have you been doing since Xena ended?
Ted did a movie called Attic Expeditions with Seth Green [ Buffy the Vampire Slayer ]. It's due out in October 2001, a Hallowe'en release in the USA. Ted also did a Francis Ford Coppola project called The Illusion
Ted also directed a music video for an LA-based group.
The vocalist is from Manchester.
It will probably be on VH1.
Ted is getting ready to shoot the next one, then two more after that.
What's your favourite Xena episode?
Lucy Lawless was on the Jay Leno Show. She fell off her horse and broke her hip. Rob Tapert [Ted puts on a MidWest accent] commissioned some Joxer-intensive episodes. They had a good message, and he got to kiss chicks.
Are you that clumsy in real life?
In Key to the Kingdom, Meg can't have children.
Who is Virgil's mother? Did the scriptwriters forget?
Renee and Ted are most hated by the crew because they laugh too much.
What would you like to do as your dream project?
Did Lucy Lawless really wear banana-flavoured cream?
Are you still writing The DJ script?
What's your favourite blooper?
You did three episodes of
with Michael Hurst. What's he like?
Why doesn't Lucy Lawless do UK Cons?
When you were in old guy make-up, what was it like?
Who doesn't want a Gabby and Joxer romance?
Tapert told Ted I don't want to bug you, but a lot of girls watch the show.
You were interviewed once and you said you
didn't do later Xena eps because it interfered with the relationship.
Who are your heroes?
Alexandra Tidings mentioned Dress Day on the set,
where the men would all wear frocks.
All the burly crew in frilly things that showed off their tattoos.
We heard you had a strange eye accident lately.
Ted went to Austin, Texas for Renee O'Connor's wedding to a kiwi named Steve. He rubbed his eye, and somehow got a rusty needle in his eye. He was rushed to hospital. Were you in an industrial plant? the doctor asked [Ted did his Midwest accent]. You've got a big chunk of metal stuck in your eye. The doctor stuck Ted in an eye-brace like the one in Clockwork Orange , and said Let's see if I can find something to get that out. Afterwards the doctor said There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is, you're gonna see again. The bad news, you're gonna have to see about six other doctors first. The next day Ted goes to the recommended specialist. The doctor tells him that the metal was rusted, and Ted has rust in his eye. To get it out the doctor used an eye-bore, which is like a mini-strimmer.
Then Ted had to wear an eye-patch,
which meant that he had no depth perception.
Before he left the stage, Ted photographed the audience.
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