[Chariots of War III]
The talk starts with an intro video on the big screen - William Gregory Lee as Virgil, slashing at Roman soldiers to the sound of It's My Life. Greg and Adrienne emerge and take turns introducing each other:
Greg was nervous about the dancing. A top choreographer was called in, and after he saw Greg in action he said We're gonna have trouble.
Were you nervous about the roasted guy on a stick in The Abyss?
Will Adrienne sing?
Adrienne, did you prefer playing Livia or Eve?
I had to wear that rag outfit for months.
Adrienne looked forward to the flashbacks.
Greg, has anyone ever told you you look like Brad Pitt?
Adrienne - Which begs the question, what kinda hair did you have? Greg relates to us a tale where he was at Paramount Studios and was mistaken for a US TV star called Ivan. Adrienne's favourite episode was the one where she was on the ship. They had to wait several days until a storm passed, and when they went out it was beautiful weather. Adrienne said that people in NZ are so nice, and that nobody threw attitude. LA is full of insecure people in the business, and guest-stars have to fit the particular show. Xena is more relaxed. Adrienne didn't work with Lucy Lawless until her 6th day on the set. One favourite episode is Are you there? - if you've seen it, you know why. It brings a whole new light to every character. [someone notes that it's scheduled tomorrow]
Ever had a role that enables you to act out a fantasy?
Greg's roles he always has to kiss a babe. His GF always found it hard. In one TV show about a drunken bar-whore [played by Sheryl Lynn ] he plays a bar-whore. He meets the star and they start getting intimate. Greg asked the Director to give him some lines or something, to no avail. Adrienne - I'm keeping mine a secret.
Lucy Lawless' trick on Tim Omundson was to take him on the reverse bungee.
Did you get an initiation?
Adrienne started at 6pm, and didn't know they only had one hour to shoot. Her fight scene first time was all-out. The first take split her pants in two. The first night they met up when they were driven back together Oh my god, we're gonna get fired. They didn't know about the schedule.
Virgil was a Smith and a Bard, how did he get good at the sword?
[Greg had trouble understanding the questioner's accent]
Ted's a creative genius, very spur-of-the-moment. Make-up made him cranky after 6 hours, and knocked him out after 12 hours. He had to stay inside an air-conditioned trailer.
Who would you play on
The girl who plays Varia is a good fighter. Adrienne told us that Lucy's stunt double hit Adrienne's leg, and gave her a big bruise. Adrienne was very proud, and it didn't hurt that bad. In Xena the fights are with swords, while in Dark Angel they are bare-handed. Greg's stunt double in Dark Angel doubled for Wolverine in X-Men He's an expert in Capoeira, the Brazilian martial art. Adrienne asks if that's the martial art where they put razor blades and pieces of glass in their hair. Greg told about a scene where he was in a stairwell with the stuntmen, and had to fight them and do flips. He almost kicked one of the stuntmen. The stuntman said Don't worry, Greg isn't fast enough. Greg did the move again, and felt tiny bump on his foot. He heard the guy's head bump against every step on the way down. The stuntman said Don't worry, this happens to me all the time. Greg also mentioned a fight scene with Jessica Alba - he had to deliver a left hook to her head. She forgot to block, and he stunned her.
Do you have any new projects in the pipeline?
Greg has an episode of VIP coming up. He also has a movie that starts in three weeks. Adrienne complains that Eve is whiny and her IQ fell steadily. Eventually she became a plot point. Rescue me, I did something dumb. Adrienne didn't understand the depth of Internet fandom. To illustrate the way Eve's IQ was lowered, Adrienne mentions the episode set in Rome with Alexis Arquette as Caligula. Gabby [disguised in a wind-up monkey's hat] says Eve, it's me, Gabrielle! This was over-dubbed with a new line. Everything is filmed out of order. Heart of Darkness was directed by Mark Beasley, who also did Eve. Eve was dumbed down - they were both glad that Coming Home was done later and thus Eve got to show more spine. Adrienne's favourite part in Heart of Darkness is when Renee O'Connor hits her with a fish.
How did you feel doing your last scenes?
Path of Vengeance was her final episode. Their last scene was improvised because the script was full of cheesy dialogue. It was touching, and the actors were all laughing.
Why didn't you call Renee Mommy?
Greg - It's hard to leave and not to say goodbye. He missed the wrap party because it was the night before the Pasedena Con. Adrienne felt that the ending is best the way it is, because the final episode concludes the Gabby-Xena arc. Before the session ended, Adrienne sang us a Gospel Hymn.
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