[Chariots of War III]
Jessica Alba was 17. She was handpicked by James Cameron for the followup to Titanic, the highest-grossing film ever. The script was written specifically for her. She had her own personal trainer in Vancouver. SAG is the Acting Guild. 90% of members make under 5000 dollars per year. The actors are always grateful for every second they spend on the set. Greg - Zach's very hard on Max. He has to be intense. There's only 12 left. Everyone's a squatter, trying to survive. Max escaped Mantacorp. Jennifer - Kendra's a party girl, and Zach's a nudist. If I was Kendra for real, I'd probably jump in him right now. Is it too hot? Greg - He wants you to take your top off.
They are the perfect warriors, but flawed. They were little kids when they escaped, and lived on the run ever since. Max has a personal life too. Zach has nothing and nobody except Max and the siblings. James Cameron is an incredible SF fan. His knowledge would make the average person here look silly. The biggest impact of Greg's life was Star Wars. All he wanted to do was be an actor. It wasn't cool or tough to talk about acting. He hung out with a tough crowd, and didn't pursue the career. A couple of his pals died young [aged 18 and 19], so he wised up. He packed his bags, went to NYC and went into the career.
Kendra's replacement put up a Xena poster - she's a lesbian. The set team intended to use a Virgil & Xena pic, but couldn't get it in time.
What are the differences between filming in the US and NZ?
Jennifer was surprised at this revelation. It's like 7-11 on wheels, all the junk-food you can eat, from 6am to night. In NZ you get tea, cookies, teatime [sandwich and tea], but not dinner. They get hungry late at night. Lucy Lawless gets $200 of pizzas for the entire crew, because she knows how the US actors can be spoilt. Jennifer mentioned that she did a movie in the Philipines. There were no trailers! The US actors couldn't go home, so they complained. They got a bus, split into sections. Some people left, and they had to rewrite the script.
Zach and Max have chemistry. Does he fancy her?
Gabby and Virgil had chemistry. In the episode Heart of darkness TPTB wanted them to do a LOT more. Renee was petrified that the fans would be pissed off. Fan - You'd have been a redshirt. All Gabby's boyfriends die! Greg - Virgil was a lover and a fighter.
Jennifer, are you looking forward to Cult TV?
The Cult TV Con will be held in October 2001. Jennifer is very excited about Liverpool. The Con is for Unicef, and Jennifer's very into childrens' charities.
Is Michael Hurst fun to work with?
Jennifer always said she couldn't get crying on queue, prefers blowers to get her started, but when she gets going she really goes.
How will you celebrate 4th July?
Why was Jess nominated for a Golden Globe but not Lucy Lawless?
What is your favourite fight scene?
Greg and Jennifer have a Crying contest between themselves. Greg wins.
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