In a future where the Earth is dying, Population is tightly controlled. Jim Shannon (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) is jailed for having a third child.
Our hero escapes, and joins the rest of his family with some colonists who travel back in time to a new settlement in the time of the dinosaurs. The boss of the colony is Stephen Lang ( Avatar ), so something is bound to go wrong.
The son joins the local teenager as they head off into the jungle for underage drinking. They get trapped by big velociraptor-looking things.
A soldier gets eaten by a dinosaur. Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) thinks it is murder, so he investigates. The Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ), the lieutenant and the chief scientist all help.
Lady Doctor does a holographic autopsy. Then she and the head scientist work on a side project - a deformed dinosaur hatchling.
The lady doctor and the Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) visit a remote outpost, but communication is lost. Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) and his wife’s ex go to investigate. They discover that a pathogen has been released which causes amnesia.
A wee girl escapes from the Sixers, and is fostered by the Sheriff’s family. But she has a secret agenda, like everyone else on this show.
A meteorite passes overhead, causing an EMP blast. Every microchip in the region is fried. Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) is trapped with his pre-teen daughter. The Doctor has to do medicine the old-fashioned way. The Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) has to keep everything together.
The teenagers are messing around outside the perimeter, so they are stranded without a way home. They must walk unarmed through dino territory.
The Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) goes out hunting the man he banished from the camp. There is an impressive encounter with a Komodo dragon.
The teenage daughter meets her hero, an old man who is the head botanist of the expedition. But something is not right about him. He does not remember anything she refers to. Is this the result of his stroke, or is it something more sinister? The teenage son speaks with the Sixers about his deal with them. They have a two-way communication with the future, with a holographic interface. But to hold up his end of the bargain, he must steal the most powerful drug in the camp’s medical supplies. This means stealing from his mother, and outwitting his father when the theft gets investigated.
Taylor (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) discovers how the Sixers are communicating with their spy.
Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) discovers a skeleton. Who is it, and how did he die?
Taylor gives his version of his son's history with the colony, and who is behind the Sixers.
The Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) goes out hunting alone again. He runs into Mira, leader of the Sixers. But they must unite against a common foe.
Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) is left in charge of the settlement. He knows that the spy must be communicating with the Sixers, so he sets watch. His reward is a fragment of the spy's dna. But can he get it sequenced?
Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) closes in on the spy. But the Colonel's son (who is a vicious bastard!) demands one last mission of the spy. The mathematical equation to make the portal open both ways is almost ready ...
The villains launch their endgame. They take over the colony, so Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) must begin a secret resistance movement.
The Colonel (Stephen Lang - Avatar ) finally confronts his son.
Sheriff Jim (Jason O'Mara - Agents of SHIELD: S4 ) takes the fight to the enemy.
A shocking discovery sets up the story arc for the next Season ...