ORBzine - Todd & the Book of Pure Evil TV Review

[Season 1 !Season 2 ]

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil

Season 1

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 1] Todd the Metal God
Shown 29/Sep/10

Todd is an American teenage rocker, in a typical American TV High School. He's like a Tenacious D wannabe trapped in Glee, where he fails to make the cut for the Battle of the Bands. But the local dope-smokers suggest he use the Book of Pure Evil (like the Book of the Dead in the Evil Dead Series) to magically improve his skills. Unfortunately, he loses his humanity in the process. Can he get his soul back?

The delivery is reminiscent of Scott Pilgrim Versus the World in style, while successfully parodying all the cliches of both horror movies and US High School TV shows.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 2] How to Make a Homunculus
Shown 29/Sep/10

Todd is teamed with the school's geek girl for science class. She decides to grow a Homunculus, and uses the Book of Evil to do so. As always, no good can come of it.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 3] Rock N' Roll Zombies Know Best
Shown 06/Oct/10

Todd tries to make the babe jealous by dating her best friend, a slutty Goth chick. Unfortunately, the Goth is feeding her dates to the zombies in her basement. No good will come of this.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 4] Gay Day
Shown 13/Oct/10

The token gay kid at school uses the book to turn all the boys gay, so they can know what he feels like. Unfortunately there are a few side-effects. Firstly, he becomes straight. Secondly, the Jocks now become straight-bashing bullies who want to pick fights with homophobes. Thirdly, the cheerleaders are on the rampage because their boyfriends all dumped them. So almost everyone in the school is out to kill the gay kid. Can Todd overcome his sexual confusion long enough to save the day.

Meanwhile, the guidance counsellor is ordered to check if Todd is The One. This will involve looking for a birthmark … on Todd's penis.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 5] Monster Fat
Shown 20/Oct/10

The school fat girl is being bullied by cheerleaders. Just like the token Gay last week, she uses the Book of Pure Evil to turn the tables. But her discarded fat becomes a monsters that infects the cheerleaders - and Jenny!

Just like last week, Todd loses his attraction for Jenny. But can he overcome his fatty-phobia?

The Guidance Counsellor tries to join Todd's Gang. Can he win their trust?

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 6] Invasion of the Stupid Snatchers
Shown 27/Oct/10

The least intelligent kid in school drags everyone else down to his level. The school is swamped in a toxic cloud of cannabis fumes. Can the smart girl save everyone? And why is the janitor unaffected?

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 7] Terrible Twin Turf Tussle
Shown 03/Nov/10

Jenny is having daddy issues, because it is a year since her father mysteriously disappeared. Naturally she hooks up with the school's hot lesbian. Unfortunately the lesbian's twin sister gets jealous, and uses the Book of Evil to clone herself.

Todd and the others are as useless as ever. The nerdy girl tries a rock-chick look, in an effort to replace Jenny in Todd's affections.

Atticus is ever more unhappy about being taken for granted by the Satanic conspiracy. Especially since he is the one who kidnapped Jenny's dad for them.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 8] Cockfight
Shown 10/Nov/10

The schoolboys are all obsessed with penis size this week. One of them uses the book to enlarge his, and everyone who sees it gets turned to stone.

Todd has to dress up as a ridiculous superhero (like Crichton in Farscape: Crackers Don't Matter ) - or like he did in the previous ep.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 9] Big Bad Baby
Shown 17/Nov/10

One of the High School girls gets the book, and wishes she had a baby. Naturally, the baby is a massively exaggerated version - both literally and metaphorically. It wanders round the school, crushing whatever gets in its way.

Todd is the only one who can soothe the child's tantrums. Is this because he would be a great father? Or is it because he has an affinity with evil?

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 10] The Ghost of Chet Sukowski
Shown 24/Nov/10

The school's basketball team sucks, predictably. The team Captain uses the book to turn himself into a Fonz-type 1950s dude. Unfortunately he gets possessed by a ghost. He's so cool that he attracts Jenny - and the book turns her into a 1950s type too.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 11] The Phantom Of Crowley High
Shown 01/Dec/10

Atticus is put in charge of the school play. Unfortunately for all concerned, he is under orders to make it a Musical. The head of the theatre club cannot sing, so she uses the book to become musically talented. However, it predictably backfires into a homage to The Phantom Of The Opera.

For some reason, Todd's one-handed sidekick is in much demand from the ladies. He has TWO girls after him!

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 12] Checkmate
Shown 08/Dec/10

The Chess Club's leader uses the Book to allow him to see future moves. He discovers Todd is the Pure Evil One, and brainwashes everyone except Jenny into a plan to kill Todd. Luckily for Todd, everyone else is almost as stupid as he is.

Atticus the Guidance Councillor actually helps, for a change. But his family's links to the town's Satanic cult are not buried as deeply as he hopes.

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 13] A Farewell to Curtis' Arm
Shown 08/Dec/10

The group are split, just as the show reaches its climax.

Todd has nightmares about his destiny as the True Evil One. The three smokers encourage him to make a sword for the final battle.

Curtis is dejected at only having one arm. He finds the book, and gets a new (evil) arm. We also discover how he lost the original one.

Jenny goes looking for her dad. The answer may lie at the Old Folks Home, where the Satanic Cult hides out.

Atticus Murphy Jnr is cast out of the Club, and exiled by the Satanists too. But he is the best character in the show, so he has a comeback planned.





Todd & the Book of Pure Evil

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 1, Episode 1 ]

Todd & the Book of Pure Evil

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  • Season 2

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 1] Redirement Home
    Shown 30/Oct/11

    The Satanists finally have the book. But one of them cannot resist the temptation of using it. Soon the OAPs in the nursing home start eating the staff.

    Our heroes try to rescue Jenny and steal back the book. They end up having to face a crowd of cannibalistic OAPs.

    The three evil slackers decide to up the ante. They assert control over Atticus by offering him what he wants ...

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 2] The Student Body
    Shown 06/Nov/11

    Atticus orders his Satanic minions to find the book. They are mutinous, however, and plot against him behind his back.

    A lonely girl uses the book to make friends. Of course, this enmeshes the Gang - though it will eventually backfire on the book's user.

    Todd has trouble coming to terms with his evil destiny. He quits the Gang, and drives his friends away.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 3] Daddy Tissues
    Shown 13/Nov/11

    Jenny's dad uses the Book. He takes peoples' identities - by killing them and wearing their skins. His chosen identity is as the school's Head Boy, which gets him membership of Todd's Gang. But Todd is resentful of the new member, who has a lot more leadership potential than him.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 4] Simply the Beast
    Shown 20/Nov/11

    Cheerleaders start to go missing. Todd theorises that a monster is taking them, and he nicknames it the Beast.

    Jenny goes undercover as a cheer-leader. But the gang need help when a Pep Rally turns violent.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 5] Jungle Fever
    Shown 27/Nov/11

    The book finds a Feminazi hippy chick named Gyna. Her wish means the school is overrun by plant life. This is good news for Jimmy, whose secret Marijuana crop blossoms. However, all the humans are reduced to their primal state as Neanderthals. All except Hanna, that is. She develops a strange pentagram-shaped scar on her abdomen, like the design on the book.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 6] Fisting Fantasy
    Shown 04/Dec/11

    Todd and his sidekick haze a geek in an online computer game named Fisting Fantasy. Like Fighting Fantasy, but with more innuendo. The geek then uses the book to turn the school INTO the game. Our heroes must complete a real-life quest. Todd is a Barbarian warrior, but the other three get gender-bended.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 7] See You Later, Masturbator
    Shown 05/Jan/12

    An invisible pervert is spying on the pupils at school. Atticus blames Jimmy the Janitor, and fires him. Todd and the gang must clear Jimmy's name by finding the real culprit.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 8] Loser Generated Content
    Shown 05/Jan/12

    Jenny becomes the school's Beauty Queen, and the gang defeats the Book again. But the Audio-Visual Club's gear gets destroyed, and they blame Todd. Instead of just claiming the insurance money, they use the Book for revenge.

    The AV club use a magical split-screen effect to bisect victims. They target anyone who shows an interest in Beauty-Queen Jenny. Jealous Todd is the main suspect - he is the only one with a sword, after all. And he is the Pure Evil One, of course!

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 9] Deathday Cake
    Shown 12/Jan/12

    A girl from an uptight Xian sect uses the book so she can finally celebrate her Birthday. It turns into a massive birthday cake, and eats everyone whose birthday it is. Curtis is a birthday boy.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 10] 2 Girls, 1 Tongue
    Shown 12/Jan/12

    The gang find themselves in the middle of a Rock Opera. Charlotte, a nerdy oriental girl, has replaced Hannah in the gang. And Hannah has become the Phantom of the High School. Nobody notices the change except Hannah, who realises Charlotte used the Book. But the gang regard the Phantom (AKA Hannah) as an automatic enemy.

    This is a great episode, embracing the Heavy Metal ethos of the show. It is also important to the story arc, moving both Todd's relationship with Jenny and Atticus' politicking with the elderly Satanists.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 11] B.Y.O.B.O.P.E.
    Shown 19/Jan/12

    Todd and the gang take the night off, and go to a party. Todd has his new GF, Nikki, and finally he has a chance to lose his virginity. Curtis and Hannah might also lose their cherries - although Hannah has an embarrassing birthmark. Jenny is miserable, as ever.

    Atticus comes along, poorly disguised as an older schoolboy named Scooter. He takes his father's frozen head for company. Will they be able to recruit new Satanists for their Cult?

    As always, the book pops up to take advantage of the miserable.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 12] The Toddyssey
    Shown 19/Jan/12

    Todd piggy-backs on a paraplegic kid who uses the book and ends up running so fast he time-travels. 16 years in the future, the battle-scarred resistance try to unseat Atticus and his Satanic minions.

    We discover Jimmy's true relationship with the three slackers outside the school gates.

    Todd & the Book of Pure Evil Todd & the Book of Pure Evil [Season 2, Episode 13] Black Tie Showdown
    Shown 26/Jan/12

    It is the night of the Semi-Formal dance. Curtis and Hanna will be going together. Jenny decides she is willing to go with Todd.

    Atticus gets the book, and tries to recruit new Satanists to his army of minions. Everything is set for a climactic conclusion.

    One character discovers that they have repressed memories of a childhood encounter with the Book and the Satanic Cult. Not unlike the final episode of Bedlam (S2) .

    The ending has a downbeat tone. But it is left open for the next Season.