[Season 1 !Season 2 !Season 3 ]
Jonathan Paglia [spitting image of the guy from Season 2 of Murder One ] is in a version of The Village - a high-security mental ward for ex-CIA, Special Forces and so on. Being highly-trained and utterly expendable he is soon recruited for a secret US project which will send him back in time up to seven days and allow him to make changes. As in Quantum Leap, he must put right what once went wrong. Perhaps a better comparison would be with the dreadful BBC series Crime Traveller.
The Lurrve Interest is a frigid Russian head-shrinker played by Justina Vail . Nick Searcy [ American Gothic ] plays the Head of Security, a paranoid dumb-ass redneck.
Episode One is the hero's preparation for the mission, with the backstory being the villains' destruction of the White House. Episode Two is the mission itself, where the hero races against time to save the US President [who probably doesn't deserve it].
Hero-boy gets a vacation - a USAF survival course.
A jesus-freak steals some Ebola samples, and releases the virus in an airport. It spreads so rapidly that it takes out most of the HQ staff at back-step! Luckily, the hero has memorized the entire bible.
The guest-star is Kirk Baltz [the cop in Reservoir Dogs]. He plays a Cold Fusion expert who our meddling monk must save. However, keeping him alive requires multiple back-steps! At least we get to listen to the Shaft tune repeatedly.
Justina Vail portrays the most evil, obnoxious, selfish bitch imaginable. Oops, sorry, I left out frigid.
5.1-500328-Oct-1998 Vows
Red China invades Taiwan. The US President refuses to assist his ally, which is totally unbelievable. Nick Searcy, the token fascist, expresses a yearning for the days of Eisenhower and the Cold War. General Stock, a so-called American Patriot [with an English accent!], uses stolen nukes to blackmail the US Government into turning the country over to him. With the assistance of sidekick Brian Thompson he captures one of the Back-Step scientists ...
Meanwhile, hero-guy goes back in time and gets duplicated. The duplicate is not completely identical ...
The back-room types try to outsmart hero-guy's evil clone. However, because they're cardboard characters they don't get much screen time. The frigid ruskie woman tries to seduce him ...
The good version of the hero [?] reappears - sort of. It really isn't worth trying to work out the logic of the show.
James Morrison [ Space: Above & Beyond ] blows up a US Secret Police - err, NSA - office.
The investigators blame Gina Philips , an NSA data analyst, even though they have no evidence against her. This episode gives LaPaglia the chance to get a love interest other than Justina Vail.
A strange hi-tech pod is discovered, seemingly a UFO. Parker breaches security to investigate it.
The pod's sole occupant is instantly recognisable to the Russian babe. He says he was loyal to his country but he jumped in 1992, after the fall of the USSR, and his wife defected to the USA.
There's a cool gun that fires supercharged protons at 3000 feet per second. Somehow this is slow enough for the good guys to duck under!
Hero-guy Parker and his African-American sidekick are sent to Washington DC for a soiree and a ceremony where they will be awarded medals. Nick Searcy is jealous, even though he has never been in combat or done anything to earn him a medal.
The show starts with a bunch of unexplained assassinations. Then, Parker gets strange b&w flashbacks from combat in the Navy SEALs. They're all wearing US Army uniforms, but that's beside the point. Yes, the episode basically rips off the far superior Telefon and Manchurian Candidate. The ex-SEALs are manipulated by a sinister Oriental [Soon-Tek Oh].
The best thing about the episode is the cameo - DSV-guy's proper father is played by Tucker Smallwood [ Space: Above & Beyond ].
A flight of USAF B52s take off from a US base in Turkey. However, their communications base is taken over by arab terrorists [with english accents!], and they are ordered to bomb a US base in Saudi Arabia. By some strange coincidence our time-travel crew are in NORAD HQ, and can watch all this on their big screens.
Parker goes back in time, but due to new modifications to the module something goes wrong. He regresses back to the mental age of ten - well, that's what he says, but he acts awfully immature. As a result, there's really phony tension as they waste five days. How contrived can it get?
Somewhere in Idaho a mixed bunch of whites and African-Americans [anti-tax protestors NOT so-called White Supremacists] are besieged by the ATF. This is all highly reminiscent of the massacre at Waco, and as you can guess it all ends ... in fire. The team plan a Backstep - not because of the deaths of 61 people, but because it made the US President look bad at a Human Rights conference.
Parker gets drunk in a bar, and gets seduced by a story-hungry reporter. Purely on hearsay from the alcoholic bar-rat she has the network broadcast her unbelievable story about time travel!
After the backstep, Parker and the Ruskie woman go undercover in the farm as counter-culture misfits. Is the protesters' leader responsible for the massacre, or is it the psychotic ATF boss?
Once the mad bomber is out of the way, they have to deal with the press. Parker handles it in a hilarious manner, which unfortunately would confirm to the Russians that the program is in fact successful.
This week the Military-Industrial Complex's Death Machine is a Russian nuclear submarine. There are shades of Hunt for Red October, as the Captain has trouble with the Commissar. In what is perhaps a reference to the disaster of the Kursk, the submarine sinks in arctic waters and the crew are trapped.
So what? You no doubt ask. After all, this flag-waving American crap only lets on concern about yankee-doodle-dandies. Not only is the sub in American territorial waters, but the ballast water is contaminated with plutonium. When they surface, the radiation will wipe out all life in Alaska.
Conveniently, Parker is now learning Russian! The ruskie sub was on its voyage for eight days before it sank, so he has to do his time-travel underwater! He has the Fluid Breathing System from The Abyss . Parker is an ex-SEAL, but he's also claustrophobic.
Several episodes have mentioned that the Russians have their own time-travel project, and they must know that the US one is fully functional. So why don't they send their own rescue team?
14.1-14 24-Feb-1999 Parkergeist 15.1-15 03-Mar-1999 Daddy's Girl 16.1-16 31-Mar-1999 There's Something About Olga 17.1-17 21-Apr-1999 A Dish Best Served Cold 18.1-18 05-May-1999 Vegas Heist 19.1-19 12-May-1999 EBEs 20.1-20 19-May-1999 Walter 21.1-21 26-May-1999 Lifeboat
This is reviewed in a
special supplement!
22.2-1 29-Sep-1999 The Football 23.2-2 06-Oct-1999 Pinball Wizard 24.2-3 13-Oct-1999 Parker.com 25.2-4 20-Oct-1999 For the Children 26.2-5 03-Nov-1999 Two Weddings and a Funeral 27.2-6 10-Nov-1999 Walk Away
Olga's sister Svetlana [ Stephanie Romanov ] is on the run from Russian Mob. She hides
There is a great bikini scene at the end!
29.2-8 24-Nov-1999 The Collector
Justina Vail 's Indian BF [expendable love interest] is involved with a terrorist bombing at Princess Lisette's wedding.
31.2-10 05-Jan-2000 The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 32.2-11 12-Jan-2000 Time Gremlin
The hero's pod crashes into mineshaft. As he digs himself out he has flashbacks - when he was a teenager, his life in the USMC, etc.
34.2-13 16-Feb-2000 The Backstepper's Apprentice 35.2-14 23-Feb-2000 Deja Vu All Over Again 36.2-15 01-Mar-2000 Space Station Down 37.2-16 22-Mar-2000 The Cuban Missile
Super-baby is kidnapped. Olga and Parker must rescue it from Charley.
39.2-18 19-Apr-2000 Brother, Can You Spare a Bomb? 40.2-19 26-Apr-2000 Pope Parker 41.2-20 03-May-2000 Witch Way to the Prom 42.2-21 10-May-2000 Mr. Donovan's Neighborhood 43.2-22 17-May-2000 Playmates and Presidents 44.2-23 24-May-2000 The Cure
45.3-1 11-Oct-2000 Stairway to Heaven 46.3-2 18-Oct-2000 Peacekeepers 47.3-3 25-Oct-2000 Rhino 48.3-4 01-Nov-2000 The Dunwych Madness 49.3-5 08-Nov-2000 Olga's Excellent Vacation 50.3-6 15-Nov-2000 Deloris Demands 51.3-7 22-Nov-2000 The Fire Last Time 52.3-8 20-Dec-2000 Tracker 53.3-9 03-Jan-2001 Top Dog 54.3-10 10-Jan-2001 Adam & Eve & Adam 55.3-11 31-Jan-2001 Head Case 56.3-12 07-Feb-2001 Raven 57.3-13 14-Feb-2001 The First Freshman 58.3-14 21-Feb-2001 Revelation 59.3-15 28-Feb-2001 Crystal Blue Persuasion 60.3-16 21-Mar-2001 Empty Quiver 61.3-17 28-Mar-2001 Kansas 62.3-18 04-Apr-2001 The Final Countdown 63.3-19 08-May-2001 The Brink 64.3-20 15-May-2001 Sugar Mountain 65.3-21 22-May-2001 Born in the USSR 66.3-22 29-May-2001 Live: From Death Row