ORBzine - Peter Benchley's Amazon TV Review

Peter Benchley's Amazon
  • C. Thomas Howell ( Red Dawn ) as Dr. Alex Kennedy
  • Carol Alt as Karen Oldham
  • Chris Martin as Jimmy Stack
  • Fabiana Udenio as Pia Claire
  • Tyler Hynes as Will Bauer
  • Rob Stewart ( Killjoys ) as Andrew Talbott

    1st Season 1999

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 1] Fallen Angels
    Shown June 2005 - Monday

    This is written and produced by Jaws novelist Peter Benchley . This may seem like a poor rip-off of Lost , but it is more like the inspiration. A passenger jet crashes in the Amazon jungle. The passengers (including C Thomas Howell and Alotta Fagina) must survive in the hostile terrain.

  • Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 2] Nightfall
    Shown 4th July 2005 - Monday

    The survivors meet up.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 3] Suffer the little Children
    Shown 11th July 2005 - Monday

    Rob Stewart ( Killjoys ) is wearing glasses, but still recognisable. This may have been filmed on a studio set - it looks very fake. Especially when compared with Lost , which is filmed on location in Hawaii. Since this was filmed in 1999 by Atlantis Alliance, no wonder it looks a bit cheap.

    The boy discovers a white man dressed like a native. Talbott (Rob Stewart) and Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) return to the wreck and are attacked by the natives. Then a futuristic rescue chopper turns up - will it see them?

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 4] Exodus/The Fierce Ones
    Shown 18th July 2005 - Monday

    The boy, two babes and two expendable guys are prisoners of the natives. Talbott (Rob Stewart - Killjoys ) and Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) meet the Tarzan lookalike - he is Oirish! The native witchdoctor speaks English too, apparently.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 5] The Chosen
    Shown 25th July 2005 - Tuesday

    Tarzan's village is filled with Oirish Christians (not Catholics, though) ... They appear to be non-demoninational generic Christians with a fundamentalism and technology better suited to the early 1500s. The village elder is John Neville ( Baron Munchausen ).

    Tarzan's rivals in the village believe that the survivors are Demons, and want to hand them over to The Fierce Ones. Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ) , however, is anything but demonic in her obligatory skimpies scene at the start.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 6] The End of The World
    Shown 1st August 2005 - Monday

    Talbott (Rob Stewart - Killjoys ), Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) and two other guys try to escape from the camp of the Chosen. The so-called Christians have decided to trade three demons for the three dead Heathen.

    The natives are untrustworthy, but Kennedy is fanatically determined to escape. He steals a canoe, but the river leads to The End of The World. At least we get to see some genuine outdoor footage.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 7] The Lost Words
    Shown 6 Nov 99

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 8] Resurrection
    Shown 15th August 2005 - Monday

    The boy undergoes the initiation rite, to enter into manhood in the Indian tribe. Tarzan intervenes and gets captured ...

    Among the Oirish, Talbott (Rob Stewart - Killjoys ) has a fever. The locals exile him - yes, the village has its own leper colony! Luckily it has a gorgeous blonde who tries to save him.

    Left for dead, Talbott enters a spirit quest that mirrors the boys. Grief-stricken, Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ) does some opera-singing (with unconvincing lip-synch).

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 9] Blood Angel
    Shown 22nd August 2005 - Monday

    The survivors awake to find the village deserted. The Oirish have all disappeared - off to a mountaintop they call Ararat. We get to see their background, for example the reason they use the Eastern Orthodox cross ...

    The survivors encounter an old acquaintance, whose return asks more questions than it answers. Also, they bump into the boy after he has been abandoned by the Spider Tribe. Or has he?

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 10] War
    Shown 29th August 2005 - Monday

    The Chosen go to war against the Spider Tribe to save the boy. Unfortunately, the witchdoctor has a vision and knows they are coming ... His prophecy is that the boy will die!

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 11] Eyes in the Dark
    Shown 5th September 2005 - Monday

    The boy is back with the other survivors, but he has trouble fitting in. He has visions of the Medicine Man and the other natives.

    Meanwhile, a predatory beast is stalking the Chosen.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 12] The First Stone
    Shown 12th September 2005 - Monday

    The menfolk try to help the medicine man.

    The Chosen hags turn on Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ), and give her a Snidely Whiplash-style cliffhanger execution ...

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 13] The Devil's Army
    Shown 5 Feb 00

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 14] The Finding
    Shown 3rd October 2005 - Monday

    A couple of days before the mass-wedding there is a betrothal ceremony. The next night the Chosen hold a singles-night party. This means that they try to sort out their relationships. Things get complex - the Elder (John Neville - Baron Munchausen ) has a liking for Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno )!

    Meanwhile, the teenage boy has to help the witchdoctor. By sheer coincidence, this involves him getting a love interest of his own!

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 15] Escape
    Shown 10th October 2005 - Monday

    The survivors decide to make their way down the river. Never mind that Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) almost died the last time he tried it. Or that the Chosen will not let them!

    The Chosen only care about getting the boy back. They want to punish the others ...

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 16] Home
    Shown 17th October 2005 - Monday

    The survivors get back to NYC. We know it is NYC because the Twin Towers are still standing.

    This ep is mostly shown from the stewardess's perspective. She has flashbacks to the events in the jungle, as does Talbott (Rob Stewart - Killjoys ). Which makes no sense, when you see the ending.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 17] The Pale Horseman
    Shown 24th October 2005 - Monday

    The Elder (John Neville - Baron Munchausen ) falls ill. Can the Boy save him?

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 18] The White Witch
    Shown 31st October 2005 - Monday - Hallowe'en!

    With Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ) and the Boy at the Chosen's village, the others are still lost in the jungle.
    At night.
    With a man-eating panther on the loose.

    Worse, The White Witch ( Margot Kidder ) is out there. And strange things happen ...

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 19] Circle of Fire
    Shown 7th November 2005 - Monday

    The White Witch ( Margot Kidder ) leads a clan of gun-toting cannibals. In her spare time she shags a photo-journalist. She has plans for the survivors ...

    The Spider Tribe turn up for peace talks with the cannibals. Margot wants them to unite against the illegal loggers. Makes you wonder, who is the real villain?

    At the Chosen camp, the annoying guy tries to make friends with Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ). The Boy takes hunting lessons from Tarzan.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 20] Babel
    Shown 14th November 2005 - Monday

    Safe, in a manner of speaking, the survivors split up. Three want to find the plane, while Talbott (Rob Stewart - Killjoys ) sticks with the friendly natives. Unfortunately, some of the cannibals are still around ...

    Meanwhile, back at the camp of the Chosen, Alotta Fagina ( Fabiana Udieno ) encounters a strange woman of unknown origin. She is plastered in white mud, and speaks no known language.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 21] Wild Child
    Shown 21st November 2005 - Monday

    Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) tries to get to civilisation. Unfortunately, he does not speak Spanish or Portugese. Worse, the AK47-wielding cannibals are still on the loose.

    Meanwhile, back at the camp of the Chosen, the strange woman of unknown origin is accused of being The Beast. It turns out she is the daughter of the Elder (John Neville - Baron Munchausen ), which gives the rebellious types even more incentive to kill the old man and take over the tribe.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode 22] A Bible and A Gun
    Shown 28th November 2005 - Monday

    The three survivors have to decide who takes the plane - there is only enough room for TWO! Makes you wonder how it delivered an entire team of geologists, but there you are. Kennedy (C. Thomas Howell - Red Dawn ) is still fanatical about leaving. However, the Stewardess is the only one who can actually pilot the plane!

    Meanwhile, the Chosen are victims of a coup attempt by the creepy pair.

    Peter Benchley's Amazon Peter Benchley's Amazon [Season 1, Episode ]
    Shown th June 2002 [Wednesday]

    Peter Benchley's Amazon

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