Reviewed in our
special supplement
The trio of on-the-run witches are hiding out as employees of a distribution warehouse. This is the perfect cover, and the local staff are more than happy to cover for them. But how long can they stay hidden for? They seem incapable of keeping a low profile.
The Vice President (Victor Webster - Mutant X ) has teamed up with a ruthless CEO ( Emilie Ullerup ).
The witches head north, over the border to Canada. They get word from HQ to investigate a nearby factory. The villains are using chemicals to attack the mycelia network that creates the witches magic. When the network is sick, it absorbs witches into itself so it can heal.
The witches get chased by the Marshal (Michael Horse - Twin Peaks ). Yes, as per the classic Magic Negro trope, every person of colour has a traditional magic power.
The witches split up. One of them meets Lyne Renee , who has come back from the dead to find the First Song.
The Camarilla's plan to witch-bomb the White House has succeeded. Now the Vice President (Victor Webster - Mutant X ) is sworn in as President, and he assigns his personal goon squad to take over as the oversight system of the government – like Cobra in GI Joe: Retaliation .
The witches are given a hearing by the Council of the Cession. Since the Cession believes that the Camarilla will uphold the treaty, the witches are blamed for destroying the chemical plant. Luckily, the Camarilla are impatient and do not wait for the witches to be extradited. They send a platoon of expendable goons in to kill or capture the witches.
One of the witches has precognitive visions. Now she tries to test if she can alter something she had a vision about. Unfortunately it seems the future can be delayed but not altered completely.
Two of the Army witches are in Camarilla custody. Of course, they got captured on purpose. Now they escape, killing some unfortunate technicians on the way out.
After the events of the previous episode, Emilie Ullerup decides she has an excuse to invade the Cession. Technically they broke the treaty, although it was the Camarilla's interference that delayed the inevitable extradition.
The trio of witches have split up, each going back to their own families. Two of them have mothers who want to attack Government agents. The other one is an orphan, so she hangs out with her lesbian lover's father instead.
The USA invades the Cession. Luckily, the trio of witches are around to help the local militia.
One of the witches allowed herself to be captured so the others could escape. Now the others have to rescue her.
The witches have handed themselves over to the US Government forces. The good news is that this has ended the invasion of the Cession. The bad news is that the witches are put on show-trial. However, this nationally TV broadcast event is a double-edged sword.
The real POTUS has been injured in a car crash. The problem is that the Marshal (Michael Horse - Twin Peaks ) was driving. Since he was empathically linked to his army, whenever one of them was killed he was distracted by the pain. Yes, this is a major flaw in the empathic link policy.
The Camarilla is quickly defeated, and the ringleaders thrown in prison. Yes, the entire Season arc is tied up in a quick montage … with a whole episode to spare. Yes, this seems far too easy.
Since the USA's Witch Army was deployed to the Cession, Fort Salem was practically unguarded. The Camarilla's most dangerous member escaped the round-up, and was able to stage a counter-attack. Now the tweenage witches must break into their own base and defeat the villains.
Lyne Renee is in Ghana, Africa, following the trail of a witch bloodline that ended up in a slave fort. Yes, the final witch guardian is an African-American.
So what of the Camarilla? They had the support of the American people, so we can assume that they represent a sizeable proportion of American society. Let us say thirty percent, which is plausible when one considers the level of hard-core Trump support. Especially since the Native Americans are excluded, having their own State in The form of The Cession. So what are the Witches, a super-powered elite, to do with the regular humans who represent the American working class?