[ Movie! Season 1! Season 2! Season 3! Season 4! Season 5! Season 6! Season 7 ! Angel Season 5]
Dawn is at school, where she makes new friends - the equivalent of Xander and Willow.
Willow is in England with Giles, getting detoxed of her evil ways. Xander owns his own construction company now.
Spike is going insane in the School basement.
The Ultimate Evil is around, and wants to open the Hell-mouth ...
The episode starts with a parody of Run Lola Run and Alias . Young girls are being chased down and killed worldwide by demons. The targets are not random - they are all potential Slayers.
Meanwhile, in Sunnydale there are giant underground monsters.
Spike tries to be normal.
Azura Skye has a psychic feeling that she will die soon. Is she paranoid, or is she being targeted by teenage cultists?
As in the Cordy-in-Jeopardy eps, the Cultists are males who menace innocent virginal females. Until Buffo the Feminazi avenger stops their wicked manly ways, that is.
Willow is back at Uni.
Anya's history is shown in flashbacks. She is the villain of the week.
There is a magic jacket. Women fall in love with whoever wears it. Dawn is most vulnerable.
Lorne narrates as the team were victim to a memory spell. They all forget the last 5 years, reverting to their 17-year-old selves.
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Buffy has a chat with a vamp (Jonathan M. Woodward, best known as Knox in Angel Season 5 ).
The Trio are together again. Sort of.
Willow meets a medium ( Azura Skye ).
Dawn spends time with her mom (The First).
Spike is being manipulated too ...
This ep introduces the season's super-villain - an indestructible stone giant known only as The Beast.
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Buffy follows Spike.
The Beast takes out Wolfram & Hart. It butchers everyone in the building. But Connor and Lilah are trapped inside.
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Andrew is back in town. And Willow has to go shopping for Blood …
Giles works with a Chinese girl who cannot speak English.
Buffy finds out whose side creepy Principal Wood ( ) is on.
Xander meets a babe. When has THAT ever gone right for him?
Andrew is manipulated by The First.
Willow kisses Kennedy, and turns into Warren. She asks Amy for help - because they are lesbians and therefore stereotyped as man-haters.
The others realise that nobody has touched Giles since he got into town. The First could have killed and replaced him ...
Wes has a touching scene with Lila.
Angelus and the Beast have their first confrontation.
There's a Cordy/Faith/Connor love triangle ...
Faith is still leading the hunt for Angelus.
Faith confronts Angelus.
Angel has a flashback to the 1930s, where sexy flapper Adrienne Wilkinson offered him a reward ...
There are great scenes with Fred, Willow and Cordy ...
This ep is centred around Andrew, the Guestage. He takes on the role of storyteller, narrating some background info and recording everything on his camcorder.
Lots of great one-liners, but the ep takes a dark turn at the climax.
Fred [from Angel ] phones and asks for Willow to come and help.
The Giles/Buffy/Spike relationship mirrors the Wes/Faith/Angel relationship.
Principal Wood wants payback for his mother. Spike has issues bout his own mother, and we get some amazing flashbacks.
A Potential hitches a lift with a preacher named Caleb ( Firefly ). Faith ( Eliza Dushku ) come to town too.
Buffy leads a full-frontal assault on the villains' stronghold. The cannon fodder - I mean, Potentials - include Rachel Bilson (before she became famous on The OC) and frequent Whedon collaborator Felicia Day .
Faith takes the Potentials to The Bronze. She forgets that the cops still have a warrant out for her. Andrew's take on Faith's deeds is worth watching!
Xander is in hospital after the previous ep. Buffy meets Caleb, one on one. Spike and Andrew get sent off to do some recon.
Faith has a plan of her own.
It is the calm before the storm. Our heroes pair off ... Buffy and Spike, Willow and Kennedy, Faith and Wood, Xander and Anya ...
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