This is set aboard a spaceship taking some passengers on a luxury cruise of Jupiter. Captain Ryan (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) handles public relations when it comes to the passengers. The real work of running the ship is done by the engineers. Unfortunately the Chief Engineer has a nasty accident, so his assistant Billie ( Lenora Crichlow ) has to take over. The owner, a billionaire man-child named Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ), is not amused.
An incident with the artificial gravity system pushes the ship off course. Instead of returning home in a few weeks, they will be stuck there for three years. A set-up not entirely different from classic UK TV comedy show Red Dwarf . The only difference is, Red Dwarf is really funny.
This was written and directed by Armando Ianucci , the British satirist responsible for 1990s shows like The Day Today. He is generally regarded as a comic genius, and yet this episode does not appear to have any actual humour. Perhaps if there were something he could actually be mocking.
One of the engineers has a plan to get the ship home in six months, which is a big improvement on the current plan of three years. The billionaire man-child named Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) hopes for the best and never plans for the worst, so he just tells NASA to go to hell.
The ship has had a few fatalities. The plan is to eject the bodies into deep space. Unfortunately the ship is so big that it has its own gravity field, so the bodies start to orbit it.
The passengers have started to turn against each other. Well, they are rich selfish assholes so it was only a matter of time.
The billionaire man-child named Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) plans to get everyone home in rescue shuttles. Unfortunately the shuttles will only hold ten people at a time, so it will need five hundred shuttles
It has already been established that the Captain (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) is basically an actor hired to handle public relations and the passengers. He never wondered why the rest of the bridge crew were so unrealistically attractive. It turns out that they are all models (including the episode's title character). The real crew are a bunch of grubby engineers, who look like the cast of Red Dwarf . This makes a lot more sense, considering how heavily automated the ship must be.
The Captain (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) gets to know the real crew - the engineers. They actually hit it off, so the ship might have a chance.
The ship's plumbing has a leak, and all the urine and faeces is squirted out into space. This might seem to be a good thing, if the pressurized jet pushes the ship back on course. Unfortunately the leak somehow means the ship will be irradiated, so the Captain must suit up for EVA in order to save everyone aboard. To be continued ...
The Captain (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) fixes the sewage spew, with help from Lenora Crichlow . Yes, the cliffhanger led up to an anticlimax.
The main story of the episode is the celebration party. There is a professional stand-up comedian on board, a one-man entertainments crew to keep morale high among two thousand passengers for the next couple of years until they get home. Naturally it all goes wrong for him.
A pregnant woman gives birth to the first baby born in space. The Captain (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) and Lenora Crichlow hear a strange unidentified beeping noise. Luckily Spike (Ethan Phillips - Star Trek: Voyager ) knows what it is - an oxygen beep. Somehow the ship is leaking air. Unfortunately the passengers will probably end up panicking if they find out.
Back on Earth, the Mission Control lady appeals to the US Government for rescue funding. The robot President offers trillions of dollars from the National Child Welfare fund. Unfortunately they will have to ditch five hundred passengers.
The senior ranks have finally realised that Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) is more of a liability than anything else. They plot to rid themselves of him. Can he prove his value to the ship?
The Captain (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) tries to keep the peace between Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) aqnd his rival, Patterson Joseph ( Timeless ).
Billie ( Lenora Crichlow ) has a genius idea. If stuff is ejected from the ship it will alter the trajectory, potentially putting it back on the original course. The only question is, why did she not realise this several episodes ago when the ship's course was affected by the sewage spill?
The passengers prepare to jetison unwanted items. Some of them get the idea that they are on a reality TV show, and decide to jetison themselves instead.
The woman from Ground Control takes a shuttle up to the passenger ship. Her plan is to rescue Herman Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ). Unfortunately she did not realise that the shuttle only has one passenger seat, so if she sends Judd home then she will have to stay in his place.
The plan to eject stuff from the airlocks has a couple of hitches. One is that Matt Spencer (Zach Woods - The Heat (2013) ) has changed the codes to the airlocks. Since he has quit his job and gone into hiding, the other main characters must find him before they miss the window of opportunity.
The woman from Ground Control arrives on the shuttle. This leads to all the main characters fighting over the passenger seat.
The passengers have begun to notice that the food is being rationed more strictly. They believe that they will be back on Earth in four weeks time. Only the Captain (Hugh Laurie - Tomorrowland ) and the crew know that they will be stuck there for another eight years.
The only food source is eels, and they are not breeding in captivity so there is not enough food for everyone. The plan is to divide the passengers into two groups – the Guaranteed and the Pioneers. The Guaranteed get the upper decks and the food. The Pioneers will be locked in the lower decks and left to fend for themselves.
Back on Earth, Iris appears on a TV show to raise awareness and organise a rescue. Nobody is interested – they have chosen to make a cheesy TV soap opera based on the ongoing tragic plight of the abandoned passengers. TOTO POTUS sends his man in to take over the NASA control centre.
The ship is off course yet again. Now it is heading uncomfortably close to the sun. Everyone aboard tries to find a place to shelter from the unbearable heat. The good news is that there is a place of shelter, but the bad news is that there is only enough room for three hundred people in there. That means the families will turn on each other as it is every person for themselves.
A dot on the sensor screen turns out to be a space station. The ship docks, and the crew meet the locals. The good news is that they are a friendly bunch of harmless-seeming middle-aged people. The bad news is that, as we have learned from Red Dwarf , any bunch of strangers is unlikely to be friendly or harmless.
After the events of the previous episode, a convicted cannibal is now loose aboard the ship.
After the events of the previous episode, Captain Ryan (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) and Mr Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) are imprisoned by the rebels. The passengers decide to elect a new leader.
Captain Ryan (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) has been elected Supreme Leader. This is more or less a return to the old order. However, now it is political rather than a meritocracy. Iris appoints herself as his Chief of Security, and sets up her own secret police force.
Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) is less than happy. Billie seems very ungrateful towards the Captain, possibly just jealous, and starts to plot with Judd. Unfortunately Judd is the only one who can negotiate with TOTOPOTUS, which is now an option because the sensors have discovered an asteroid made of lithium.
The good news is that Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) designed the ship so it could split in two. The bad news is that the crew now have to divide the passengers into two sections. The good news is that Judd has developed a system for the ship's AI to rate everyone. As a result, everyone runs around trying to get the best rating on the app.
The ship has bisected. Unfortunately Judd (Josh Gadd - Little Monsters (2019) ) has declared himself ruler of the Front section. The worse news is that the resources are not evenly distributed between the two sections.
Spike (Ethan Phillips - Star Trek: Voyager ) volunteers to fly a one-man escape pod into the missile, saving the ship at the cost of his own life. Is there a way to remorely control the pod?
Captain Ryan (Hugh Laurie - Stuart Little ) and his girlfriend try to get married. Of course, since she has a husband and he has a stalker, this ends up as a weird polygamy situation.
Nobody knows how the incoming missile's targeting system works. The original assumption was that it would target the engines, in order to maximise the damage. Then it was assumed that the guidance was infra-red, targeting the section of the ship with the most body-heat. Now it is suggested that it homes in on the electro-magnetic signature, so it might miss the ship if the electrics are switched off. Perhaps they should have asked Ground Control about the guidance system so they could adopt the appropriate survival strategy.