Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) works at a science lab run by Dr. Stu Camillo (Haley Joel Osment - Sixth Sense ) and Dr. Kronish (Keith David - The Thing ). However, he is just a janitor who lives with his parents Gabe Futterman (Ed Begley Jr. - Veronica Mars ) and Diane Futterman ( Glenne Headly ). His only skill is at playing a First Person Shooter computer game.
In a twist he compares to The Last Starfighter meets Quantum Leap , he is recruited by a couple of time-travellers named Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ). They tell him he is the saviour of mankind, and he must accompany them on a mission back in time to save the world.
Josh may not have combat skills, but his many years of Scif-Fi fandom have given him the skills to survive at time-travel. In comparison, his new friends may be combat experts but they have no idea about remaining low-key or not changing the timeline. Rather than have him try to avoid killing his own grandfather, they test his combat skills by creating a deliberate confrontation!
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ), Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) visit the year 1969. They must cock-block a man in order to stop him becoming the scientist who destroys the human race.
The three white protagonists are refused entry to the party because it is in a members-only Frat-house. Josh sneaks in disguised as an astronaut.
We get a few reminders that things were very different fifty years ago. This was an era when people thought Bill Cosby was funny and Spanish Fly - an aphrodisiac - was a good thing. The local cops refuse to protect the African-American college fraternity from abuse, but they accept bribes from the local biker gang. This ends badly for them because Tiger and Wolf are holding the perimeter.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) returns home, and discovers that he changed things on his visit to the year 1969. The Apple Corporation is now Black Apple (AKA Blapple), and his father has a shotgun in case Puerto Ricans come around again.
Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) decide to de-stress by having sex in Josh's room. Poor old Josh had wanted her as his love interest, but he seems to have completely forgotten that idea.
Dr. Stu Camillo (Haley Joel Osment - Sixth Sense ) has usurped the lab from Dr. Kronish (Keith David - The Thing ). Tiger and Wolf still insist on killing Kronish. Josh is ambivalent about the whole idea. Nobody realises that Camillo is far more likely to be the villain than the nice friendly Kronish.
Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) have decided that they no longer want Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ). However, they are clueless about time travel tropes so they will definitely need him.
Rather than go after Kronish and the cure again, the team go on a side-quest to obtain more bio-fuel. Unfortunately it does not exist yet, so they have to somehow replicate it.
There is an example of a social phenomenon that some people refer to as Punching Down. Tiger, the warrior princess, beats up a nerdy man. She is a person of incredible privilege while he is completely marginalised and oppressed. His only crime is that he wants to talk to her.
Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) need to identify the Pro-Biotic kill-squad who are undercover among the lab staff. Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) has a plan. If they give everyone a non-lethal poison, the humans will get sick but the Biotics will be unaffected.
Luckily, Dr. Kronish (Keith David - The Thing ) holds an annual party for the entire staff. Wolf takes over the Chef's role, and prepares a poisoned dessert dish.
The LAPD detective is still after the time-travelers, because he blames them for his partner's death in 1969.
Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) have captured the last member of the Biotic kill-squad who were undercover among the lab staff. They take her home with Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ), but she must be interrogated quickly because her head will explode in twenty-nine minutes.
Josh tries to conducts the interrogation. Meanwhile his parents Gabe Futterman (Ed Begley Jr. - Veronica Mars ) and Diane Futterman ( Glenne Headly ) have a dinner party downstairs. Wolf and Tiger have to distract the guests.
Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ), Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) and Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) time-travel into James Cameron's home. They want to steal his sample of Cameronium, the as-yet-undiscovered substance that makes time-travel possible. They do not care that by doing this they will change the timeline, because time-travel will not be discovered.
The house is run by an AI named Sigourn-E, unfortunately not actually voiced by Sigourney Weaver . Wolf starts to bond with it, and there are many references to the works of James cameron.
This episode indicates the strange attitudes of the future-people. Wolf seems happy with the idea of using necrophilia to de-stress, but he and Tiger are completely repulsed by the idea of going rathole-to-rathole. Seriously, we see exactly how far Tiger will go in order to avoid giving Josh the kiss of life during CPR.
Our heroes can time-travel again. Unfortunately when they jump back to 2017 their scars shift position. Is this a sign that they seriously affected the timeline? No, it is a jokey scene justified by the idea of the unrefined Cameronium being unstable. Worse, the characters exchange body-parts and appear none the worse for it. Well, there are no physical side-effects but mentally Wolf is traumatised and calls Josh (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) a cock-pirate.
Josh gets the childhood details of Dr. Kronish (Keith David - The Thing ), so Kronish can be killed as a child. Josh plans to quit the mission, and stay home with his parents Gabe Futterman (Ed Begley Jr. - Veronica Mars ) and Diane Futterman ( Glenne Headly ). Unfortunately Diane has been arrested by the LAPD detective.
The Biotic kill-squad is also after our heroes. Yes, once again the two plot-lines intertwine.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) takes the time jumper back to 1985. His plan is to make Kronish leave his wife and elope with his lover. This devolves into a farce involving cross-dressing and mistaken identities, like something from a 1970s UK sitcom.
Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) quits the operation, and heads off to hang out with ome beach bums. Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) goes after him, and gets relationship advice from a couple of people on the way.
Josh wants to make certain he will not be wiped from the time-line, like Marty in Back To The Future . He has to make certain that his parents meet and get married, so he hangs out at the party where they first met. Of course, when his father meets a couple of beautiful girls Josh does not bother to check the girls' names. He fixes his dad up with the blonde and keeps the redhead for himself. But he never realised his mother might not be a natural blonde.
Somehow the future is worse instead of better. Kronish's headquarters has been built fifty years in advance. Tiger tries her last plan, and goes back to the 1950s to kill Kronish as a baby. However, her strange obsession with babies now leads her to hesitate.
Back in the modern day, she discovers the details of Wolf's life. He lived the high life in the Eighties, as a celebrity chef who made yuppie customers fight for food in an homage to Mad Max beyond Thunder-dome . But eventually he got bored, and committed suicide by cop. Can Tiger save him in time? Well, she is a time traveler so probably, yes.
Since they spent five years apart, albeit in different decades, they have both matured and grown as people.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) discovers that he has changed the world for the better. He no longer works as a janitor for the Kronish labs, but his uncle took his investment advice in the Eighties and made the family richer than creosote.
Wolf and Tiger get back from the past. Tiger goes undercover to befriend Stuart (Haley Joel Osment - Sixth Sense ), and uses her 1950s housewife skills to get info out of him. Wolf is detoxing after his cocaine addiction.
The police detective has been demoted to parking attendant. He recognises Tiger somehow, despite her dressing like a 1950s housewife and not having aged a day since the last time he saw her 25 years previously.
Josh discovers his alternate self in that time-line, Joosh, did not live a great life. However, this gives Josh a plan to save the world.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) and the time travelers get reinforcements from the alternate future. The newcomers have a few rough edges, but are eager to help. First there is some de-stressing involved. Played for laughs in a completely un-erotic way, of course.
The good guys have a plan that seems workable. It is not overly complicated. However, the newcomers are not as reliable as they were hoped to be.
Josh finally confronts his old boss.
All the plot threads get tied up. But the show has been renewed for a second Season!
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special supplement
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) wakes up in the bed of his alter-ego, Joosh the dead douche. He discovers that things are too good to be true. It takes him a long time to work out what really happened.
People from the future want Josh to help them. Unfortunately they are not necessarily as trustworthy as the previous Season's bunch.
This picks up where the end of the previous Season left off. Tiger ( Eliza Coupe ) and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) have time-travelled back to the future. They have definitely altered the timeline, but not in the way they expected.
Tiger goes off to do some exploration. The world is still post-apocalyptic, but with some minor changes. Instead of Kronish's Biotics, the world is run by Stu's Bio-Techs. Yes, Dr. Stu Camillo (Haley Joel Osment - Sixth Sense ) now actually plays a major role in the storyline.
The other two main characters each got their own episode. Now Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) gets his turn. He is take in by the friends of Torque, his alter-ego in that timeline. Since Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) met his own alter-ego Joosh then it is possible that Torque might return. That said, nobody has seen him in years so he is probably dead.
Wolf tries to fit in with Torque's family. They have a six-partner marriage, with each partner designated certain roles. For example, the housework partner complains that he has the biggest responsibility - even though he refuses any assistance when Wolf offers to help cook. Of note, one of the partners is Raj's fiance from Big Bang Theory.
Wolf's job is breadwinner, so he goes to work as a wheel-maker. Unfortunately Torque did not train the apprentice well enough to take over.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) has escaped from the villains, but ends up wandering alone in the desert. He gets captured by slavers, and ends up in the Nag.
The trio are finally united on a mission again. Unfortunately, things are as bad as ever between Tiger and Wolf (Derek Wilson - Preacher ). The previous Season was about them bickering, and there has been no development since then.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) leads the others to the villains' base. Mayhem and violence ensues.
Wolf reveals why there is no time-travel in this timeline. Back when he was a cocaine fiend in the early 1990s, Wolf took revenge on James Cameron for the future events in Future Man [Season 1, Episode 7] Pandora's Mailbox. As a result, Cameron never discovered Cameronium in that timeline.
Wolf/Torque (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) takes Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) back to the Nag, wo they can hide out there. This is not a great move for Josh, who is still a slave. He gets assigned to the scrapheap, where he has the job of smashing items of technology. Unfortunately he is not very good at it, which makes him unpopular with the other slaves.
Wolf wants to improve the society. He accidentally challenges the leader, Vice (Kurtwood Smith - Robocop ) to a duel to the death. The winner gets the role of leader, of course.
Tiger goes back to Dr. Stu Camillo (Haley Joel Osment - Sixth Sense ). She needs his help to track down the rogue Biotics, so that she can retrieve her stolen time-travel device. After all, it is the only time travel device in the timeline!
As the title suggests, this episode parodies police procedural TV shows. Tiger tries to hunt down the rebel Biotics. One suspect is the alternate version of shoe-neck.
Down in the Nag, Wolf/Torque (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) is now the supreme leader. He moves Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) out of the smasher barracks, and keeps him chained up as a pet.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) is targeted by both Stu's Kill-mandoes and the Pointed Circle terrorists. The good news is, Wolf/Torque (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) is around to save him. The bad news is, it is sex night and the family do not take well to the interruption.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) and Wolf are abducted by Achilles, leader of the Pointed Circle. She gives an extended expositionary flashback, and we finally discover what happened to the original Torque.
The inhabitants of the Nag decide to attack Stu's base. Wolf/Torque (Derek Wilson - Preacher ) goes to talk them out of it. After all, Stu has an army of twelve million killer robots.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ) tries to sabotage Stu's evil plan. However, there are still a few more episodes left this Season so we know he will not be entirely successful.
Josh Futterman (Josh Hutcherson - Hunger Games ), Tiger and Wolf team up again for the final mission. They can go back in time with a salvaged time machine, and attempt the events of the previous episode again. Unfortunately nobody knows what Back To The Future 2 Rules means, and they bump into their past selves.
The place: Damnation Island. The time: 3491 AD. Our heroes are in an Ultra-Max security prison. The head Time Cop , a man named Susan (Seth Rogan - Fanboys ), gives them a choice. They are facing the death penalty because of things their alternate selves did. If they turn against each other, Susan might let them live.
It turns out that the death penalty is carried out as public entertainment. They use a televised content called Die-Cathalon. Yes, it seems like the next Season will be ripped from the movie that Hutcherson made his name on.