[Season 1 !Season 2 ]
Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) has recently become captain of a pirate ship. Normally the pirates would get equal shares of any booty they steal. Instead, Bonnet just gives them a regular salary. Not only does this remove their incentive to comit piracy, it also undermines the basic system of self-government. Real-life pirate ships were a democracy where the captain was elected, while Bonnet has undermined the democracy by making everyone his employee. Yes, he has replaced democracy with capitalism, paid for by his aristocractic inherited wealth.
Bonnet keeps his mutinous crew occupied by staging a contest to design a new flag. However, he has to pull his weight by catching them a big ship to attack.
This leads up to a run-in with Admiral Chauncey Badminton (Rory Kinnear), who was a school bully in Bonnet's childhood. Now Bonnet gets the chance to prove himself, and potentially get some payback.
The ship runs aground on a desert island. Bonnet is distracted by the ghost of Admiral Chauncey Badminton (Rory Kinnear), so he leaves the crew to explore the concept of recreation.
The island is not as uninhabited as it appeared. The natives are very racist against white people, who they perceive as colonisers.
Worse, Israel Hands and a couple of his thugs have been following Bonnet's crew.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) is intrigued by Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ), and wants to meet him. Unfortunately Bonnet is more interested in being known as the Gentleman Pirate, and has no intention of meeting his rival.
Bonnet has an English hostage he wants to ransom. Unfortunately the only place to find a middle-man is a dodgy tavern run by Jackie ( Leslie Jones ). The bad news is that a couple of Stede's crew have fallen foul of Jackie.
Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) is seriously wounded as a result of the previous episode. While recovering in his sickbed, he has flashbacks to his unhappy life before piracy. He was trapped in an arranged marriage. Although he and his wife had a couple of children, things were otherwise passionless. He escaped into his fandom of piracy, like all good nerds he indulged in cosplay and the collection of models. Yes, this certainly explains a lot about him. Ironically, this is the most positive portrayal of a nerd in a long time.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) goes to extreme lengths to befriend Stede. After all, they have more in common than one might suspect. Each wants the other's life.
We learn a lot about Blackbeard. For example, for some reason he rejects the idea of carrying multiple pistols. Instead he only carries one pistol and one sword. In an era without quick reloads, multiple pistols would be the best option. After all, if a pirate has two functioning hands then he should have at least two pistols. Similarly, the sword should be paired with a parry-dagger in the weaker hand.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) has Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) teach him the rudiments of etiquette. They put these new skills to the test by attending a dinner party aboard a ship of French aristocrats. Some of Stede's crew tag along posing as servants, and proceed to run a con game on the aristocrats. Once upon a time this would have been portrayed as simple class warfare. Now the servants are all played by people of colour, so the class divide is shown as a clearly racial one.
Meanwhile, Stede's white crew members are left on the ship under the unwelcome command of Israel Hands. Rather than do their duty as sailors, they spend their time having sex with each other and re-enacting the sketching scene from Titanic. Yes, while the people of colour are oppressed geniuses their white colleagues are irrepressible hedonists.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) teaches Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) and the crew about psychological warfare. He calls it The Art of Fuckery.
Israel Hands is unhappy at all the homoerotic innuendo. He forces the amateurs to try this out on a Dutch merchantman that they encounter. After all, this will be the perfect opportunity for Blackbeard to go through with his promise and kill Stede.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) is getting bored, and plans to return to his own ship. Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) wants to keep the bromance going, so he buys a dodgy treasure map and takes his paramour on a quest.
The rest of the crew have a real quest. Their supply of oranges has been depleted, and at least one of the crew is suffering from scurvy. Stede suggests they get apples instead, which would also supply vitamin C, but the crew insist on oranges. Apparently this is a reference to events depicted in Milk , when the actress who did an orange-juice commercial was the leader of a national campaign against equality for LBGT people.
The island they are on is the home of Jim ( Vico Ortiz ), the crew's trans-man who uses they/them pronouns. We find out why Jim killed Jackie's favourite husband.
Calico Jack (Will Arnett - ) drops by to hang out with his old mate Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ). This is uncomfortable for Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ), who is left in a situation akin to his partner freely associating with their ex-lover.
The subplot involves Jim ( Vico Ortiz ), the crew's trans-man who uses they/them pronouns. Jim is on a revenge mission, and Jackie ( Leslie Jones ) is top of the hit list.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) and Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) are caught by the Royal Navy. They take advantage of the King's Act of Grace: a law which allows captured pirates to become privateers. This would be a great idea for Season Two, with our heroes taking on the evil Spanish Empire. However, they are just too damn arrogant ever to accept a good thing.
Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) is back with the wife and kids he abandoned. Of course, they were better off without him. The Widow Bonnett is friends with Kristen Johnston , who has a plan to kill Stede off for good this time.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) is back on Stede's ship. However, he is heartbroken without his buddy. This makes him vulnerable to Izzy's jibes.
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Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) is emotionally wrecked by his split-up. He and the remains of his crew are stuck on Pirate Island, working for Jackie ( Leslie Jones ). They befriend the Chinese woman selling soup.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) is emotionally wrecked by his split-up with Stede. He leads his crew to attack a slew of ships, then throws the treasure overboard to make room for more treasure he does not want. Izzy tries to so the right thing, so Frenchie (Joel Fry - Plebs ) gets a promotion.
Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby - X-Files ) and the remains of his crew are stuck on a Pirate junk, working for the Pirate Queen of China. The good news is that they are reunited with an old friend, although he has been traumatised in the meantime. It turns out that the Pirate Queen, having the entire resources of her Chinese conquests to play with, has got an entire fleet of pirate junks around the world.
Blackbeard (Taika Waititi - JoJo Rabbit ) has mentally deteriorated even further. Frenchie (Joel Fry - Plebs ) and Jim ( Vico Ortiz ) have secretly tried to keep Izzy alive. Jim has transitioned from being a gay transman to being a CIS lesbian ... Well, that is life as a Non-Binary pirate in the early 1700s.
The Chinese pirate junk encounters a familiar-looking ship. It is the Revenge, so the two plot threads now tie up. Stede boards his old ship single-handed in order to search for his old friend Ed. Frenchie (Joel Fry - Plebs ) and Izzy claim they marooned Ed.
Blackbeard is washed ashore on a desert island. The good news is that he is rescued by an old friend. The bad news is that his friend is Ben Hornigold, his former Captain. This may seem like an unbelievable coincidence, even for a comedy show like this. However, it is actually explained in the storyline.
The crew vote to maroon Blackbeard on the next island they arrive at. When they get to the island, Stede goes ashore to explore. The estranged couple meet Anne Bonney ( Minnie Driver ) and Mary Reade ( Rachel House ), and end up having dinner with them. This is the first girl-on-girl in this very gay comedy, but what is most memorable is how the middle-aged female pirates - who were renowned for dressing as men - have managed to look so young and feminine.
The crew agree to let Blackbeard back on the ship again, but on a probationary basis.
Stede gets a few lessons in pirate skills from Izzy. With his newfound confidence, he leads the crew on a raid. Unfortunately the ship they attack is full of dead people, with a pentagram drawn in blood on the deck. Stede claims a beautiful red suit as his bounty, but his crew convince themselves it is cursed.
Ned Lowe the Musical Pirate wants revenge on Blackbeard, who broke his record of 88 consecutive raids at sea. His speciality is to turn his victims into musical instruments by torturing them so they scream. Unfortunately he is doing the same thing Stede did in Season One: he treats his crew as paid employees rather than profit-share partners.
The crew claim it is Calypso's Birthday, the holiest day in the Calypsan culture, and use it as an excuse to hold a massive party. Blackbeard pays for it, since his loot makes him feel guilty. Izzy plays Ma Vie En Rose, and Wee John dresses as the Goddess Calypso herself.
The Chinese Pirate Queen offers a deal to Prince Richard Baines. If his father's treasury pays protection money, enough to give her sailors a living wage, she will stop pirating his merchant cargos. After all, twenty percent of his nation's trade goods end up getting sunk.
Blackbeard has retired his Captaincy, and due to the fickle nature of fame nobody wants his autograph any more. Instead, it is now Stede's time to shine.
The Chinese Pirate Queen is in port too. Her new partner, Prince Richard Baines, has gifted her a grandfather clock for each of her ships. This is not as good as the Harrison clocks that conquered Longitude, but they are important in the end.
Blackbeard has left Stede, and concentrates on his new career as a fisherman. However, he is not very good at it so he gets advised to go back to what he was good at.
The Chinese Pirate Queen reluctantly teams up with Stede. Yes, she and Jackie - who were both recurring antagonists - are now supposed to be the good guys.
Prince Richard Baines has conquered the Republic of pirates. He interrogates Izzy, who explains that Piracy is all about Found Family. In other words, it is a blatant metaphor for LBGT people.
The main characters spend a lot of time wiping out blue-coated sailors. Lucky for them that the Navy did not deploy red-coated Marines ...