[Season 1 !Season 2 ]
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) washes up on the shores of France, lashed to an upturned lifeboat. Evidently his journey was not easy, and if he had any travelling companions they are not with him any more. His destination is Marseilles, so he sets off overland.
Daryl discovers the local humans are just like in America - thieves and killers. However, the zombies are different - they can burn him just by touching his skin. This is a good way of making a previously unkillable character seem vulnerable enough for the audience to find relatable.
Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) is a nun who operates out of the local convent. It was built in the middle ages, and the nuns still have the medieval armoury. Well, no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition. The armoury is like Disneyland for Daryl, whose gimmick in the later Seasons of the original show is that he had a new cool weapon at the start of every Season. Anyway, the nuns have a prophesy that a messenger will come.
We get a flashback to the day the outbreak hit Paris. Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) was a professional pickpocket, and her boyfriend Quinn (Adam Nagaitis - Gunpowder Milkshake ) was some kind of gun-toting gangster. They made an escape attempt, accompanied by her pregnant sister. However, the sister was dying and Isabelle had to choose.
The episode needs some action-adventure to keep the pace fast. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) breaks into a castle to steal some supplies. The owner is Gaines (Ned Dennehy - ), a Texan who is hoarding supplies. He is a cardboard villain, and his fate is both predictable and over-the-top.
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) reach Paris. Quinn (Adam Nagaitis - Gunpowder Milkshake ), her ex-lover, is running a nightclub for people with a live-for-the-moment mentality.
The thug from the first episode is back. He has actually done some good detective work, tracking Daryl across France and finding allies that want the American dead.
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) search Paris for the boy, Laurent. He keeps having near misses with crowds of zombies. Perhaps it is because he keeps so still and silent that they lose interest. Or perhaps he is immune, like the blue man in Z Nation .
Quinn (Adam Nagaitis - Gunpowder Milkshake ), the boy's father, sends a rescue mission. Rather than thank them, Daryl decides to murder and torture the rescuers. Well, the local Militia are patrolling the streets as if they were a German occupying force during the Second World War, so Daryl is meant to be the equivalent of the Resistance. He organises an attack on Quinn's nightclub, rather than just be civilised and make a deal.
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and the boy Laurent continue on their route north.
Daryl has flashbacks to how he got to France. After he left the Commonwealth, he rode north-west as far as Maine. Presumably he avoided Manhattan, as featured in Dead City . Anyhow, in Maine he joins some hunters who are live-capturing zombies for a mysterious group. The financiers are loading the zombies onto a ship bound for France, and are experimenting on them to make Fast Zombies.
He has a chat with Carol ( Melissa McBride ), via long-range radio transmitter. She tells him that someone came back, although the transmission cuts out before he can get details. Presumably this is a reference to Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live , but we will probably hear more in Season 2.
In the main timeframe, Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) has the option of a good life with Quinn (Adam Nagaitis - Gunpowder Milkshake ). However, she is ungrateful and untrustworthy. When she realises how well-connected he is with Genet ( Anne Charrier ), she decides to play along and gather some intelligence.
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and Quinn (Adam Nagaitis - Gunpowder Milkshake ) are forced to fight together in the arena. Not necessarily against each other, but as a team against the zombies. It turns out that if you get bitten by a fast zombie, you become a fast zombie.
Once the loose plot threads are tied up, the team return to their main storyline of getting the boy to the Nest - AKA Mont St Michel. Daryl makes himself useful teaching the French to use bolt-action rifles, so presumably they have spent the last dozen years without being able to use firearms properly. He has a moment with Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) that seems reminiscent of Witness, with her status as a nun being the equivalent of an Amish woman. Of course, this is for TV so she does not go topless.
We discover that Daryl's grandfather is buried nearby, after dying heroically on D-Day in 1944. This is incredibly convenient, since it is linked into one of the story's themes. Laurent needs a father figure, and poor old Quinn is unfairly ruled out for the role. Daryl complains that his father grew up without a dad, and passed this fatherless childhood on to Merl and Daryl. Will Daryl abandon Laurent in his time of need?
The final scene is a clip with Carol ( Melissa McBride ), tracking Daryl's path back in America. This is a setup for Season 2 ...
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Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) is training the young boy to fight zombies. However, the man running the camp is a Buddhist monk - he only uses aikido in self defence, just like Morgan in the original show. When a couple of their people are captured in Paris, Daryl is the one who volunteers to lead the rescue mission. Yes, despite everyone in the group being an expert survivor it falls on the title character to save the day.
Back in the USA, we pick up where the last Season's cliffhanger ended. Carol ( Melissa McBride ) gets info on what happened to Daryl, first by lying and then using violence. She cannot be bothered to use a boat to cross the Atlantic, but luckily she sees a plane fly overhead. Rather than be honest, she lies with every breath she can muster to manipulate the pilot.
Typically, the regular characters are indestructible ... except when the plot demands some tension. Then both Daryl and Carol make silly mistakes that put them in needless jeopardy.
Carol ( Melissa McBride ) and the pilot crash-land in some mountains. The bad news is that there are some moss-covered zombies. The good news is that there are a couple of PhD students nearby, trapped while spending a three-month period monitoring glacial erosion. Luckily they are both women. After all, we know what would happen if a couple of men got cabin fever. Surely women will behave better ...
There is a bit of friction at the Nest. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) has an undue influence on the boy, Laurent. That night, two men break into the Nest and steal the boy. Yes, only two of them - and they knew exactly which window they would have to climb through. Even stranger, they spared the guard they overpowered - not to mention everyone else in the place.
Daryl and Isabelle ( Clémence Poésy ) go after Laurent, and walk into the inevitable ambush. However, with their predictable take-no-prisoners approach it will be difficult for them to work out who is behind it. Luckily there is one recurring character who is allowed the chance to monologue. Remember, heroes never monologue - they do not provide exposition, they just kill without hesitation or mercy.
This starts with a flashback to the night of the zombie outbreak. Genet was an employee at the Louvre in Paris, locked in for safety while her husband was locked outside.
In the main timeframe, Carol ( Melissa McBride ) gets a job working for Genet. She sees the experiments to create fast zombies, and meets the man Genet has tortured for Daryl's location. For some reason he gives her the info she wants, even though he has no reason to trust her and she does not even offer to rescue him from torture. Instead he needlessly gives her the very secret that he underwent torture rather than divulge.
There is a religious ceremony at the Nest. They say the boy is their Messiah, but a Messiah needs a symbolic crucifixion. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and his friends gatecrash, wiping out the defenders. Daryl's job was to train them in self-defence, but he left them weak enough so he could slaughter them. Of course, he has main character shields so he is unkillable. In-story, this means the defenders to not want to kill him. Instead, he kills them even though he is not in real danger. The result is that the Nest's defences are severely weakened in case they get attacked by a zombie horde or even by Genet and the real villains.
Carol ( Melissa McBride ) gets used to lead the attack on the Nest. The good news (for her) is that the front is only secured by a flimsy wooden gate, and very few guards are left alive after Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) and his friends gatecrashed and wiped out the defenders.
A couple of main characters are written out in this episode.
Carol ( Melissa McBride ) takes Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) to the airstrip, but the pilot is MIA. They go looking for him.
The boy Laurent has made it back to Paris, where there are lots of people eager to shelter him. A couple of familiar faces turn up looking for him. One is a villain who became a good guy, and the other is a villain who used to be a good guy.
When the plane is repaired, Carol ( Melissa McBride ) and Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus - Blade 2 ) argue over who is due to take the boy to America, since they both volunteer to stay behind and hold off the pursuers. Yes, everyone left standing is now pulled into the hunt for the boy.
Once the plot threads are all tied up, the survivors want to go home. Since everyone in France has been killed by this stage, the survivors decide to walk though the Channel Tunnel. Yes, no point in waiting for another boat like last time. Anyway, the Chunnel is infested with glow-in-the-dark zombies that are afflicted with a fungus. The spores cause halucination ... Which means this is still just a slightly-improved version of Z Nation .