[Movies !Chucky (2021) Season 1 !Season 2 ]
Chucky is rebuilt by slimy yuppie Gregg Germann ( Eureka ). Naturally, a bloodbath ensues.
Chucky the killer doll looks up an old flame, Tiffany Valentine ( Jennifer Tilly ). They have a falling out, and she ends up with her soul trapped in a female doll. Yes, now there are TWO killer dolls on the loose!
Katherine Heigl and Gay Best Friend Michael Gordon Wolvett ( Andromeda ) are among the unfortunate teenagers menaced by the rubber duo.
Billy Boyd ( Lord of the Rings ) is Glen, a young puppet who wants to find out who his parents are. He tracks them down because he recognises his birthmark (Made in Japan). He realises they must be the evil puppets, Chucky (Brad Douriff - Alien: Resurrection ) and Tiffany ( Jennifer Tilly ). They're now just on the set of a movie - a movie about them!
The real Jennifer Tilly is on the movie set, voicing Tiffany's character. The killer dolls follow her home so they can artificially impregnate her. Of course, bystanders like Jennifer's assistant ( Hannah Spearitt ) and paparazzi John Waters get in the way! Jen meets Redman (the rapper director behind Xtina's Dirrrty), who wants to cast her as the Virgin Mary.
With Glen fighting his murderous subconscious (is he Glen or Glenda?), Tiffany insists that she and Chucky make a no-murder pact. But how long can they hold out?
This is a long way from the original film. It has got a much bigger budget - but is incredibly tongue-in-cheek. It was probably filmed in the UK, because of all the British actors.
The story is set in a big house in the countryside. A package arrives, containing a vintage Chucky doll. The family's child now has a plastic pal that's fun to be with. However, people start to die mysteriously.
The Final Girl is played by Fiona Dourif . And as the surname suggests, she is the daughter of the guy who voices Chucky.
The ending has a cameo of Tiffany ( Jennifer Tilly ), which explains how this ties in with the rest of the series.
The main story is set in a mental asylum. The Final Girl from the previous film ( Fiona Dourif ) has been framed for Chucky's murders, and is being treated by a creepy psychiatrist.
Chucky comes after his former victim. The other inmates are easy fodder for him. With their mental delusions, he easily recruits them. Worse, he still has his voodoo skills ...
Andy has a plan to save the day. Unfortunately he does not seem to have thought it through.
Unlike the recent reboot movie, this is written and directed by original creator Don Mancini .
A teenage boy buys a second-hand mint-condition Chucky doll. It turns out to be THE Chucky (Brad Douriff - Alien: Resurrection ). How long will it go without killing someone?
The boy moves in with his uncle Logan Webber (Devon Sawa - Final Destination ) and aunt Bree Webber ( Lexa Doig ).
Lexy throws a party. Chucky decides to gatecrash it.
Jake asks Chucky about his first time. This leads on to a flashback about Chucky's childhood. It turns out that there was another serial killer in the town. When Chucky was about ten years old the other killer went on a spree, and Chucky's middle-class suburban neighbourhood was a target. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed ...
In the aftermath of the party, everyone ends up at the hospital. The adults all start to blame each other. Jake and Lexy both know that Chucky is really responsible. They reluctantly agree to work together. However, Jake has to work through his hatred for Lexy.
The flashbacks continue Chucky's life story. After his parents were murdered, he ended up in an orphanage. The good news is that the other kids enjoyed playing Peter Pan with him. The bad news is that the staff members started getting murdered ...
Tiffany Valentine ( Jennifer Tilly ) and her lesbian lover ( Fiona Dourif ) are now in town. Yes, this is now linking up with the plot-line of the movies.
In the flashbacks, Chucky as a young man is still voiced by Brad Dourif. However, instead of de-aging the actor they just have the character played by his look-alike daughter Fiona.
Andy is still around. He and his female partner are posing as Federal Agents of the US Census Bureau, in a scene reminiscent of the Winchester brothers' routine in Supernatural .
Jake the protagonist, his gay boyfriend Devon, and class bitch Lexy have teamed up to set a trap for Chucky. They have watched the Martin Scorsese version of Cape Fear, but they do not learn anything from Joe Don Baker's fate.
Jake's aunt ( Lexa Doig ) reveals the secret she has been hiding from the family. This means she might get written out sooner rather than later. Notably, she is not the first member of the Andromeda cast to be a Chucky victim - Michael Gordon Wolvett was killed off too.
Tiffany Valentine ( Jennifer Tilly ) gatecrashes one of the funerals, and sets someone up as the next victim.
Jake wants to leave town. However, he discovers there is a plot involving Good Guy dolls. Meanwhile his boyfriend Devon breaks into Chucky's childhood home.
Finally, one of the kids has done what Chucky wanted all along. The really bad news is that he needed the blood sacrifice for a voodoo curse. Chucky's plan has come to fruition. He has seventy-two new copies of himself, and with help from Tiffany Valentine ( Jennifer Tilly ) he can distribute them across the USA. The climax is at a movie showing hosted by the Mayor, with guest of honour ... Jennifer Tilly!
This starts by tying up the previous Season's cliffhanger. We find out what happened to Andy after he drove off in a truck loaded with seventy-two Chucky dolls … and a Tiffany doll.
The main story picks up six months later. Jake is with a new foster-family in Salem, New York State. He still video-chats with his boyfriend.
Lexy is now a drug-addled stoner, using illegal drugs to cope with the trauma that Chucky put her through.
The kids are imprisoned in a reform school run by the Catholic Church. This building was once the orphanage that Chucky lived in. Worse, the nuns are collecting toys for the orphans … so it is easy for Chucky to infiltrate the place.
Tiffany ( Jennifer Tilly ) is holed up with Nica Pierce ( Fiona Dourif ) in the Beverly Hills home of the real Jennifer Tilly. The bad news is that a police detective is hanging around, under the suspicion that Nica might be hiding out there. The good news is that Glen and Glenda are due to pay a visit.
The kids have captured a Chucky doll, who was taking recon photos of the school for his boss The Colonel. Rather than kill this Chucky, Jake decides to brainwash him like in A Clockwork Orange . Devon is cynical about the whole idea.
There is another Chucky on the loose, a bodybuilder. Also, Lexy's former bully Trevor is eager to lean on her.
Tiffany ( Jennifer Tilly ) hosts Glen and Glenda. They throw a surprise birthday party for themselves. The guests include Jennifer's Bound co-stars Gina Gershon and Joe Pantoliano ( The Matrix ), as well as her sister Meg Tilly .
Jeeves the butler gets mysteriously murdered. Everyone is a suspect, because he was a racist misogynist transphobe. This may be a modern cliche, with only the politically incorrect types being killed off in Woke Horror, but it actually owes more to classic whodunnit shows like Murder She Wrote.
Tiffany pretends the murder is a fake murder-mystery game for the party-goers to solve. This covers for her real problem, which is that Nica Pierce ( Fiona Dourif ) has somehow gone walkabout.
This is a stand-out episode, expertly directed by Don Mancini himself.
In the aftermath of the previous episode, Meg Tilly is still hanging out with Tiffany ( Jennifer Tilly ). It turns out that, just as Tiffany did not know about the secret panic room, somehow Glen and Glenda never found Tiffany's secret hidey-hole. Yes, we find out what happened to the real Jennifer! What will happen to Meg when she learns to much? Well, one of Jennifer's movie posters is for Chucky Goes Psycho, clearly a reference to Meg's role in Psycho 2 .
Good Chucky gets a chance to prove himself when he comes face to face with the bodybuilder Chucky. Will Good Chucky lose, or just team up with his evil twin?
Lexy and Devon have no faith in Jake of Good chucky. They go walkabout, looking for The Colonel.
Lexy and Devon rescue the victim and bring him back to the school.
The Colonel is the bald Chucky, who is both the smartest and craziest of the bunch. Yes, he models himself on Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. He also has a human helper, who has been hiding bodies for him.
Bodybuilder Chucky has a follower of his own, a fanatical nun who he nicknames Sister Agnes. Clearly this is a reference to the movie Agnes of God, which had Jennifer Tilly in the title role.
Everyone converges on the school. Good Chucky is tied up like Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs , while the priest prepares to be The Exorcist and send Good Chucky's soul to Hell. Once the Good Guy doll is soulless again, the plan is to put Chucky Prime in it. This is good news for Nica Pierce ( Fiona Dourif ), although she will still be a quadraplegic. The result is a scene taken from The Fury .
Chucky was defeated in the previous episode, but there are lots of loose ends to be tied up. Tiffany is still on the loose, and rather than leave her to the cops the kids decide to target her.
Lexy gets sent back to live with her mother the ex-mayor, who now lives as an Internet influencer. Jake and Devon get invited to stay for the Xmas holidays, because this will make the ex-mayor look good to her fanbase. The gay couple now get the chance to talk through their relationship problems.
The key plot point of the previous episode is that there was only one Good Guy doll left. However, it turns out that there are still one or two left. In other words, enough for a third Season ...