The protagonist is a tweenage homeless boy who is hassled by fellow homeless person Rory Heemsle (Ryan Robbins - Sanctuary ). Of course, the boy cannot go to the cops ... because he is on the run as a suspect in a mass murder case.
The boy is abducted by fellow tweenagers, who are pupils at a school for assassins run by Master Lin (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ). Since the protagonist has a reputation as a killer, he is invited to become a pupil.
Unlike the Harry Potter type of school, which segregates the kids according to their House, this has a series of cliques like in The Breakfast club. Each pupil hangs out with their own kind - Japanese Yakuza, Dixie Mafia and so on.
Master Lin (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ) tests the schoolkids. He pays particular attention to the protagonist, who is stressed by what happened to Rory Heemsle (Ryan Robbins - Sanctuary ).
The kids meet a new teacher, Jürgen Denke (Henry Rollins - Johnny Mnemonic ). He shares the protagonist's hatred for Ronald Reagan. While Denke hates Reagan for failing to fight the AIDS epidemic, the boy's hatred is for the care in the community policy that released dangerous mentally ill people onto the streets of 1980s USA.
The kids hold a party at Shabnam's home. Well, it is his parents home - and they have left Burt from Big Bang Theory to house-sit for them.
Master Lin (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ) has to deal with the resignation of Jürgen Denke (Henry Rollins - Johnny Mnemonic ).
The kids meet a couple of new teachers, Miss De Luca ( Erica Cerra ) and the local serial-killer (French Stewart - Third Rock From The Sun ).
The Legacy kids hold their prom night, themed Enchantment Under The Sea like in Back to the Future . The non-legacies, known as the Rats, are not welcome. This leads on to the usual High School cliches about cliques. A prank war ensues, with the non-lethal versions of the assassin skills and tech they have learned.
The Japanese Girl and the Latina hang out and bond, which means that this episode passes the Bechdel test. They also steal some booze from the liquor store, illustrating that it is perfectly acceptable for the rich to steal from the poor as long as the thieves are People Of Colour.
This starts with Burt from Big Bang Theory re-enacting a key scene from Risky Business (1983). Well, this show is set in the 1980s. The main storyline in this episode is an homage to The Breakfast Club, another teenage 1980s hit.
The main characters are given weekend detention at school. They break out, to loot the confiscated property room. Unfortunately a couple of Yakuza assassins are after the Japanese girl.
The regular characters take a road-trip to Las Vegas. On the way they take some LSD, with predictably confusing results.
By incredible coincidence, everyone who wants to kill the main protagonist happens to be in town at the same time. Or are they? It could all be an LSD-induced halucination.
The kids try to cover up Chico's fate in the previous episode. The School's managing board sends a dignitary from China to investigate.
The kids meet a new teacher (Christopher Heyerdahl - Sanctuary ). He and Miss De Luca ( Erica Cerra ) teach a variety of martial arts. However, the visiting dignitary decides to overrule the teachers.
The scar-faced villain, Chester, is still on the protagonist's trail. And now he has Chico's head on ice, as a bargaining chip.
The protagonist narrates his backstory, shown in an animated segment reminiscent of the TV show Legion . This is also the backstory of his arch-nemesis, Chester the serial killer.
This is based on a comic by Rick Remender. The source material seems to be Preacher , a 1990s comic by Garth Ennis. Chester, going by the serial-killer name of F*ck-Face, seems a combination of three characters:
The protagonist and his Asian-American gal-pal have a serial-killer of their own - French Stewart ( Third Rock From The Sun ). He proves instrumental in hunting the villain, and since he is stuck in solitary confinement he is willing to work for food and a chance to stretch his legs.
The latina babe has a visitor - David Zayas ( Skyline ), father of her missing boyfriend Chico. He wants her to do an assassination for him.
After the disappearance of Chico the Latino leader, they blamed the Chinese and retaliated against a henchman. Now a gang war is about to break out. The monks lock all the kids in the bedrooms - not their own, so it is three to a room and we get some strange pairings. This allows some interplay between characters who have not previously had a reason to interact.
The protagonist and his buddies have located Chester and his inbred clan. As they prepare to attack to boobytrapped hideout, the teens indulge in some 1980s tweenage comedy antics. This climaxes in the ultimate Shart scene!
Master Lin (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ) prepares his next move against his sister. Unfortunately, he has failed to account for a few things. Among them are the divided loyalties of his favourite student, who has a previous commitment. Also, he has forgotten about his unfinished business with David Zayas ( Skyline ) and his Cartel thugs.
The protagonist and his buddies attack Chester and his inbred clan.
Master Lin (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ) and his daughter are on the run from David Zayas ( Skyline ) and his Cartel thugs.
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