[Season 1 !Season 2 !Season 3 !Season 4 !Season 5 !Season 6 ]
recurring characters:
A team of four alien explorers have arrived in MidWest USA. After a quick scene set just after their arrival, we jump to the end of their two-week mission.
The purpose of this episode, basically a pilot, is to introduce the characters and the concept. Team Leader Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is insecure and irrational. He goes undercover as a college professor, and tries to teach a class of students - including Caryn ( Danielle Nicolet ). Information Officer Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is the oldest and wisest, stuck in the body of a horny pubescent teenage boy. He gets distracted by female volleyball players like Marne Patterson . Communications Officer Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is played by a stand-up comedian, kind of like a cut-price Robin Williams. Security Officer Sally ( Kristen Johnston ), the tough and traditionally masculine one, is stuck in the body if an attractive woman. She is the one who grows the most over the First Season, and this episode does not compare well to the final Season. Here she is awkward, the fish-out-of-water aspect pushed to the max. Later on she is much more accepting of her dual nature, and learns to combine toughness with femininity.
The show starts with an expositary voice-over by James Earl Jones ( Star Wars: A New Hope ).
Mary invites Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) to be her date to a wedding. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - human mating rituals.
Tommy kisses Dina ( Marla Sokoloff ), gets a bug that has been going round the school, and gives it to the rest of the family. The aliens enjoy their first sneezes, but the flu soon gets unpleasant. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) starts halucinating about Martha Stewart.
Nina needs Dick's birthday for her admin paperwork, so he has to make one up. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - aging.
A PhD student, Laurie ( Lauren Graham ), visits the offices as a potential employee. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) seems interested in impressing her, so Mary gets irritable and jealous.
The family start the episode at makeout point, where Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gives everyone a mission for the episode. This means Dick does not have an obsession of the week - the story is spread out between the others.
Sally goes on a date with a man named Brad. Afterwards, he promises to call her. Of course, this was before the term ghosting was invented but Mary and Nina both know what is going to happen. Sally's reaction is predictably violent, but it does not matter because the victim is a man.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) tries to list all the dangers on Earth. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) goes to school, but get flunked out of gymn class. This makes Dick look like a bad parent.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) discovers that one of his class students is a smoker. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - cigarette smoking.
Sally needs a trip to the dentist.
Jeff (Ed Begley Jnr - ), Mary's ex-boyfriend, visits and invites her to his booklaunch. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - jealousy.
Mary Albright goes off for a week's meditation at an undisclosed location. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - loneliness.
Sally takes the boys to a department store to buy soap. She gets some free samples from Aviana ( Carole Davis ), a cosmetics salesperson, but soon finds herself addicted. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) befriends Phillip (Phil Hartman - The Simpsons ), who gets him a job.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) sees the cosmetics industry for what it is - the Baby Boomer generation trying to cling to their fading youth. His cynical observation impresses a female school-mate, August ( Shay Astar ). This is the first of Joseph Gordon Levitt's associations with a girl named after an annual time-period, but it will not be his last after all, he did 500 Days of Summer.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) has cable TV installed, with 72 channels now available. Unlike basic TV, this is paid for.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ), Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and Sally attend a party for Dr Hanlon (John Mahoney - Striking Distance ). Unfortunately there is a fatality. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - writing an honest yet uplifting eulogy for someone unlikeable.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) invites a female school-mate over to study together. She is Sheryl the cheerleader ( Anna Slotsky ), a rival of his previous love interest August ( Shay Astar ). Now he has to choose between the two girls.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) discovers that Mary has a brother (Bronson Pinchot - ), and invites them both over for dinner with his family. Mary's brother claims he is a victim of alien abduction. Sally decides to kill him in order to avoid exposure.
The family hang out at make-out point, and it turns out the place is on University Campus grounds. The security guard asks them for their drivers' licences, and it turns out they have yet to obtain valid ID. Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) go to the DMV to apply.
Mary Albright talks Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) into doing her a favour. He learns the hard way that humans tend to bend the truth. This leads to Dick's obsession of the week - lying.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) signs Sally up for the school's bake sale committee. She decides to take it over, and changes the target from five hundred dollars to five thousand.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) helps Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) find something to do with his life. They go to the same art class as Mary Albright, and it turns out that Harry has a natural talent.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) has a job at a video rental store, and re-shelves all the videos in non-alphabetic order. They even have five copies of Johnny Mnemonic .
Mary Albright is invited to a conference in Chicago. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gets invited too, and they are booked on the same plane. Of course, Dick thinks there is something on the wing ... like in Twilight Zone: The Movie . They have to drive to Chicago, and get caught in a snowstorm in Oklahoma. Luckily the people at the truckstop know the words to the musical.
Leon the student visits the family's home to delivery his coursework to Dick. Sally is alone there, and thinks the snowstorm is an apocalypse. Can they repopulate the world as the next Adam and Eve?
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) meets the neighbours, Mr and Mrs Muller. He and Mr Muller start to bond, until Dick eventually pushes things too far.
Mary Albright reminisces about the late 1960s, when she was involved in the American counter-culture movement. She remembers meeting a hippy named Manny, and she thinks that he is Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ). After all, Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) did a terribly sloppy job of cooking up the family's backstories.
Sally wants some spending money for pretty things, so she and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) go to the Mall ... and get jobs. Yes, they are perfect examples of unskilled manual workers - and in Season Two they join the gig economy. This week, Sally depends on her tips to make money.
Mary and Nina go to a Womens' Studies lecture. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) refuses to respect her boundaries, and Sally is too busy at her job to spy for him. Instead he goes in drag, and the other women think he is a CIS woman. Either that or they accept passable Trans women, although nobody calls him out. These days the hyper-sensitive transvestigators would be on them in an instant. Although women who are not traditionally feminine, such as the shaven-headed speaker or Judith the lesbian or Nina and the other Black women, would also be targeted.
While the male hierarchy is a pyramid, the female hierarchy is a circle. While the female circle may seem fairer, it thrives on excluding undesirables - hence the growth of Cancel Culture in the matriarchal society.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) and Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) attend Tommy's PTA night. They meet Tommy's teacher Mr. Randall (John D'Aquino - SeaQuest DSV ). He becomes Sally's first boyfriend.
The main storyline involves Dick. He becomes obsessed with choosing a heritage for the family. For example, he discovers that despite her surname, Dr. Mary Albright ( Jane Curtin ) has chosen an Irish-American racial identity.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) signs Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) up to be on the school's basketball team. Tommy is reluctant at first, until his girlfriend encourages him.
Dick visits the ATM to take out lots of money, and gets mugged. He reports the crime at the police station, leading to the first appearance of Sergeant Don (Wayne Knight).
Tommy's teacher Mr. Randall (John D'Aquino - SeaQuest DSV ) is Sally's first boyfriend, so she dresses up to deliver Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) to school. He agrees to invite his mother Frances ( Naomi Judd ) to dinner with them. Unfortunately the mother is tougher than Sally!
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) feels left-out because he does not know his role in the group. He is completely aware that he is the communications officer, or that he has a cranial micro-reciever chip in his brain.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) decides to become a father-figure to Harry. He asks the students for advice, but shuts Caryn ( Danielle Nicolet ) down when she tries to help out. He really is terrible towards her on a regular basis.
Professor Suter (Harry Morgan - Dragnet ) has been moved, and Mary has taken his office. This means Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) must now share with Judith from HR. He gets jealous, and selfishly tries to get Mary back.
Sally needs a trip to the hospital. This allows the aliens to pose as doctors and act out scenes from TV medical dramas. The bad news is that the food there is jelly, which the aliens are afraid of because it reminds them of a monster on their home-world.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) reports to the Big Giant Head, and mentions that Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has wasted six months pursuing Mary. This inspires Dick to up his game, and he takes Mary on an awesome date. However, this is not good enough for the Big Giant Head. The family must say their goodbyes to their human loved ones.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is trapped in the basement. His replacement, Evil Dick, has taken over. Somehow all the female characters find Evil Dick attractive.
The others go shopping for Evil Dick's superweapon. They bump into Denis Rodman ( Double Team ), who is one of many aliens wandering around Earth - like in Men in Black .
The family try to rescue Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ). This is technically mutiny, but they cannot stomach Evil Dick.
Since this is the start of the second Season, the James Earl Jones voice-over intro is now gone. However, there are lots of SciFi references in this episode.
The family go to the movie theatre and see a blockbuster - Dawn of the Aliens. The title makes it seem like an homage to Aliens , but the plot references indicate an alien invasion storyline - making it a parody of Independence Day , the most popular film of 1996.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) takes Mary on a romantic trip ... to a SciFi convention. She spots some fans cosplaying as the Coneheads , the franchise Curtin was best known for. The guest of honour is George Takei ( Star Trek: TOS ).
Sally goes on her sixth date with Mr Teacher. It turns out that she is still a virgin.
Sally needs a woman's advice on her love life. Not the kind of thing that would pass the Bechdel test, but Bechdel was not such a big thing in 1996. Luckily Mary is hanging out at the family's home at night. Yes, she is sleeping over with Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ).
Mary has been sleeping over at Dick's place a lot. However, she does not want people at her workplace knowing about her private life. It turns out that she used to have a reputation and a nickname. She also points out there is a double standard that judges her more harshly than her male colleagues in such matters. However, Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gets upset about the fact she is ashamed to be seen with him.
Sally gets ticketed for parking in a disabled zone. She visits the police station, where she meets Sergeant Don again. Don quashes her ticket, and suggests she join the Police Department. Unfortunately Dick denies her this opportunity, on the grounds she would be too good at it.
The family go for a walk in the park, which is about to be bulldozed by property developers. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) accidentally chains himself to a tree, and gets proclaimed as a hero by the local tree-huggers. They even select him as their candidate in the forthcoming election.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) puts Sally and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) in charge of Harry's campaign, then goes off to register to vote. In a later Season he turns out to be Canadian, because when Tommy created the identities he thought it might look unusual if all four family members came from the same country.
Harry does not inspire Dick's confidence, even though they have Tommy as the brains behind the throne. The incumbent politician is a slimy politician played by an actor named Al Franken. In real life, Franken went into politics ... and then had to resign from the US Congress because of a cancel-culture campaign by a former cow-orker who was now politically opposed to his Party.
Sergeant Don pops up again, revealing himself as the corrupt cop on Franken's payroll. However, he does his best to keep Sally untouched.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) resents the sports fever that has swept the campus. It is the week of the Big Game, between the university team and their rivals. Eventually he gives in to the tribalism.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) falls for his singing-class teacher Miss Frost ( Brenda Strong ).
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) gets a Gay BF (he thinks she is a drag queen).
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) does well in an exam, and gets sent to a posh school named Pickney. His new classmate Aramis is played by Buffy alum, Danny Strong.
The family end up looking after a toddler, which they only refer to as a baby. Sally complains at first, but soon enjoys the experience. In fact, she becomes obsessed to the point of mutiny.
Mary Albright goes away to a conference for three days. Nina gets Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) to look after Mary's pet fish. How will he mess it up?
Bodhi Elfman ( Freedom ) makes his first appearance, as a clerk.
There is a panick-buying spree at the food shops, everyone is leaving town, and even the turkeys are talking about the Apocalypse. Luckily it just turns out to be a mysterious holiday named Thanksgiving.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) orders Sally to create a Thanksgiving feast for the family, then invites Mary and Nina to help her. Mrs. Dubcek brings her daughter Vicki ( Jan Hooks ), who becomes a recurring character as Harry's sometime lover.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gets jealous when Mary Albright asks a witty professor to host a fund-raiser. He orders the family to explore the concept of humour. Unfortunately, none of them have any understanding of it. However, they do inadvertently act out a series of slapstick skits.
It is Xmas time, so Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) go to the Mall ... and get jobs. Sally is a gift-wrapper, and Harry is Santa's elf. Yes, they are perfect examples of gig workers - decades before the Gig Economy was a big thing.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) decides he hates Xmas, becoming a Scrooge. However, Nina manages to melt his frosty heart.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gets jealous of Mary because she has a better-located parking space. He complains to the boss, and quits in disgust. This leaves him in search of a job, so he ends up flipping burgers in a fast food joint. Normally it is Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) who do the gig-work jobs.
August gets cast as Juliet in the school play. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) wants the role of Romeo, so he gets Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) to sign on as the Director. For some reason, Nina agrees to be Dick's assistant on the play. Predictably, Dick gets carried away with his job.
Mary has fifteen hundred dollars worth of outstanding traffic tickets. This is too much for Sally's friend Don to quash, so she has to go to court. The good news is that one of the Judges is into bimbos, so she dresses slutty and puts on a Marilyn Monroe voice. Unfortunately the Judges' schedule has been altered. We get to see how far Mary is willing to bend her morals.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) helps Mary by adjusting her office fan, but accidentally sprains his ankle in the process. Dick weaponises her Guilt, and exploits her to chores while he convalesces. Eventually Mary starts plotting against her exploiter, along with Nina and Sally. While these conversations may follow the spirit of the Bechdel test, since they are central to the main story, they still concern a male-identified person.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) signs up to sell fifteen boxes of cookies so the school's band can be sent to Washington. However, his solo attempts are useless. He gets Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to help act out some advert scripts, but while this is entertaining it does not help. Finally, Sally's mere presence reminds the male customers that they like sex ... thus making them susceptible to making a purchasing decision.
In the final scene, Harry points out how scary it would be if sex and guilt were connected.
Sally makes friends with a Frenchman named Michel, and agrees to marry him for five thousand dollars. The family do not realise that he is clearly an illegal alien, and that the Immigration Service is after him.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) discovers he has a talent for flower-arranging, so August gets worried. Nina is the bridesmaid, and Mary is the (bitter old) maid of honour.
Dick's obsession is to ask Mary to marry him. He asks the male students for advice, instead of Caryn ( Danielle Nicolet ) and the females.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) becomes convinced that he and Mary are stuck in a rutt, relationship-wise. She decides to shake things up a bit, and they end up playing strip-poker at the college frat-house.
Sally swops jobs with Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ), and learns to regret it. He finds short-cuts with all her chores, while she becomes bored without her responsibilities.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) has to support his girlfriend August as she accepts a prize as top prose writer ... second year running.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) accidentally hits a chipmunk with his car, and becomes obsessed with having the veterinarian (Bodhi Elfman - Freedom ) heal it. He also orders the household to switch to veganism, which means Harry's fur coat and Sally's leather shoes must go.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is confused when August pretends she does not want to go to the Big Dance, but she was secretly testing him. To get back with her, he writes a letter to the local newspaper's agony aunt. Yes, this is before Am-I-The-Asshole threads on Social Media.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is obsessed with the Boy Scouts' handbook, and puts himself through the tests for a few merit badges.
Everyone tells Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) that Mary Albright has him pudding-whipped. Even Nina agrees, although it is nice to see that the relationship is not as one-sided as it looked in Season One. To rebel against Mary, he refuses to cooperate on a party she has planned. Ironically the guests are a bunch of Physicists, exactly the kind of people Dick gets on with. Instead he starts wearing a leather jacket, and gatecrashes a bachelor party at a strip-club.
Sally and the others play the board-game Monopoly. Of course, things get very competitive and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) has the advantage for once.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) displays his usual childlike wonder, this time at a popup book. Mary is a social climber, which Nina describes as changing oneself to fit in with a new crowd and act like one of them to be accepted. This also applies to Dick's job as an observer among humans ... and Mary's job as a professional anthropologist.
Dick does not understand the social divide between the Country Club set in North Rutherford and his neighbourhood - the meat-packing district in South Rutherford. However, he tries to help Mary out.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) befriends Lorna ( Linda Cardellini ), a goth chick who hangs around with a couple of bullies named Elman and Romano. Soon Tommy is part of the bullies' gang himself, getting in trouble at school for dumb things just to impress the girl. August is nowhere in sight, although she will probably be back soon. Lorna's goodbye is an homage to the Film Noir genre, which evokes Gordon-Levitt's later film Brick.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is mean to the students as usual, but this time they complain to Judith at HR. Once brainwashed into being sensitive at a Sensitivity training course run by Yasmine (Greg Proops - ), Dick tries to be nice to his students for a change. Caryn ( Danielle Nicolet ) is unhappy with this, and becomes ringleader of another class complaint against him. Professor Suter (Harry Morgan - Dragnet ) is on the committee, so the conclusion is foregone.
Mrs. Dubcek brings her daughter Vicki ( Jan Hooks ), who wants Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to be her partner at her High School Reunion.
Sally invites Don around. He thinks they are going on a hot date, but she just wants him to teach Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) how to drive.
Nina gets sick of Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) ordering her about, and refuses to work for him until he apologises. After all, she is Mary's secretary and was going to leave with Mary in the new-office episode. Dick refuses, and gets Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to fill in as the new assistant.
It is nice to see Nina's workspace for a change. Yes, we finally get to see her and Harry's desks.
Sally brunches with Mary and Nina. They bond over shared childhood experiences, but she feels left out because she never experienced a girlhood. Instead she insists Dick pay for her to have ballet lessons.
The family eat at a restuarant to celebrate Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) being included in the Pendleton college yearbook. Unfortunately they get moved to the worst table, beside the doors to the toilets and the kitchen, because celebrity guest star Mark Hamill ( Star Wars: Special Edition ) is hanging out at the good table.
Sally confronts Hamill, and becomes front-page news in the local newspaper. She is invited to guest on the local cable TV show, and gets her 15 minutes of fame. Ys, this is before the Internet era when it became 15 seconds. Dick calls in to boost his own profile, disguising his voice using an impersonation of a South Asian accent. Well, this is from the era of the landline telephone so it should be expected to be a bit old-fashioned.
Tommy's family's celebrity status brings him to the attention of a couple of bullies named Elman and Romano. Unfortunately Lorna ( Linda Cardellini ) is nowhere to be seen, but Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is back with August again.
The far end of the 15 minutes of fame is the nine-day wonder, which is the maximum length of time one story can be on page one of a newspaper. Sally's fame eventually declines, leading to a parody of Sunset Boulevard.
The family are watching X-Files which they regard as being unrealistic in its depiction of Alien Abduction. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) accept Dick's challenge to write a better episode of the show.
Mary makes Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) attend the going-away party for Sonja the librarian ( Christine Baranski ). Unfortunately Dick and Sonja connect on an intellectual level, and Mary gets incredibly jealous and insecure. Strangely, she actually has good reason to be jealous when Sonja transforms into a man-hungry seductress. Dick actually has two women fighting over him.
Sally goes on a date with Don. However, when he is out of uniform she cannot recognise him. This shows their relationship in a new light. Her attraction to him is entirely superficial, as opposed to Sonja's intellectual infactuation with Dick.
Mary Albright gets funding for a year-long expedition to Borneo. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) wants to keep her with him, so he plans to marry her. The rest of the family know it is a bad idea.
Dick has a nightmare about the MIBs in X-Files , as played by his students and cow-orkers. He visits a psychiatrist, who prescribes him pills. Rather than read the instructions about the dosage, he just takes as many as he can.
Sally's relationship with Don hits another snag. She has her own nightmare, a black and white homage to classic Italian cinema. These dream sequences are very well-shot, and look very good compated to the usual two-camera studio work.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) narrates the Information Officer's log, giving exposition on what happened in the previous episode. With the two senior ranks incapacitated, he is now in command of the mission. The Big Giant Head has approved their request to return home, although they are behind with their report.
Tommy says goodbye to his favourite teacher Miss Frost ( Brenda Strong ). Now he has to finish the report at the last minute. This leads on to a nightmare of his own.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has to say goodbye to Mary. After all, they are both about to leave town in different directions. This gives him a terrible decision to make, and leads up to a heartbreaking goodbye.
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special supplement
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is about to marry Mary. However, the family are now back. The Big Giant Head will not tolerate Dick's marriage, so to derail the weddings has sent him a wife - Janet ( Roseanne Barr ). To convince the wife to leave, Dick acts like the villain of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Dick's wife Janet ( Roseanne Barr ) takes him a packed lunch at work. The bad news is that Mary will learn the truth - or at least, the fact that Dick is sort-of married. The good news is that Bug (David DeLuise - Stargate SG-1: S8 ) and Leon, Dick's students, are getting sweaty together in the gymn when Janet walks in on them.
Mary is still upset about Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) having a former wife. Now she and Dick start a war of practical jokes.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) joins a garage band, mostly because August convinces him it would be a good idea. Dick refuses to condone it, because music leads to dancing ... cue a parody of Lithgow's role in Footloose .
Sally has relationship problems of her own. She and Don are on a break, so she goes after a man from the yoga class who would somehow prefer the now-single Mary. The truth is, Sally only wants what she cannot have. In all fairness, she seems to have grown as a person since she wanted to accompany Don to a Renaissance Faire even though he would have been in garb instead of his uniform.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has arranged to join Mary on a trip to visit her parents, who are blissfully unaware that the engagement was called off.
With Dick out of town, Nina has to rely on the rest of the Solomon family to help her move out of her apartment. Sally offers to become Nina's new roommate. However, this is not necessarily a good idea.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has to go to the doctor for his annual check-up, but his quirk of the week is that he is afraid.
It is halloween, so they all dress in costumes for the party. Sally and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) agree too house-sit for Mary. They even wear couples costumes as Sony and Cher, although everyone thinks they are the Rosenbergs.
Bug (David DeLuise - Stargate SG-1: S8 ) and Leon are at the College staff party ... as Popeye and Olive Oyl. Yes, the inseparable duo are in a couples costume. This answers a lot of questions, but asks even more.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is too fat for his clothes, and it turns out he is over-eating to compensate for his breakup with Mary. He joins a weightwatchers group called Fat Losers.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) becomes suspicious that August is cheating on him, and gets Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to follow her about. As August points out, Tommy is not the perfect boyfriend - she is aware of his interest in the music teacher ( Brenda Strong ) and the goth-chick ( Linda Cardellini ).
Sally is in a new relationship ... with a tomato plant she named Jeremy. Don visits, and joins Dick in the stress-eating.
Sally meets Seth (Jason Carter - Babylon 5 ), a struggling writer who works in a coffee shop. She becomes obsessed with him, adopting his attitudes and even his English accent.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is picked for Jury Duty, so he goes to the courthouse and makes himself available. Unfortunately he keeps getting bumped in the jury selection process. Of course, he takes this very personally. But then he gets picked, and makes things difficult for everyone else.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) and Mary were booked to go to King of the Jig, this world's equivalent of Lord of the Dance. Now they have split up, Mary goes with Judith from HR. This leaves Dick desperate to find a friend to take his spare ticket.
Sally agrees with Seth (Jason Carter - Babylon 5 ) as he claims to be counter-cultural. He boasts about how much he hates the King of the Jig. To please him, Sally dresses up in her little red dress and lures the dancer to the coffee shop. This leads to a massive confrontation.
With Sally spending all her time with Seth, this leaves Dick and Don to commiserate together. They actually get on very well, until the inevitable breakup.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) joins a night class to get his High School diploma.
The family talk about the seven deadly sins, and remember their own actions since they arrived on Earth. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) embodies Pride, Sally is Wrath, and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is Gluttony. They all do their fair share of Lust and the others.
August may have broken up with Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ), but for some reason she still hangs out in the Solomons' kitchen. Tommy decides to move on, and starts hanging out with Mary Albright. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has not moved on, and gets incredibly jealous.
Sally gets a job as a secretary. The man who hires her is clearly only interested in her body, but she has no ability to pick up on human social cues. At first she thinks she is the one sexually harrassing her, because she always wears clothes that do not follow the dress code. However, Nina enlightens her about the boss being a creep. His interest in workplace dating makes the working environment uncomfortable, which is the jargon-laden line she tells the HR woman. Presumably Sally's ex-BF Don helped her with the legal niceties too.
Dick bans Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) from watching television for the whole week. At first, the Tv addiction gets the better of him. However, after he goes cold turkey for a few days he seems to get a lot smarter and more mission-oriented.
Don gives Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) a tour of the police station. Dick decides to bail out one of the arrestees, and chooses Ted from Scrubs.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) breaks his leg, and ends up in a wheelchair. He is too lazy to use the entrance with the wheelchair ramp, and starts whining about the lack of a ramp at the main door. Caryn actually agrees with him for once, so she starts a campaign to get a new ramp built. Unfortunately the ramp will be unbelievably expensive - despite only costing a few bags of cement, the University will not launch a crowdfunding campaign and instead just cancel the new daycare centre.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) tries to get over his breakup with Mary. He starts dating women, with Don as his wingman. However, he has more success taking up a hobby - he sets up a model railway in the kitchen.
Rutherford is overtaken by a flood of beautiful women. Everyone gets one - Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) gets Chloe ( Angie Everhart ) and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets Mascha ( Cindy Crawford ). Sally is suspicious, even though she has already researched how easy it is for a woman to control men using sexual manipulation. After all, she has a little red dress just like the invaders' uniform Instead, she dresses like a man in shirt and slacks while she hides in the womens' bathroom to spy on them.
Sally has infiltrated the Venusian women. She was already tall enough, so they gave her a makeover. The boys get the message she left - the invaders plan to launch their brainwashing attack via the Superbowl in San Diego.
The Venusian women think they will not survive on Earth because they have no skills except for evil manipulation, which they mistakenly believe is not a career. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) sets them straight, and reminds them of TV adverts. Hot women are the unattainable standard; every product and trend they embrace becomes the public's obsession. People's insecurities push them to spend, so the global economy depends on the hot women. After all, they rank up there with planned obsolescence and Keynesian-style government spending as a way of inducing demand among the consumers.
Sally visits the gynaecologist, although she does not have anything wrong with her. She feels left-out while sitting in the waiting room, so pretends to be pregnant.
Harry's pet, Pickles, somehow arrives on Earth. Worse, he has chosen human form even though he still acts like a dog. In a typical comedy of errors, Don mistakenly believes that Pickles is the father of Sally's baby.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) hooks up with a hot divorced woman at the arthouse movie theatre. He starts boasting about his one-night stand at work, so Mary and Nina both slap him and Caryn starts whining about feeling uncomfortable. It turns out that the woman was the mother of Bug (David DeLuise - Stargate SG-1: S8 ), so his father (Dom Deluise - ) and brothers decide to pay Dick a visit.
Sally decides to buy herself a car. She wants a sports car, but the salesman discovers how bad her credit rating is. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is still study-buddies with August, but when he realises Tina the class babe will be impressed by a sports car he is more than happy to help Sally get the car.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) plans to get back together with Mary. He visits her at the library, but they accidentally get locked in together for the night.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is sick of being treated like a kid, so he quits his job as the team's Information Officer and takes early retirement. He hangs out in an old folks' home, claiming to be visiting his Aunt Bessie while he crashes in any empty bedroom he can find.
Mary's father has left his wife, yet again. He crashes at Mary's house, and starts dating Sally. After all, Sally has an interest in old military relics.
Ted from Scrubs is still working at the University, so at least that story ended well.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is sick of being the sole breadwinner, so he orders Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to get jobs. Harry decides to drown his sorrows at Happy Doug's Bar. By incredible coincidence the boss, Doug (Jim Beaver - Supernatural ), is looking to hire a new barman. Sally signs up as research assistant to Mary Albright. She gets some good advice from Nina, but ends up taking it too far.
Dick goes to Tommy's school's career day, but it turns out that Don's career is more glamourous than his. Don agrees to let Dick play cop for the afternoon, and they interrogate a suspect together.
August may have broken up with Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ), but for some reason she still hangs out in the Solomons' kitchen. They are working on a family history project, so Tommy has to pretend his family escaped the Nazis across the alps.
The Solomons finally realise that they have failed to blend in and pass as the Average American Family. They sub-let their apartment to three of Dick's students, and rent a three-bedroom place in a fancy apartment block. Sally really takes to the regimented lifestyle, since she is a military officer at heart. She joins the Home-Owners Association, and inflicts strict discipline on her neighbours. Yes, the Stepford Wives are the ones really in control.
Dr Liam Neesam (John Cleese - Time Bandits ) takes a job at the University. He is even more of a Dick than Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ). This leads Dick to work out what Liam's secret is.
Sally discovers that Don has a secret too. She follows Dubchek's advice, and starts stalking him. He has found a way to get women to pay attention to him.
Sally and Don are back together again. However, it turns out that they have never even kissed. At least she is interested in him when he is not in uniform, so they have taken a big step forward. To get in a romantic mood, she borrows a bunch of romance novels from Mrs Dubchek. Will reality live up to the fantasy?
Dick discovers that the college lunch lady hates him.
Harry has to sit the the GED, a High School equivalency exam. He has been taking night classes for it.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) orders the family to go camping with him. He forbids Sally from bringing Don, but invites Mary Albright to come along. This means there is a lot of friction between Sally and Mary, so at least the episode passes the Bechdel test.
Dick gets exiled from the campers, and ends up getting captured by some Beaver Scouts who have gone Lord of the Flies . He goes native, taking over the tribe of pre-teens and turning into Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now.
Nina is having her wisdom teeth extracted, so Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) offers to drive her to the dentist. She begins to get romantically interested in him, but because of the scriptwriters' reset button the relationship is doomed. However, it happens because Harry tries to do something nice and it leads on to an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Don gives Sally a key to his apartment so they can spend more quality time together. However, he does not get what he wanted. They have been moving too fast.
Dick and Mary get picked to star in a video presentation to promote the college to potential students. Pittman is the director/cameraman, and Tommy gets roped in as Dick's assistant.
Dick's obsession of the week is organising an anniversary dinner for the first time. He invites Mary over, and gets Tommy to cook. August helps out with the cooking, and is so impressed she wants to get back with Tommy.
Vicki is back in town. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) has a jealous rival: Vicki's ex-boyfriend Randy (Phil Hartman - The Simpsons ).
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) tries sex with Don for the first time. In the previous episode they were living in the same apartment, so they must have been in seperate beds.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is stuck working in a freakshow. No change there, then.
Dick's failure to submit his report has been punished by the Big Giant Head. His long-term memory has been inhibited, so he is a bit like the protagonist of Memento .
Dick's obsession of the week is his perceived power, now that his girlfriend Mary has been appointed Dean. He fires the dinner lady, so she files a grievance. Mary orders Dick to repair the damage.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) finally loses her virginity to Don. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and Tommy want to learn more. After all, their job is to learn about life as humans.
This ep starts with Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) and Officer Don (Wayne Knight, the fat bloke from Seinfeld who leered at Sharon Stone's pussy in Basic Instinct) in bed together. Don lets slip that he has had other GFs before he met Sally, and she becomes jealous of his old flames.
Things are not going too well for Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ). Since his GF Mary has been promoted to Dean instead of him, she has become the man of the relationship. To make himself useful, he organises a fashion show for the faculty members.
Harry and Tommy set up their own lemonade stand. Strangely, they do not do any business.
The family eat dinner at Rusty's Fast Food place. Dick's obsession of the week becomes collecting Fuzzy Buddy dolls, a spoof on Beanie Babies. At first he mocks the idea of collecting things as a hobby, but Sally treats hunting as a sport - and her enthusiasm is infectious.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is pressured into becoming the basketball team's mascot, Hootie the Owl, by Principal Greschner (Peter Jurasik - Babylon 5 ). He encounters Brianna ( Erika Christensen ), the head cheerleader.
Dick's obsession of the week is Mary's replacement in the office - new lecturer Jennifer Ravelli ( Laurie Metcalf ).
Tommy has been helping Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) in the bar. Doug (Jim Beaver - Supernatural ) is okay with this, since Tommy works in exchange for beer. The boy decides to repair a love tester machine, but it always gives Tommy the Cold Fish response while Harry gets the Hot Stuff treatment.
Don's new workmate is single. This inspires Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) to set him up on a date with Nina. However, the two of them apparently do not get along. Sally becomes obsessed with getting them to match up.
Mary has been promoted to become the new Dean of the University. She moved into the Dean's office, so now Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) has to share the old office with new lecturer Jennifer Ravelli ( Laurie Metcalf ). He naturally falls in love with the replacement. However, he soon realises she is just a rebound relationship.
Tommy, Harry and Sally reorganise the house and join the kitchen to the living room. They call it ... Klivigtchen.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) writes a breakup letter to his new girlfriend Jennifer Ravelli ( Laurie Metcalf ). Then he discovers that Mary Albright wants him back, so he tries to play them against each other.
Don takes Sally bowling. Unfortunately she is terrible at it.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) is going to pose naked in PlayPen magazine, and Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is impressed. However, he is offended when he discovers his GF Mary ( Jane Curtin ) posed naked for art photos twenty years previously!
Don has a lifetime subscription to Playpen, but he is less than happy to hear Sally's plans. He cannot talk Sally out of it, but he helps Dick get the art photos back.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) gets a new lab partner, his eventual girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ).
New Years Eve 1998 - can Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) actually achieve something before 1999 arrives?
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message from the Big Giant Head. There was an official request placed when they originally arrived. Now it is processed, so Dick and Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) find themselves body-swapped. They soon alienate Mary and Don.
Dick's obsession of the week is to pass himself off as a different Dick Solomon. This means he has to con the other Dick's estranged cousin Jacob (Kurtwood Smith - Robocop ).
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message .
This sends Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) off to
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message from the IRS. The aliens have to pay their taxes. Dick's bill is ten thousand dollars ...
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) opens a hair salon in the apartment as a tax dodge.
Dick's obsession of the week is a feud with Mrs Dubchek the landlady, because she will not get the plumbing fixed because the Solomons will not pay their rent. Vicki is back in town, so Harry takes his girlfriend's side.
Don mistakenly thinks Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) wants him to propose. Mary encourages him, but distances herself when it inevitably goes wrong.
Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) gets some detention. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) tries to get detention too, so he can spend time with her.
Dick's obsession of the week is paranoia. Mary is worried that Chancellor Stevens is favouring Judith. Will she be replaced as the Dean? Mary and Dick end up breaking into Judith's office to find the truth.
The others go to a riverboat casino for a break. Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) gets over Don by flirting with a Neil Diamond impersonator (Bryan Cranston - X-Files ). Meanwhile, Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) discovers that the only slot machine you can guarantee a payout on is the change machine. Worse, he finds out that the casino's main profits come from gift-shop sales.
Vicki has a vision of Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) as the Oogachakka baby from Ally McBeal, and decides she wants to have his child. Of course, Harry is worried that their child will resemble his true form.
Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) does some babysitting. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) tags along, to see if she considers him to be her boyfriend. Vicki and Harry gatecrash, to handle the baby as practice.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) wants to move out and get a place of her own. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) tries in vain to keep the unit together. This involves an homage to the then-popular Scream movie franchise. Of course, Dick gets a reminder that Sally is the security officer for a reason.
Mary ( Jane Curtin ) tells Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) to throw out a chainletter - and then she is injured in a number of unlikely accidents!
The others go to the new hardware store. Harry gets mistaken for an employee, and spends the day working there as a customer service rep. Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) develops a crush on a guy who actually works for the hardware store.
Mary ( Jane Curtin ) tells Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) that since he has been there for three years it is time to learn how to use his computer. Yes, the super-intelligent alien cannot use technology so backward it cannot even read your thought waves. He does a Scotty from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
However, Dick discovers the Internet and likes it so much he decides to perform his Lectures on-line via a web-cam from his home.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) go out to buy a new TV. They decide to pay the extra and go digital - yes, they get DVDs and all they can think to watch is Leprechaun 2!
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and his GF are still trying to get pregnant. It has only been one month, but they have not yet been successful. Perhaps his alien physiology has something to do with it.
Dick and Mary go to a group session for couples' therapy.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) starts to date Sammy the butcher, and we soon see her dressed as a gangster's moll. Likewise, Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) styles himself as a wannabe gangster too.
Dick's obsession of the week is finding a replacement cleaner, now that Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) has moved out. He hires Cathy ( Susan Ruttan ), Mary's maid.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) becomes editor of the school newspaper and uncovers hints of corruption on the part of Principal Greschner (Peter Jurasik - Babylon 5 ) - not unlike the real-life story in Bad Education . His ex-girlfriend, August, is the star reporter. Unfortunately he has to trust her to review the school play, which stars his new girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ).
Kathy Bates ( American Horror Story ) plays a woman who claims to be Dr Dick's biggest fan. Anyone who has seen her in Stephen King's Misery knows that there is more to this than first appears ...
Nina is distracted by the delivery man (Darryl from Charmed ).
Dick's obsession of the week is his rival, Dr Strudwick, who has just written and published a book. To get revenge, Dick decides to write his own physics text-book. After all, he knows science from centuries ahead - cold fusion and what-not.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is invited by his girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) to have dinner with her family. Yes, he finally gets to meet her father. In sitcoms, this kind of thing never goes well.
Since Dick is busy, Don hangs out with Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) again. Although they are broken up, that does not stop them having a lot of sex.
Mary spends the episode looking after the Nobel Prize committee, who seem like a clueless bunch. They become panelists on a TV talk show about Strudwick's book, and Dick turns the event into a Jerry Springer episode.
The family are almost killed by a falling chandelier, and this brush with death makes them appreciate life all the more. Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) works in a soup kitchen, Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) changes his name to AJ, and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) proposes marriage to Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ).
Professor Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ), on the other hand, misses this and spends the entire episode trying to have a near-death experience. This is dangerous for everyone else, when he goes camping with the rest of the faculty.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message that the Big Giant Head (William Shatner - Star Trek: TOS ) is going to arrive and conduct a personal inspection.
The BG Head uses the pseudonym Stone Phillips. He tries to flirt with every woman he meets.
Dick's obsession of the week is his demotion to Transmitter's Assistant. Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) is now the new High Commander. She thinks she won it on merit, although it is clear she only got it because of her looks. This is the third episode where she is involved in sexual harrassment.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets jealous that the Big Giant Head (William Shatner - Star Trek: TOS ) is interested in Vicki.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) takes Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) to the school prom. A student (Aaron Paul - Westworld ) announces the winners of Prom King and Queen ... but it ends a bit like Carrie .
For the Season 1999/2000 there is new theme music. Harry's slutty ex-GF Vicki has returned, pregnant by the Big Giant Head (William Shatner - Star Trek: TOS ). BGH did a runner, but not before making Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) the Supreme Commander!
Vicky gives birth, and the baby appears perfectly human. However, she calls in a tabloid reporter (Curtis Armstrong - Supernatural: Season 8 ) with her story ...
Dick's obsession of the week is his jealousy of Strudwick. It turns out that seven years previously, before Dick arrived in Pendleton, Strudwick had a brief affair with Mary Albright. Dick wants to make it right by seducing Strudwick's wife.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is worried because Mrs Strudwick is Alissa's mother.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) decides to sell the family's old car. Meanwhile, his dimwitted brother Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) learns about the concept of insurance from salesman Gary (Bob Odenkirk - Nobody ).
This is the show's 100th episode, and the title is a reference to The Fifth Element .
Mary Albright invites the Solomons to a murder-mystery weekend. Then she takes sick with food poisoning, before she can tell the family that it is interactive theatre. They spend most of the episode thinking there is a killer on the loose.
Dick's obsession of the week is finding out who the killer is. The inspector (Billy Connolly - ) is unhappy about getting upstaged.
Dick's obsession of the week is plastic surgery.
The surgeon (David Hasselhoff - Starcrash ) thinks that Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is a perfect specimen.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) starts seeing her own imperfections, and thinks that Don is out of her league.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) learns about the Black Support meetings, and thinks it is like Weight Watchers. He and the family attend a White Power rally, and get quite a shock. Then Dick learns about human history and gets a case of white guilt. The others write a poem about the evils of racism, and enter a competition in the local library. The competition is for under-10s, but that does not bother them.
The disturbing aspect of this is when Dick asks his African-American friend Nina if her meeting involved anyone preaching hatred. Well, she obviously was not at a Louis Farakhan rally!
Dick's obsession of the week is tipping. He discovers it is socially compulsory in the USA, although the workers who get the tips should already be getting a decent wage. Mary complains that this makes Dick look like a cheap skinflint.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) invent panhandling. Just as Dick has to give money away, so the others get to collect it.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) gets on the pill to avoid pregnancy. Unfortunately this gives her terrible mood-swings.
Dick's obsession of the week is a painting he bought at a charity auction. He only bid high to spite Strudwick, and now regrets spending so much money on it.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) left the mission statement on a bus, so he and Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) have to write a new one.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) is still sleeping with Don, but her snoring stops him from sleeping.
Dick's obsession of the week is participating in Mary's documentary. She claims that his family is the most average she can find, and Dick wants the family to pass for average.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) has to pretend her secret is lesbianism to distract the camera crew from the family's real secret.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets an addiction to alcohol to make himself more interesting.
Mary is sick of hanging out with the Solomon family. She wants to double-date with Larry (Jonathan Frakes - Star Trek: TNG ) and Gwen (his real-life wife). Dick's obsession of the week is to get the other couple to like him. Strangely, it is not Dick's over-competitiveness or any of his other eccentricities that are the problem.
The washing machine is broken. This sends Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) off to the laundrette. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) tags along, and flirts with a hot girl there.
Dick's obsession of the week is Valentine's day.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) gets a message from a secret admirer who is after her heart. She assumes it is from a murderous stalker, and sends Don off to solve the case. Of course, the admirer is clearly Don himself.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) wants to have sex with his girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ). However, he is a virgin and she is not. He does not want to disappoint her with his inexperience. Luckily, Mary Albright's slutty niece is in town.
The Big Giant Head (William Shatner - Star Trek: TOS ) returns. He wants the starchild as his heir. However, he has to take Vicki, the child's mother. She is less than happy with BGH, since he dumped her and left town.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is overcome with erotic fantasies ... but not about Mary, his GF!
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) learns how to become the perfect homemaker. She is so good that Mary hires her as caterer for a fancy faculty event.
Dick's obsession of the week is the stock market. He is jealous of Strudwick's success, so he promises Mary he will make enough to get her a week's vacation in Cancun. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) helps out.
Don takes the Solomons to the Police gymn. The Force has a new recruit, a female cop named Janice ( Chyna the wrestler!), who is the strongest woman they have seen. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a crush on her. This sends Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) off to challenge Janice and reassert her dominance.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) learns the true meaning of Spring Break.
Don takes over the Solomons' apartment as a surveillance nest because there is a suspected video pirate next door. Lieutenant Jack (Miguel Ferrer - Robocop ) takes over the investigation. This gives Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) someone to talk SWAT tactics with ... Which is overkill for case of copying a few VHS tapes. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets sent to gather evidence for Don, so he can get his case back.
The University has a new Chancellor, who makes sweeping cutbacks. The staff all gossip about him behind his back, but kiss up to him when he is around. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) persuades the faculty to make a mass resignation. Of course, this ends very badly indeed. At first, Dick is unaware that he is terrible at bluffing. However, it turns out he actually has a chance at outsmarting the Chancellor ...
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) gets a job working at the pretzel stand. Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) is his boss, which is stressful for their relationship.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) convinces Mary to enter a Swing Dance contest with him. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets Nina as his dance partner, and they make a great couple. Unfortunately Dick gets frustrated with Mary, so takes Nina as his partner for the big dance. Harry is left alone, like Cinderella. Will Harry and Nina end up together?
Sally and Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) start hanging out and bonding over their shared love of girly things. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) and Don feel uncomfortable, but what can they do?
The episode title says it all. Luckily, Officer Don calls in the world's greatest hole expert - Angus McDuff (Alan Cummings - Goldeneye ).
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) meets Frankie (Enrico Colantoni - Veronica Mars ), an old friend of Mary. It turns out that Frankie is a closeted gay man. Unfortunately, when he uses coded language like from another world Dick takes him literally and assumes he is a fellow alien. This leads on to a classic comedy of errors.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) plans a bank robbery, and her brothers join in on the plan. As disguises, they end up dressed like the Village People.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) discovers that he can cheat the system by pretending to be ill so he can take a sick-day off. Mary joins him, and they bump into Dr Strudwick who is doing the same thing. However, Dick soon becomes jealous of Strudwick who has a platonic friendship with Mary. Worse, the new Chancellor is cracking down on the staff.
Don has left his radio scanner at Sally's place. She and the others use it to listen in on their neighbour Andrea ( Olivia d'Abo ), who is using an analogue cell-phone. This becomes their version of Reality TV, making Andrea an unknowing influencer in the social media of the era. Things get even more surreal when Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) starts interacting with Andrea directly, as she wants to date him because she does not know he has been invading her privacy.
The Big Giant Head (William Shatner - Star Trek: TOS ) and his new bride (Harry's ex-GF Vicki) return to Earth to visit the family. Using his old pseudonym of Stone Phillips, he starts monopolising Dick's time. He evenutally insists that Dick break up with Mary.
Vicki wants to get back with Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ). However, he has a new GF - a female cop named Janice ( Chyna the wrestler!).
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is appointed Valedictorian. His girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) offers her outlook on the end of High School, that it is a time for saying goodbye. Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) assumes that Alissa intends to dump Tommy, although it is a surprise that she did not dump him months ago. Sally interferes ...
Dick's obsession of the week is Mary's sister ( Megan Mullally ). She has donated a new campus wing to Pendleton University ... on condition it is built to block the view from Mary's window.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) accidentally start a gang war.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) and Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) try to help Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) by scaring his ex-girlfriend Alissa ( Larissa Oleynik ) in the hope she will return to him. Well, it is Sally's fault they broke up in the first place.
Dick's obsession of the week is to prevent Tommy and Alissa eloping. He and Dr Strudwick have no intention of becoming in-laws. These arch-rivals head off on a road-trip together, hoping they can get to the church on time.
An erotic thriller is on at the movie theatre. Sally takes Don to see it, while Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) gets Mary to take him.
Now that High School is over, Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) decides to go on a road trip. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) tags along.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) takes Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) to a parallel universe, which is shot as a single-camera location show rather than a multi-camera studio set show. There they are all living in New York City. Alternate Sally's life is parody of Sex in the City. Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is already there, where he has made himself the star of a show named Saturday Night Live.
The Solomons are still in the alternate universe. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) tries to seduce Mary, who is a lounge singer.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is technically Tommy's boss, which leads to a certain amount of friction.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) gets acceptance offers from some Ivy League universities. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) wants Tommy to attend the local college, Pendleton.
Sally discovers the saying that behind every successful man is a strong woman. She pressures Don into upgrading his career.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) helps Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) move into his new college dorm. However, Dick still wants Tommy to get expelled so he has to go to Pendleton.
Sally and Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) start to interview for a replacement Information Officer. Sally hires a himbo for his looks, then she sexually harrasses him. Yes, she seems to have forgotten the events of Third Rock From The Sun [Season 3, Episode 10] Tom, Dick and Mary . She also forgot the previous episode, which had her survive workplace dating.
Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) reveals that Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) is technically a Canadian, so he must get a US citizenship or he will be kicked out of the country.
The Solomons read the US Constitution and decide to take the Equal Rights bit literally. They decide that since they are all equal, their family should be run on communist lines.
Mary is invited to join an archaeological excavation. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) tags along, and dresses like Indiana Jones. Unfortunately the dig is run by Dr Breen (Harry Groener - Buffy: Season 3 ).
With Dick out of town, the others decide to rent his room out. Soon they are running their home as a hotel. However, Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets unhappy about doing the menial work.
Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) becomes a stage magician, and Sally is his assistant. They do well at the open mic night, but their professional jealousy drives them apart. Worse, the venue manager starts to play them against each other.
Mary's purse is stolen, so she attends Don's self-defence class. Nina and Judith also attend. Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) tags along, and gets talked into wearing the human punchbag suit.
Mary takes Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) to a psychic, and the resultant prophecy implies that the Solomons may have to leave Earth sometime soon. Since Dick does not want to leave Mary alone, he tries to find her a replacement boyfriend.
Sally thinks the psychic has genuine powers, and decides to kill her for security reasons. But how can you kill someone who can see the future?
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) visits the local TV station to complain about their inability to accurately predict the weather. She shows them how to do it properly, and gets offered a job as the new Weather Girl. The bad news is that she predicts a deadly tornado will destroy the town.
Dick's obsession of the week is getting Mary into a bomb shelter, where she will be safe from the tornado. Unfortunately she has decided that they are On A Break. Yes, despite everything in the previous episode's conclusion she has taken this decision.
Dick's obsession of the week is getting a couple of Gordon Lightfoot tickets for him and Mary. The ticket-seller (Sean Gunn - Guardians of the Galaxy ) sells out faster than expected.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) is hired by the local TV station as a gofer. He also helps Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) try to win some tickets in a contest.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) is sent off to the Gordon Lightfoot concert with her colleague, Chaz Montana. She is too niaive to realise he wants to do some workplace dating.
Dick's obsession of the week is Mary's mother. She gets hospitalised for a hip replacement, in the care of Dr Schulman (Carlos Jacott).
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a package from the matter transmitter. Another alien has come through the portal from the homeworld. This all seems a bit similar to the storyline a few years ago when Harry's alien pet arrived in human form.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) has to help train the new alien to pass as human. She does not like it when he invents a game named Double Doorbell.
Dick's obsession of the week is getting a time-share apartment. He gets Don to invest half the money, so Don and Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) join Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) and Mary at the apartment for the week.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets jealous because Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ) is taller than him. Eventually Tommy takes him to the local Male Enlargement Clinic, where Dr Schulman (Carlos Jacott) is moonlighting.
Dick's obsession of the week is a self-help book on happiness. He alters his relationships with everyone, including his girlfriend Mary.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message from Tommy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Inception ). This sends Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) off to Tommy's college. She wants to help him, but she ends up in charge of hazing at the Frat he wants to join.
Dick's obsession of the week is that Mary has been getting love letters from a secret admirer named Scoochie. Dick (John Lithgow - Twilight Zone: The Movie ) pretends that he is Scoochie, but this backfires when the real Scoochie arranges to meet Mary.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) gets a message from the Alien Awards. This sends Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) off to look for their rivals, the mysterious Team X. A confusion leads to Sally and Harry joining an Amish commune under the belief that they are from the Planet Am.
Dr Liam Neesam (John Cleese - Time Bandits ) is revealed as Scoochie. He has more in mind than trying the steal Dick's girlfriend. He wants to turn the entire Human race into monkeys so he can turn Earth into a theme park named Planet Monkey World. Presumably for copyright reasons, nobody suggests he uses the far superior title Planet of the Apes .
The aliens' favourite movie was Arthur 2: On The Rocks. Now they discover there is a prequel ...
Dick's obsession of the week is trying to convince Mary he is not an alien.
Sally ( Kristen Johnston ) discovers officer Don, her boyfriend, is not the brave daredevil she thought he was.
Harry (French Stewart - Deadly Class ) sets a date with a hot blonde girl named Sam. This clashes with a date he set with another hot blonde named Samantha. Yes, he does the dating-twin-sisters trope ... but they are actually the same girl.
At the end of the episode, Harry gets a message from the Big Giant Head. Their mission to Earth will be terminated ...
The team hold an Alien-themed going-away party, so all the regular cast members can get some screen time. Dick's original class of students - including Caryn ( Danielle Nicolet ) - come in Starfleet uniforms from Star Trek: TOS . Judith is clad as Princess Leia in Star Wars 4: A New Hope , while Nina is one of the Jetsons. The special musical guest is Elvis Costello.
It all ends where it begins - in Dick's car, at make-out point. Quite a touching ending, for a sit-com.