[Season 1 !Season 2 ]
Reviewed in our
special supplement
Much like the TV show Zoo , this is a show that is based on a science fiction concept but is marketed in a non-SciFi way. Basically, it is science fiction for people who do not like scifi.
A year after the events of the previous Season, the young female survivor of a new team. They investigate a mass fatality incident aboard a yacht, reminiscent of the opening scene of Zombie Flesh Eaters . The victims recently stopped off at a supposedly uninhabited island, The Coastguard reluctantly leaves the team off at the island. It is a clear and present danger because it is only twenty hours sailing to Seattle, but it is so remote it is out of helicopter range and the next ship in the area will arrive in two weeks time.
Meanwhile, Dr. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) lands on the island to investigate an epidemic. Her journey mirrors the others', including an encounter with the mysterious inhabitants of the island. Yes, this is the creepiest island since Lost !
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) has been hiding out as one of the Cult members on the island. This is soon deduced by the investigators, so it seems a pity that this major twist is blown so quickly.
A couple of people in the Cult's compound fall sick from a mysterious illness. The CDC crew investigate.
The parallel investigation involves Dr. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) digging up a dead body. It turns out that bones can be quite informative.
A couple of locals think the CDC team are getting too nosy, so they take steps to make certain something unpleasant happens.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) is still doing manual labour among the peasants. He gets suspicious of some barrels being rolled into a locked barn.
Dr. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) discovers that Dr. Hiroshi Hataki (Hiroyuki Sanada - Arrow ) is also on the island. His wife and adult son are also around. However, his mental state seems severely damaged.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) is delayed in his secret investigation into the cult. Now he has bigger problems. The illness spreads among the cultists. It turns out that the bees and their honey may be spreading it.
In the other investigation, Dr. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) is held prisoner by Dr. Hiroshi Hataki (Hiroyuki Sanada - Sunshine ). He came to a bad end on the islands in Lost and Arrow , what are his odds here?
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) gets locked in a dungeon.
The new guy discovers the source of the tainted honey.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) suggests that the new source of contamination is the apples.
Meanwhile, Dr. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) has a flashback that provides a lot of exposition. Illaria, the conspiracy of Immortals, wanted to destroy the mundanes of humanity. This is obviously an idiotic plan - much like Atlas Shrugged it means destroying the world and rebuilding it almost from scratch. Julia is the only one to openly challenge the suicidal, genocidal plan. However, she discovers that there are renegade Immortals who operate completely outside Illaria and its rules. One of them lives on the mysterious island ...
It turns out that Illaria has a secret plan for world conquest. The Immortals have a secret board-room conference, and Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) is the only one who opposes their master-plan. They are like a vampiric council, but they do not need humans as a food source. However, their plan smacks of Atlas Shrugged ...
Julia tries to find an alternative to the master-plan, and discovers there is an anti-Illaria faction of Immortals. She gets further exposition on Michael's background. We catch a glimpse of him before he started the She's my sister, she's my daughter Cult.
The sick have been concealed somewhere. The CDC team try looking for them, but they have bigger problems. What could be a bigger problem than a bunch of highly contagious fast zombies?
Michael decides it is time to move on. However, this gives all the other factions a good reason to team up against him.
Michael gets his come-uppance. He really should not have underestimated his youngest daughter.
The Coastguard SWAT team pops up, just not in time to save everyone. However, a bit of muscle will be useful to save the world.
The girl doctor goes looking for her foetus. It is unkillable, because it has the Illaria virus, but she still wants to know where it is. After all, someone removed it from her while she was unconscious.
It seems that some of the infected may have become immune, through consumption of a certain type of tree sap. The Texan doctor helps the Coastguard SWAT team to explore the island in the hope of finding the special tree. Unfortunately there are a couple of cannibals living in the woods. They are infected by the virus, but are not Fast Zombies like the others because they are capable of speach. So ... did the virus make them cannibals, or have they just been living in the woods for too long?
The girl doctor agrees to help the new dictator, in exchange for the return of her foetus. The dictator wants to become immortal, like Michael. But this will require a spinal tap, and there is no guarantee the operation will be successful.
Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) arrives on the island. However, we have no idea at the start what date she arrives on. It becomes apparent later how this fits into the main storyline, when she comes face to face with a familiar character.
The team has split into two groups. Half are in the woods, looking for the magic tree. The others are in the mansion, looking for a severed root of the tree.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) and the Coastguard need to find the tree before the Texan guy deteriorates beyond hope. Unfortunately the Texan is already dangerously delusional.
Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) and the girl scientist try to deal with the new Cult leader.
The US Military begins its next stage of containing the plague. Their ships are no longer on a rescue mission. Instead they deploy a stockpile of nerve gas.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) comes face to face with Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ). They both want the same thing, sort of. But will they actually team up for the greater good? He might be a mentally unhinged spree-killer, but she is the one who originally put him up to it.
Despite the fact that the island is about to be violently depopulated, the matriarchs engage in a power struggle. One of them extorts the other women into implanting the bottle-baby into her womb. The other persuades the men around her to serve her interests.
The coastguard team discover one of their own has been murdered. The body is strung up (like in Silence of the Lambs ) and disembowelled (like in Hannibal ). Strong stuff for a TV show that does not have much nudity or swearing.
The US military's nerve gas attack has made quite a mess of things. Peter is now King of the Coven, so he has to take responsibility and hack up the bodies. Afterwards he gets a hot shower - like a normal shower but with some sex in it.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) and Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) team up to find the original source tree. They take an oil-painting from three centuries ago and use astronomy to estimate the location.
The girl doctor goes looking for a new jar for her foetus. In order to get one, she has to find out where the birthing chamber is.
Dr. Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell - The 4400 ) has the mother root. Julia Walker ( Kyra Zagorsky ) tries to get it back, so she can give it to her superiors.
This is the end of the show, but it is a bit of an anti-climax. The loose ends are hurriedly tied up, although a couple of threads are created for another Season's worth of story. Of course, that Season never came so those threads are left to dangle.