The Daily Planet has been bought by Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ), a crooked billionaire. Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) gets downsized, so he takes the teenage sons back to Smallville with him. He and Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) suspect that one of the boys will become superhuman, even though both boys have fifty percent Kryptonian DNA. So which boy will it be - the jock or the nerd?
Clark introduces his family to his ex-girlfriend, Lana Lang Cushing ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) and her hushand Kyle Cushing (Erik Valdez). Their daughter Sarah Cushing ( Inde Navarrette ) becomes the love interest for one of the Kent boys. So which boy will it be - the jock or the nerd?
A man in a super-suit is attacking nuclear reactors. It turns out his plan is to kill Superman.
Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) takes super-boy to the Fortress of Solitude, to meet the AI-operated hologram of Jor-El (Angus MacFadyen - Braveheart ).
The guy in the super-suit is still looking for kryptonite. He goes to the biggest stockpile - the one controlled by General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ).
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) is still a career-woman, while Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) does all the stuff involving their two children. She still makes time to hen-peck him, however.
One of the other High School football players, the token Asian boy, secretly develops super-powers. Is this the beginning of a string of Meteor Rock-type mutants, like in Smallville ? Because that show was a lot better than this one, so a step in that direction would probably be a vast improvement.
Lois investigates a missing persons case. A miner who worked for Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) has disappeared, and a super-soldier is covering it up.
Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) invites himself to dinner with Lana ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) and her husband. He offers her a promotion, although it seems a bit inappropriate.
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) and Lana hang out and moan about the men in their lives. These misandrists mock their protectors, the hard-working heroes who save lives and apparently do all the parenting.
The town holds its annual Harvest Festival. Instead of being based in the local church, this is a secular festival managed by Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ). She is such a workaholic that she henpecks her husband, even though he is a hard-working fire-fighter who is traumatised at the injury of his buddy.
The missing miner is back. However, he has been secretly converted into a super-soldier.
The guy in the super-suit is back. We discover his real name, and his relationship with his alternate version of Lois Lane ( Elizabeth Tulloch ).
The town's token Asian kid has become the equivalent of a Meteor Freak, and beats up Super-boy in revenge. We get a reminder that Superman's greatest power is not his strength, but his super-speed - because it gives him extra time to find solutions.
Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) re-opens the Smallville mine, and promotes Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ). Of course, Lois Lane assumes the worst. First she tries to subvert Lana, then she teams up with token black guy to infiltrate the mine. Of course, when she sees the hi-tech equipment he uses it is obvious to her that he is more than just a freelance reporter.
The Smallville High School football team goes to Metropolis to play against their arch-rivals. Of all the schools in Metropolis, this happens to be the one that the Kent boys used to attend. Super-boy sees this as an opportunity to beat up the kids that bullied him. As if that were not bad enough, Super-boy's newly-discovered super-hearing gives him migraines ... and uncontrollable bouts of laser-eyes.
The Asian boy is on the run, and with his superpowers there is the threat he might attack superboy again. General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) and the DOD are after the kid - and they are prepared to use lethal force. Yes, this has totally diverged from the parent show Supergirl .
Lois Lane ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) lays off investigating Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ), and concentrates on investigating the Token Black Guy. Similarly, TBG's main agenda is not defeating Edge - it is trapping and killing Superman (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ).
We see a series of flashbacks of TBG's world, which explains his undying hatred for Superman. This makes him a well-rounded antagonist, especially compared to the cartoonish Lex Luthor in Supergirl .
Superman (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) hands TBG over to General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ), but conducts the interrogation himself. Meanwhile, Lois does not hand the camper-van over to the DOD. Instead she and her non-super son investigate it themselves. The good news is that she is already on the AI's approved list. The bad news is that she does not bother adding her son to the list, so the defence system kicks in.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is the victim of Morgan Edge's manipulations. In the previous episode he denied a top job to Lana's husband, now he makes Lana's husband think that Lana is the one who did it. While this drives a wedge between husband and wife, the teen daughter is left emotionally unsupported while she auditions for a part in the school play. Luckily the Kent boys are around to give support.
Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) continues to recruit the townspeople as hosts for his army of Kryptonians.
This starts with an extended flashback. Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) arrives in Metropolis for his job interview with the Daily Planet. He talks his way into getting hired, since with his super-health he does not need healthcare coverage. His work partner is Lois Lane ( Elizabeth Tulloch ), who seems to be about ten years older than him. Despite the age gap, and the inappropriateness of a workplace romance, Lois pursues Clark in a #MeToo sense.
This is also the first version of Lois who cares more about Clark than about Superman. She thinks the caped crusader is a distraction from more serious issues, like the rise of Neo-Nazism. Although she claims there are systemic problems, it is much easier for her to just bash the White working class. Rather than actually address the systemic failures of government to provide a basic income and basic services such as single-payer healthcare, she takes the Tucker Carlson approach of victim-blaming poor people by accusing them of making poor life choices.
In the main storyline, Superman has been defeated by Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ). Edge plans to turn Superman evil, using red kryptonite or something. Now Lois and Super-boy must try to save the day.
With Superman (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) fighting off possession, Lois calls in John Henry to help her dad General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ). They design a super-weapon, but they need more tech. John Diggle drops by with a gift from ARGUS. This is the first crossover with the rest of the Arrow -verse.
John Henry takes on Superman in single combat. His plan is to use lethal force. Lois and the kids are naturally against it, but General Lane sees the lethal option as a useful backup option. There are a couple of problems with it that nobody forsees. One is that John Henry's technology will allow them to capture Superman and hold him long enough to be converted back to their side. After all, he would be a useful ally against Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ). The other problem is that there is only one shot, so if it is wasted on Superman then there is no way of defeating Edge.
Will John Henry's manly violence win the day? Or will Lois's womanly approach of talking about emotions?
Superman (Tyler Hoechlin - Teen Wolf ) visits Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ), who is imprisoned by the DOD. General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) is keen to destroy all his anti-Kryptonian weapons, but Superman has to see both sides of the argument.
Lois is part of the cover-up that hides the true nature of the alien invasion. After all, the DOD cannot risk the info getting out. however, this means Lois has to stonewall her boss - the small-town newspaper editor who was the only one who believed in her. Worse, although the townsfolk were more than happy to serve Morgan Edge they have now decided to use Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) as their scapegoat.
With both their parents off doing things other than parenting, the Kent boys decide to skip school for the day. Each heads off with his girlfriend.
Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) breaks out of prison, and rescues his hench-woman. Together they plan to take revenge on Superman.
General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) has a lot of problems with the Kents. Lois has encouraged her editor to stir up trouble. The locals are ready to riot because they want the military to leave town and stop subsidising all the local businesses they patronise. However, the locals are also terrified of Morgan Edge coming back if the military are not around to fight him.
Lana's daughter is persona no grata, and her family are about to sell their house and leave town. The Kent boys head off to a kegger party without her. General Lane has trouble finding them, so he evidently doesn't have their cell-phones under surveillance.
Superman faces off against Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ).
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Superman saves a nuclear submarine from disaster. The bad news is that this is a North Korean submarine. General Lane's replacement, Anderson, is upset that Clark refuses to show favouritism to the USA.
The editor at the Smallville newspaper wants to hire more journalists. Lois insists that the best applicant is not good enough - not simply because he is male and white, but rather that he is popular on twitter and he indulges in something she calls predictive journalism. These factors are usually linked to liberal people ...
That afternoon Lois comes home early, and decides to cock-block her fifteen-year-old sons. For some reason she insists on abstinence instead of teaching them about safe sex. Lois is afraid of becoming a grandmother, but does not seem to understand that contraception and even abortion are also options. It seems that she is an ultra-conservative, which makes sense considering she is a military brat.
Iron Man and his daughter Natalie move into the Kent house. The good news is that now Lois has someone to help her with her investigation at the Shuster mine. The bad news is that Natalie befriends her step-brother's girlfriend. The truth is that the GF has secrets of her own, and as such her relationship with super-boy is on the rocks.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is obsessed with getting the Mayor replaced. After all, she holds him responsible for bringing Morgan Edge into Smallville, then using her and her husband as scapegoats. Unfortunately she is still a terrible judge of character, as her candidate for Mayor quits when he gets bought off. This means she is the inevitable candidate herself.
Lois finds her past has caught up with her. She once wrote an expose on a cult leader, Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ), because her own sister Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ) was a victim of that cult. This seems a bit reminiscent of the NXIVM group that Alison Mack was involved in. Now the cultists are out for payback.
Lois tries to meet up with her estranged sister Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ). However, Lucy sends the Cult leader Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ) instead.
The blonde-haired son confronts his sporting rival who he suspects of using super-steroids.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) gets her Mayoral campaign off to a rocky start. After all, she has been involved in dodgy dealings in the past so many townsfolk do not trust her.
The thing in the mines finally breaks out. Superman discovers why it has a psychic link with him.
Lois tries to meet up with her estranged sister Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ) again. She also sends her journalism partner to the Cult leader's seminar. However, Lucy and the Cult have other plans instead.
The blonde-haired son starts using the super-steroids. Well, it would be a useful thing to do because of his family's superpowered antagonists. However, he only does it to improve his sporting ability.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) discovers the incumbent mayor is digging up dirt. Not just the dirt on Lana, because hers is already well-known. He is targeting her family as well.
The thing from the mines is on the loose. The US DOD sends in its teenage super-team after him, even though he defeated the Superman/John Henry tag-team.
Superman confronts and defeats his Bizarro alternate self. It turns out that, despite the multiverse imploding, there is still at least one alternate reality. Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ), the leader of the Cult that Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ) joined, has a magical amulet which lets her access the other reality. Bizarro claims that Ally is using it to make herself powerful. So which one of them is the villain, and which is the good guy?
Grandpa Lane teaches his grandson some basic fighting skills. Since the other grandson is now exhibiting powers too, Grandpa gets to teach them both.
General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) brings Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ) to the Kent farm in the hope that the sisters will make up. This version of Lucy is played by the same actress as in the Supergirl universe, but this version is a dropout and a cult member rather than an over-achieving military officer and lawyer.
General Anderson is under a lot of pressure to kill Bizarro. Of course, Superman will not hand him over. So when Superman asks for the magic amulet so he can destroy it, Anderson gets his superior's permission to do the opposite.
General Anderson is under a lot of pressure from his boss, General Hardcastle. As a result he uses extreme measures. Not only does he throw Superman into the same cell as his brother, but he starts to torture them for Bizarro's location. Superman gives them the coordinates of the Fortress of Solitude, which is meant to be impenetrable - but Anderson's men search it with ease. The Kryptonians naturally escape, and lead Anderson directly to where Bizarro is stashed. Since Anderson has all the anti-Kryptonian weaponry, including the kryptonite steroid inhalers, he is easily a match for three Kryptonians!
Clark's blond son is caught with a bag of kryptonite steroid inhalers. Because this is a dealer quantity, the school wants to expell him. He will not rat out the real dealer to his parents, because she is his girlfriend. Lois berates him for taking drugs to transition into Kryptonianship, while his brother and father - who were born that way - are presumably allowed because they are CIS-species.
John Henry and his daughter are back again. He seems to have borderline amnesia due to traumatic brain injury.
Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ) now has what she needs, thanks to General Anderson. We cannot blame Anderson - after all, he has been scapegoated by his boss General Hardcastle. She gave him the means and motivation to attack the Kryptonians, but then turned her back on him when he did what she wanted.
Ally's fanatics go through the portal in the mines. General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) is terrified that Lucy ( Jenna Dewan ) was one of them.
This episode takes place over a month, while Lois and the others wait for Superman to return. She pressures her son into handing over the drug-dealer.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) runs for Mayor.
This follows Superman in Bizarro world. He tries to team up with the local good guys. It turns out that Anderson got double-crossed by Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ), which is only fair because he double-crossed her first. Now Superman is desperate for allies, so must allow Anderson a chance to redeem himself.
It turns out that Bizarro superman looked unusual because of his chemical addiction. The rest of the people look quite average. In Bizarro world, Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ) is married to Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ).
Jon-El tries to join with his mundane self. He also abducts Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ), so she can be joined with her Bizarro self.
Superman wants to destroy the pendant. To do that, he needs the help of Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ).
Rather than send another minion, Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ) decides to cross over herself.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) has to deal with the secret she was shown. Rather than fix the problem, she fixes the blame ... on Lois, who retaliates by saying this is a case of women holding other women to a higher standard than they hold men.
Evil Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) comes to kill Clark Kent. Luckily, Superboy is around to take her on. His half-sister has her own super-suit, so she can help out too.
Ally Allston ( Riya Kielstadt ) is bringing the two worlds together. This makes people jump from one world to the other, and the regular world's IBM laptops are replaced with Bizarro Apple-Mac CRT monitors. The DOD issues a cover statement, but the Smallville newspaper editor releases a podcast with all the true info in it. Somehow people have trouble believing the alternate universe story, even though it was a major part of their lives a couple of years ago.
John Henry tries to stop Ally by himself. His daughter has to go in to save him.
Superman needs to get his powers back. To do that, he needs the help of Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner - The Saint (2017) ).
John Diggle gets credited as a guest star, but he just pops up in a scene at the end that sets up John Henry's next storyline.
Superman tries to teach his super-son how to be super-human. Meanwhile, Lois teaches the regular son how to drive.
Grandpa Lane drops by to give John Henry some exposition. That world's version of John Henry was killed by Intergang, so they are presumably the main villains this Season. Also, Grandpa takes his fifteen-year-old grand-daughter to see a horror movie. She is shocked that the old man wants to recruit her to work in his secret Government organisation. Most kids would be overjoyed at the thought of being a super-soldier and saving the world, but she seems to be holding out for better offers from elsewhere.
The teenagers go to gatecrash a party in Metropolis. Super-teen has been friend-zoned by his girl, and he manages to get over it. The regular boy does the friend-zoning with his ex, but she does not take it so gracefully.
Superman goes to the house of Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ), the alleged head of Intergang. The gangster calls him out on his hypocrisy, since superheroes only turn up in emergencies while the gangsters are more likely to actually change the system for the better.
Lois makes a big deal out of her cancer diagnosis. Then she starts ignoring it, and skips her chemotherapy appointments in order to get in trouble chasing Intergang leads. Instead of just reporting on what the cops can prove in court, she out-does the detectives and follows clues to a secret base. Of course, she relies on Superman to do the work of saving her.
The teenagers want to give Lois a personal gift. They leave it in the normal son's truck, and when the truck gets stolen they have to steal it back. The main suspect is the father of the son's girlfriend, a poor white-trash hillbilly who lives in a trailer park.
This starts with the sons fighting over a piece of clothing. Predictably, this episode has a female writer which explains why they have become so shallow. It is an excuse for Clark to tell them to stop bothering their mother. Are they meant to become grown-ups, and take responsibility for their own problems?
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) slapped her teenage daughter, and now gets blamed for it. Yes, teenagers should not be held accountable in any meaningful way. Meanwhile, the normal son starts a fight with his girlfriend's dad. When he loses and tells his mommy everything, she goes round to the man's house and threatens him. Naturally, he lets her know he has a gun. Finally, the Kent family send Clark in to be a tough guy. So much for not solving problems with violence!
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) checks into the hospital. Instead of getting her treatment, she sneaks around and invetsigates. Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ) gives her a great story about how his neighbourhood, a gentrified area formerly known as Suicide Slums, was built next to a toxic waste dump. She does not care about exposing the corrupt CEOs who created systemic injustice in the city. Instead, she just wants to harrass Mannheim.
General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) bonds with his grandaughter. Her love interest from the party a few episodes back has come to town in search of her.
Since the former mayor is dead, his son blames Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ). After all, she is the one who benefited the most. Worse, she now plots to have the local newspaper editor, the woman who has hooked up with Lana's ex-husband, to publish a character assassination campaign on the dead man.
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) has checked into the Intergang hospital. She befriends a fellow patient, a Black woman who treats her to the best restuarant in Hobbs Bay. While Intergang has been responsible for gentrifying the place, Lois gets judgemental about where the money is coming from. She does not realise that all money is blood money, and some is simply laundered better than others.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is busy doing Mayor stuff off-screen, so she gets her ex-husband to play home-maker and look after the daughters. The eldest one has her boyfriend over, so the younger one goes walkabout.
The Black woman who Lois befriended is the wife of Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ), the alleged head of Intergang.
Superman's non-superpowered son gets a job as a trainee firefighter.
Clark wants to publish an expose on the secret wife of Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ), the alleged head of Intergang. Yes, instead of concentrating on proven facts that are relevant to Intergang's criminal activities, the journalists want to descend to gossip. Lois is the only one who objects, although this is temporary.
Lois's step-daughter goes to meet her boyfriend's parents. In a twist, he is the son of Bruno Mannheim.
It turns out that Bruno's success is due to two things. Firstly, his former boss in Intergang was killed. Secondly, Lex Luthor was jailed for the killing. Yes, two birds with one stone - and the end result was zero competition for Bruno. Despite being the richest man in Metropolis, Luthor got convicted on a single piece of evidence - a recorded phone-call of him boasting about the killing. Nobody seems to realise that Lex is not the type to boast, especially not on a phone line that the cops might be recording. How his lawyers let him get convicted on such flimsy evidence is a mystery all in itself. Perhaps he allowed himself to be convicted on purpose ...
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) is preparing for her double mastectomy. She donates a bunch of her old clothes to Mayor Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ), who has launched a clothing drive for the town's poor. One of the donated items is her best dress. We get flashbacks to when Clark bought it for her, when they were working together at the Daily Planet and she was nominated for an award.
Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ) wants to visit his wife, since the government has imprisoned her without trial. John Henry and General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) want to use this as an opportunity to negotiate. Yes, they want to use extortion on the alleged head of Intergang!
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) wants a second achance at getting Mannheim's wife to confess. Yes, rather than let the poor woman die in peace the government has imprisoned her without trial and Lois wants to harrass her about her achievements. Assassinating a few gangsters is hardly something to feel guilty about, especially if she did it to help the economy and contribute to her family's financial success.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) summons a political VIP that she hopes to make an alliance with. This VIP is an elderly woman who was a single mother, so Lana thinks they may have a lot in common. Unfortunately the older woman is a bit judgemental.
The teenagers go to a kegger party. Unfortunately it gets raided by the police, who cause more problems than they solve. This government interference incentivises the teenagers to flee, which combines speeding with drink-driving. Just like the war on drugs, this heavy-handed policing causes more problems than it solves.
Bruno Mannheim (Chad L. Coleman - The Expanse ) has his wife back. Unfortunately the only thing keeping her alive is an experimental cure for cancer. Unfortunately there are side-effects. Some of the Intergang crew try to help her, but she screams and some blood-spatters appear on the all. Something seems to have happened off-screen: this has probably been edited out for the BBC audience.
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) is about to have her double mastectomy, performed by an all-female medical team. General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) gives the surgeon a quiz on worst-case scenarios - not because she is a woman, but because he is a micro-manager with trust issues.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is upset because her daughter seems depressed. The girl will have a criminal record because the cops incentivized her to drink-drive. Lana and her ex-husband give the girl a cure for depression - a minimum-wage job as a waitress. Yes, that is a good substitute for a college scholarship.
Lex Luthor (Michael Cudlitz - Walking Dead ) is finally released from prison, after being exhonerated by Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ). His first priority is getting payback from her. This is not the twink Lex from the Supergirl series, with which this series had crossovers. No, thanks to the Multiverse nothing matters continuity-wise. We get flashbacks to when Lex first arrived in prison. He does not have strength or skill or even some cash to flash. His superpower is that he gets his henchman Otis to threaten peoples' families.
The sons also have problems of their own - typical soap opera stuff, really. The probationary fireman is worried that he is getting special treatment from the boss, who now knows the family's secret. The other son has the opposite problem - he feels he is being sidelined while he wants to be the centre of attention.
Lex Luthor (Michael Cudlitz - Walking Dead ) gave Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) one simple order. To atone for her sloppy fact-checking, she must permanently resign from the profession of journalism. Of course, she is prideful and arrogant - convincing everyone that she is a morally good person while in reality she is a gossip-monger who destroyed the families of her victims.
To hold Lois accountable for her sins, Lex must first remove her protectors. Her father, a General at the Department of Defense, is an easy target when he is off-duty and unarmed at the Smallville meteorite festival. However, to take on Superman Lex needs a Kryptonian warrior of his own ...
Lex Luthor (Michael Cudlitz - Walking Dead ) gave his Kryptonian minion an order to rip out Superman's heart. Now they take the battle into outer space, fighting among the asteroids.
General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) is in the custody of Luthor's goons. He is a hypocrite, since he has himself been responsible for hundreds of kidnappings. Still, refreshing to see a grown man headbutt a woman - this would have been censored in the 1990s.
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) has to deal with the stress of her two protectors, her father and her husband, now being unavailable.
Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) has to deal with the loss of her protector. Her sons put themselves needlessly in danger in the hope of bringing the dead back to life.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) plots against Lex Luthor (Michael Cudlitz - Walking Dead ), since this is the second time Lana has almost allowed an evil billionaire to take over the town. Her assistant points out that the town needs investors. Lana counters that LuthorCorp has put thousands of mom-and-pop businesses out of action. Well, so has Starbucks and every other big chain.
General Lane (Dylan Walsh - Congo ) has a plan, which he keeps secret. We get flashbacks of his previous personal chats with Clark, who is now basically a guest-star in his own show.
Lane sets up a new super-team. John Henry and his daughter are the core members, but instead of getting super-boy he includes a few of his own military personnel. Of course, not only do these DOD employees lack superpowers they are also vulnerable to Luthor.
Superman returns - the Man of Steel is back. However, he is severely diminished so he has to spend his time training super-boy.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is nowhere to be seen, but her ex-husband is marrying Lois's boss. Just as the previous episode was about how perfect Lois and Clark's marriage was, this one shows a more normal and flawed relationship. Still, this show is basically a soap opera.
Superman is back, but weakened. Lois ( Elizabeth Tulloch ) hunts down Lex's daughter Elizabeth Luthor ( Elizabeth Henstridge ). The plan is to give Luthor what he wants - a second chance at his family. But will his lust for revenge take priority?
Lois has a backup plan. She has the remote control that her son stole from Lex's flat. Her target is the Doomsday monster.
Lex's obsession breeds discontent among his minions. However, he has a backup plan for facing Superman without the help of Doomsday.
Lana Lang ( Emmanuelle Chriqui ) is deliberately preventing Luthor from investing in her local community. They are so happy to have Superman as a local citizen that they will turn down any amount of money. After all, having a family of superhumans owing your favours is far better than merely being rich.
Superman is so weak he has started to get grey hair. Can Superman defeat Lex Luthor in a fair fight, without using any superpowers?