[Movie (2014) !Season 1 !Season 2 !Season 3 !Season 4 !Season 5 !Season 6 ]
The vampires' lives are complicated when their flatmate Petyr, a lookalike of Count Orlock from Nosferatu (1922) , brings a victim back as a new vampire.
The vamps are easy-going guys, but they are prejudiced against Alpha (Rhys Darby - Mulder and Scully Meet The Were-Monster ) and his werewolf pack. This is all good fun for the vamps, until it turns out to be a full moon ...
This is a mockumentary, in the manner of The Office. The main difference is that the subjects of the show are a bunch of real-life vampires. As the first episode of the series, this not only introduces the main characters but also sets up some of the recurring plot-lines.
The main trio of vampires are a Gothic bunch who crossed the Atlantic over a century ago, never moved further than Staten Island – and never updated their fashion sense either. They have a more modern, but deeply despised, flatmate … Colin Robinson the energy vampire. He is basically a bureaucrat who feeds by sucking the hope out of his office cow-orkers. What makes him so unpopular is that he is the only kind of vampire who can actually feed on other vampires. He does not even need to touch his victims, merely be in their presence,
The vampires’ familiar is Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ), an overweight Latinx who is evidently inspired by the Mexican horror director Guillermo Del Toro . His job is to find the vamps their favourite food – virgins! To do this he joins the local LARP group.
The main storyline of this episode is the arrival of another vampire - a centuries-old sub-sucker named The Baron. He is old-fashioned, and will not be happy at their lack of progress in conquering the New World and enslaving humanity.
As per the Baron’s command, the vampires have to get involved in local politics. Luckily, Colin is an expert. He loves the bureaucracy it involves, which depresses the hell out of everyone else (and makes them easier for him to feed on). Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) and Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) decide to try influencing rival members of the local council.
Nadja feels sorry for one of the LARP group, Vicki the virgin, and decides to turn her into a vampire. This storyline will be played out in a later episode.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) is upset to discover that one of the local werewolves has broken the secret peace deal by urinating in his garden, specifically on his topiary sculptures. Things escalate quickly, and the werewolf pack comes calling. They look like a mixed-race street gang from the 1980s.
Meanwhile, Colin Robinson gets his own subplot. This show might be inspired by The Office, but this is the one episode where it really goes back to his roots. Colin’s workplace in the corporate bureaucracy is invaded by a deadly rival – an Emotional Vampire. If he does not fight to protect his feeding ground, he may find himself pushed out and starving to death.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) decides to strengthen his group’s position by making an alliance with the Manhattan vamps, who are led by a night-club owner named Simon the Devious (Nick Kroll - ). The Staten Island vamps head over to the night club, dressed in their dated Goth garb. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) wears his favourite hat, made from the skin of witches. Apparently the hat is cursed, which Laszlo refuses to accept, and he chooses to ignore all the terrible accidents which ensue.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) gets knocked unconscious while in his bat form, and gets locked up by the local dog warden. Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) tries to break into the pound and ave him. Unfortunately, as it has already been established government employees are practically impossible to hypnotise because they are already dead on the inside. Luckily Colin Robinson is around to indirectly save the day.
Nadja the female vamp finally gets a chance to date her soulmate Gregor (Jake McDormand - Limitless ) again. The first episode introduced him, but this storyline has been ignored until now. Basically he reappears in her life every few decades, until he eventually gets decapitated and then reincarnated again. For the date they go to a carnival fun-fair, where she discovers that his new incarnation is incredibly boring and lacks ambition of any kind. Since vampires who live for centuries have a very low threshold for boredom, this is not a good thing in any way.
The Baron insists the others take him out for a night on the town. Of course, he cannot consume human food without projectile vomiting - but this does not stop him from trying the local pizza.
After the events of the previous episode, the vampires are put on trial by a committee of other vamps. This is a parody of the trial scene in Interview With The Vampire , but there are so many references to other vampire movies. Two of the committee are characters from the original movie , played by the original actors (who are the writers/producers of this show). The leader is Tilda Swinton , and they are joined by Skype by Wesley Snipes ( Blade (1998) ). Danny Trejo ( From Dusk Til Dawn (1996) ), Paul Reubens ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) ) and Rachel Evan Woods from True Blood are all on the council as well. Dave Batista ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) pops up as one of the prisoners previously sentenced by the Council.
Ironically, Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) might be pretty inept as a familiar but he is actually the most dangerous of all the regular characters.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) wants to get US citizenship. He arranges the necessary appointments, but the interview section itself lets him down quite badly.
Vicki the virgin has become a vampire, and Nadja brings her home to be mentored. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is less than pleased, because he has been working his ass off for a decade and now even strangers are being given the gift of eternal life.
Nadja wants to host the greatest orgy in the vampire community. Since they are a species of immortal blood-drinkers, the annual orgy is the most important thing in their social calendar. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) turns out to have starred in dozens of crappy porno films, and wants to show them at the orgy. Nadja is not so keen on the idea.
Naturally Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) gets lumbered with all the chores to do. The most important thing is to supply a tasty virgin for the meal. It turns out that he might actually have to feed his own best friend to the vamps.
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) gives everyone DNA tests. His own test results turn out to reveal some strange family secrets. Despite being a Latino, he is somehow descended from a certain Dutch family with a very ominous and familiar name.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) visits a distant descendant of his. Well, it is already established that he lived before the year 1401 and had three dozen wives, so he had hundreds of thousands of descendants.
Gregor (Jake McDormand - Limitless ) breaks out of the asylum, and tries to visit Nadja. Will he get decapitated yet again?
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This is set a few months after the events of the previous Season. Over the Summer break, Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) and Nadja have hired and lost half a dozen familiars. Their newest one, Topher (Haley Joel Osment - Futureman ), is also killed. The good news is that Nadja is friends with a Necromancer (Benedict Wong - Dr Strange ) who tries to bring Topher back. The bad news is that he comes back as a zombie.
The house turns out the be haunted. The vamps do not believe in ghosts at first, but eventually conduct a seance. It turns out that Gregor (Jake McDormand - Limitless ) is haunting Nadja because he has unfinished business with her.
The vamps conduct a second seance, and discover that they have ghosts of themselves. Yes, when their bodies were killed and converted into vampires their souls became ghosts with unfinished business. Nandor's ghost only speaks his own langage, which is extinct - and even Nandor has forgotten how to speak it. Laszlo's ghost has been suffering centuries of sexual frustration. Nadja's ghost decides to possess her doll, like Annabelle .
The vampires visit their next-door neighbours for the annual Superb Owl party. Unfortunately the neighbour jokes that they might be vampires. Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) and Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) try to hypnotise him at the same time, which results in the man getting the Brain Scramblies. This is not a good thing ... or is it?
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is out, searching for a new supply of virgins. He attends a meeting for a nerdy club, run by Craig Robinson ( Hot Tub Time Machine ). Unfortunately the nerds are not actually obsessed with mosquitos. They are hunting a different kind of flying blood-sucker!
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) checks his email for the first time in a decade, and discovers an old-fashioned chain email. Being superstitious when the plot requires it, he and the others assume the curse is real.
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) has taken the evening off, so he can meet up with Craig Robinson ( Hot Tub Time Machine ) and his other new friends in the Vamp Hunter club. Unfortunately the hunters have decided to go on a mission. With the bare minimum of training and preparation, and no real plan of action, they intend to attack a nearby house filled with vampires. Yes, it looks like Guillermo is being forced to attack the friendly vamps.
This is the Season's Colin Robinson episode, so it is a lot more like The Office than the main storyline. The Energy Vampire gets promoted at work, which means he has unlimited feeding potential - so his powers grow exponentially. His hair grows back, he learns how to fly ... and he can duplicate himself through supernatural mitosis.
The other vamps try redecorating, and Colin selects a picture of Nadja's home village. The picture depicts the day, two hundred years before Nadja's time, when it was burned and pillaged by an army of unknown invaders. Now she finally discovers what Nandor the Relentless (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) was doing at that time.
Nadja and Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) meet Simon the Devious (Nick Kroll - ), last seen in What We Do In The Shadows (2019) [Season 1, Episode 4] Manhattan Night Club . Now he lives in the sewers, with a greatly reduced crew.
Colin Robinson has started feeding online by trolling people. Unfortunately he runs into a much bigger troll.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) is confronted by his arch-enemy, Jim the Vampire (Mark Hamill - Star Wars ). He flees to Pennsylvania, because it sounds like Transylvania, and becomes a roadhouse owner named Jackie Daytona. The local girls' volleyball team needs funding for their tournamnet fees, so he steps in to help with the crowdfunding. His plan is to run a talent show contest, and charge five dollars a head entry fee.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) discovers that many songs he wrote are now major hits that have been attributed to other people. Somehow he avoided hearing any popular music in the previous fifty years, but giving the vampires' archaic lifestyle that is not necessarily a stretch. Colin Robinson advises Laszlo and Nadja to perform at a local Open Mic night. If they want to get an emotional high by performing, he will get satisfaction by feeding on their audience.
Nandor's old familiar from the 1970s returns, and demands Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) make good on his promise to make him a vampire. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ), the current familiar, realises he will probably be treated similarly and decides to look for a better master. He joins up with a girl at the monthly Familiars' Mixer, although her promises seem too good to be true.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) and Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) are magically abducted by Lillith ( Lucy Punch ) and her coven of witches. Nadja, Colin and Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) try to save them.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ), Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) and Nadja are invited to a prestigious event for leading members of the local vampire community. This appeals to their vanity, so they decide to go along. They forget, of course, that the Vampire Council sentenced them to death last year. They would be better off keeping a low profile.
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is the only one who can save them. Unfortunately he has quit and gone home. Worse, none of the vamps can remember his surname.
This is exactly the kind of thing that the vampire hunters would be useful at. Unfortunately Craig Robinson ( Hot Tub Time Machine ) and the gang are nowhere to be seen.
This is set a month after the events of the previous episode. The vampires have locked Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) in a cage in the basement. They do not seem too upset that he killed thirty-seven vampires, and more that he might kill them. The fact that he could have slaughtered them at any time in the last two years, and only killed the other vamps in order to save his friends, is not mentioned. Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) wants to follow the warrior's code and save Guillermo, while the others are a lot happier at the thought of killing their familiar. In all honesty, they would have no idea of how to survive of they did not have Guillermo to do everything for them.
Thanks to a cameo by Viago (Taika Waititi - Thor: Ragnarok ), the team are offered a way out of their situation. Although they broke the rules by having a vampire slayer as their servant, they actually appear to be very good at getting stuff done. In reality it is Guillermo who gets everything done. Anyway, with the local vampiric council now final-deathed there are a few vacancies available.
The group are given a tour of the Vampire Council's HQ. This includes the massive library filled with vampire lore. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is banned, but he manages to sneak around in the air ducts instead.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) and Nadia are fighting over who will be the leader. They decide to track down a group of younger vampires who have gone rogue, and neglected to pay membership dues.
While Nandor is away, he delegates an important matter to Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ). Naturally Laszlo delegates it to Colin Robinson. The mission is to use a cloak of magical disguise to impersonate Nandor, and seduce a woman at the local gymn on his behalf. Of course, they are quite incompetent at it.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) has been hooking up with his ex-girlfriend, Grace. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) and Nadia both realise this is a bad idea, and it will not end well. Especially when the local werewolf clan get involved.
Back at the Vampire Council's library, Colin is hard at work trying to discover the history of the Energy Vampires. He gets distracted trying to help Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) recover his old car, a 1900s jalopy that was confiscated by the old Council a century ago.
The Vamps have a lot of work to do for the Vampiric Council. Instead they decide to take the weekend off, so they can join their human neighbours on a party weekend at Atlantic City. Colin Robinson and Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) are invited as well.
The Vamps have to bring a bag of their native soil with them, or they will lose their powers and begin to fade away.. Unfortunately the room service maid vacuums their rooms, and the soil gets sucked away. Guillermo is sent to Europe to collect more soil samples.
The climax is an Oceans Eleven style heist storyline, as the Vamps have to get enough money to pay back their hosts.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) and Nadia hold the first session of the new Vampiric Council of Staten Island. Luckily Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is around to stop them from fighting over who gets to sit on the throne. Unfortunately one of the Vampire criminals who must be judged is one of Guillermo's friends from the vampire slayer club.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) takes Colin Robinson to a Boys Night with the neighbour. It turns out that the neighbour has followed his Atlantic City screw-ups with a bad investment in a pyramid scheme of expensive pillows. The bad news is that the creditor is taking him to the small claims court. The good news is that Laszlo was a lawyer in England. The bad news is that his last case was three centuries ago.
In the first episode of the Season, Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) and Nadja were given the responsibility of feeding the Sire. Predictably, they forgot - and the Sire got so hungry that he tunnelled out of his cell. Now he has run wild on the streets of Staten Island. Worse, the vamps follow the rule of Vampire Diaries , that when a vampire dies then everyone they have sired also dies. Therefore, if The Sire - the oldest in the world - gets killed, then every other vampire will also die.
Colin Robinson does not care, because he assumes the Energy Vampires have a different bloodline. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) just does not believe in the rule, because Guillermo's first kill in Season One was the Baron - who sired Nadja, who sired Laszlo himself. So either the rule is wrong, or the Baron somehow survived ...
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) hijacks a speedboat and takes Colin Robinson out on a trip. Their plan is to visit Plum Island, rumoured to be the home of the Energy Vampires. Unfortunately they are taken off-course by the song of the Siren.
It is the seven hundredth anniversary of Nandor's ascension day. Unfortunately this leads on to a midlife crisis, and a severe bout of depression.
In an attempt to distract Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) from his depression, and to avoid doing any work herself, Nadia sends Nandor off to collect overdue membership fees from a Wellness guru ( Cree Summer ). Unfortunately, in his vulnerable state Nandor gets inducted into the cult.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) is still brainwashed. If anything, this is at least keeping his depression at bay. He decides to go into Super-Slumber for the next hundred years.
The World Vampiric Council sends a committee to inspect the local Committee, and see what kind of mess Nandor and Nadia have made of things. The VIPs include the Contessa ( Khandi Alexander ) and Donal Logue ( Blade ).
It is Colin Robinson's hundredth birthday. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) seems especially keen to give Colin a good party. At the end, we learn why Laszlo has been spending so much time with Colin this Season. It is not just a screenwriting convenience, like in Friends.
After the death in the previous episode, the survivors try to move on by having a new group portrait painted. Luckily Donal Logue ( Blade ) is available, and he is an experienced hobbyist painter.
Viago (Taika Waititi - Thor: Ragnarok ) messages Nadia on behalf of the World Vampiric Council, offering her a job in England. The immortal vamps hate waiting, so they want her to immediately snail-mail them a VHS tape by reply.
It has been a year since the end of the previous Season. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) has been trying to run the house while the others were away. Unfortunately Colin Robinson looked after the finances, and since Colin has been replaced by the creepy little child the place has fallen apart. However, now Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is back they might get some cleaning done.
Nadja wants to transform the vampire HQ into a vampire nightclub, like in Blade . Unfortunately the custodian ( Kristen Schaal ) objects. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) uses his skills in the new science of psychiatry in an attempt to control her subconscious.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) gives up his search for a new wife, and instead decides to choose one of his previous 37 wives. His treasure includes a djinn lamp, and the genie gives him 52 wishes. His second wish is to have all the wives back at once, so he can work his way through them and decide which one is the keeper.
Nadja conducts the grand opening of her new vampire nightclub. She has invited the top vampire rap artist, but he is trapped in a suffocating relationship with his familiar.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) wants to please his new fiance. He decides to use the genie's wishes to give himself the world's largest penis. Luckily Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is around to stop him from making a wish that the genie can subvert in a hilariously ironic way.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) tries to teach Colin about art and culture. Unfortunately Colin only cares about show-tunes.
Nadja has problems with the wraith workers in the night-club. To placate them, she takes a trip to the Night Market so she can barter for an item to bribe the wraiths with. She takes her flatmates along.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) wants to leave his new fiance at home. He decides to use one of the genie's wishes to give himself some time alone with the guys. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) ends up getting forced into the Familiar Fights, and has to duel Nandor.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) tries to teach Colin about literature. Unfortunately Colin only cares about fairy-tales.
Colin Robinson hits a certain age, and becomes a rambunctious youngster. The vampires decide to send him to a private school, so they invite a headmaster over and attempt to impress him. The bad news is that there are lots of holes in their story. The good news is that Nadja can hypnotise him to forget so they can have a do-over. There is more than just one do-over ...
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) is the book-keeper for Nadja's vampire nightclub. He is very vague about how much money it is making, and it turns out he is compensating himself quite well for all the vampiric tomfoolery he has to deal with.
Finally it is time for Nandor's wedding. He runs Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) ragged with his insane requests, such as having a live Dodo bird for the wraiths to feed on. Yes, he uses the Djinn for inconsequential things and then orders the Familiar to perform the impossible.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) and Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) join their neighbour in his hunting lodge in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The neighbour wants to hunt deer, while the vampires intend to hunt humans who are hunting deer. The area is known for being the home of the Jersey Devil ...
Back at the mansion, Nadja has a girls' night watching Mama Mia. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) has invited his family over, pretending that Nadja is his girlfriend. Unfortunately his family have the vamp-hunting bloodline too.
This episode is shot as a house-repair TV show named Go Flip Yourself. Yes, nobody has attempted any repairs since they got back at the start of the Season.
Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) wants a man-cave, while Nadja wants a gold toilet. Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) just wants his room to become liveable. Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) wants a place to store his collection of hats. This is a sequel to [Season 1, Episode 4] Manhattan Night Club .
Guillermo (Harvey Guillen - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ) invites his English boyfriend Freddie to visit. Nandor (Kayvan Novak - Prevenge (2017) ) gets jealous, so he has the Djinn transform Marwa into an exact duplicate of Freddie.
Laszlo (Matt Berry - Garth Morenghi’s Darkplace ) wants Nadja to give Baby Colin more perks in his contract. Nadja refuses, so Laszlo takes Colin up-state to a rival vampire nightclub. This leaves Nadja desperate to find a replacement act, so that human celebrities like Sofia Coppola and Jim Jarmush will continue to visit the club.
Baby Colin is no longer a baby, and has hit puberty. He even makes the custodian ( Kristen Schaal ) a mix CD. The only thing he still does the same is bashing holes in the wall of his old room.
The Vampire Nighclub is out of business, partly because the main act has gone but also because Nadja and Guillermo are skimming the take. The main income now is from kids' birthday parties, because it can double as a haunted house.
This episode basically presses the reset button for the entire Season.