One of The Inbetweeners discovers an unusual device and ends up lost in a parallel universe. Surely Blake Harrison already did this a year ago in Tripped ? Well, now his former co-star James Buckley has a go at it.
A delivery boy (not unlike Philip J. Fry in Futurama ) finds a magic amulet that was accidentally delivered to him instead of his new mobile phone charger. He ends up in a Fantasy world, where he seeks help from Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ), the owner of a magic shop.
Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ), the owner of the magic shop, has a magic potion that gives him unbelievable charisma. This is just what Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) needs to infiltrate the vault and steal the amulet back. Can he make friends with the violent thuggish police fairies?
The half-man, half-giant goes on a blind date with another mixed-race person. She is a mermaid, and she looks like the mixed race girl from Two Pints of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps.
Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) is desperate to pay back the money he owes to Slasher ( Sally Phillips ). Luckily, the office-boy has found a magic sprite (Steve Coogan - ) who must grant him a single wish. Will he use it to go home, or to do something more altruistic?
The dwarf sets up a group to help his new charitable cause, the preservation of an endangered species of carnivorous monsters. He persuades Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) to come along to make up the numbers. They meet a beautiful girl who has one of the monsters as a pet. She calls it Mr Wuffles, hence the title of the episode.
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Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) is thrown in the dungeon for assaulting the ambassador of the snail people. His friends from the pub try idiotic schemes to help him.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) is back in the pub. He has taught the others about the game of darts, and they now have a dart-board in the place. Unfortunately the Fairies drop by and take an interest in the game.
Brian needs a job, so he pays Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) to take him on as an apprentice. Yes, he has no idea of how the apprenticeship thing works. Worse, he forgets that Howell is a dodgy double-dealer who is little better than a con-man and lets himself get tricked into agreeing to a body-swap spell.
Meanwhile, the dwarf accidentally hatches a lizard-monster egg and ends up having to raise the lizard monster as if it were his own child.
The pub's owner wants to hold a fifteen year anniversary party. However, all the regulars have decided to go elsewhere for a change.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) checks out a new bar, down by the docks. They have a very exclusive membership policy, but the security man is very well-groomed and takes a somewhat predatory interest in Brian. Of course, our hero is an idiot and does not pick up on the somewhat rapey vibe.
The soothsayer bumps into an old friend, Rina ( Susan Wokoma ). Rina offers to help her invest her life-savings. What could possibly go wrong?
Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) tries to sell a magic gem to Slasher ( Sally Phillips ). Naturally it all goes badly wrong for him.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) needs money in order to get to the City of a Thousand Towers. He smartly avoids a card game that involves Slasher. Unfortunately Slasher loses, so she demands that Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) create a foolproof method of cheating for her.
It is Pear Day, the annual Pear-related festival. Brian and Steg get hired to protect the town's lucky albino pear tree. It would make more sense to use the Fairies, but nobody seems to think things through. The boss man helpfully supplies them with salty snacks, strong Brandy, comfy pillows and blankets. No danger of them falling asleep and letting something bad happen, then.
Barbara the soothsayer needs to memorise the entire book of the Guild's history before she can become a member. She needs Howell's help.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) needs to get to the City of a Thousand Towers. He joins the local theatre troupe, who whose tour will take them there. Unfortunately the only vacancy is among the crew, so he must be general dogs-body while the actors just sit around and practice make-believe.
There is a dangerous beast on the loose. Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) tries to catch it so he can claim the reward.
Barbara the soothsayer befriends an injured fairy.
Steg meets a disgruntled Orc who is part of a construction crew working for the Lord Protector (Sylvestor McCoy - Doctor Who ). Yes, the Orcs are now the underclass who are exploited for hard manual labour. Well, they have no other usable skills.
Impressively, all these plot threads come together at the end.
The Asian warrior-babe who spent the Season walking to Munty has finally arrived there. However, Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) is about to get sent home. If Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) can remain sober for the rest of the day, that is.
Barbara gets a boyfriend and Steg gets a job. Neither of these works out as intended.
The gang get to the Henge in time. However, the story is left open for another Season.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) gives us a quick update on what happened. He has spent the time since the previous season in a circus, as a slave to the villainous Ringmaster (Steve Coogan - Night At the Museum ). This actually pales into insignificance when compared to Papa Lazarou, a character from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, who is easily the most monsterous ringmaster in fiction.
Meanwhile, Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) returned to Earth in Brian's place. Now he works in an office, and cons everyone out of money. He has managed to stay there and get by for several months, using deceit and blackmail with the managers. This is actually very impressive, considering he is a second-rate wizard from a fantasy realm.
Brian the delivery boy (James Buckley - The Inbetweeners ) applies for the job of chef at the tavern. The barman's old army buddy turns up, so the barman makes them work together. Unfortunately for Brian, the old soldier is psychotic.
The soothsayer is the judge of the town's Best Pet contest. Slasher Morgan ( Sally Phillips ) enters her prize-winning pig in the contest. Howell (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) gets paid to rig it.
Brian (James Buckley - Red Dwarf ) invents popcorn, and starts selling it at a stall in the street. Slasher hears about this, and takes over the franchise. To make things worse, Steg sets up a rival popcorn stall too. If one of them gets the endorsement of the Dictator (Sylvester McCoy - Dr Who ) then it will all pay off.
Slasher has other business to attend to. Howell the wizard (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) has a truth serum, and it makes him reveal his true feelings about her.
Brian (James Buckley - Red Dwarf ) collects a barrel from the supplier's warehouse. However, he gets the wrong barrel. Not entirely his fault, because the guard assumes he is someone else. Anyway, the barrel has a young woman sealed inside.
Howell the wizard (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) has a new scam. There has been an outbreak of a magical disease named wood-pox which turns the victim into a tree, and Howell is the only one with a cure.
Brian (James Buckley - Red Dwarf ) has the bracelet back, but it no longer functions as a dimension-jumper. He reluctantly goes to Howell the wizard (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ) to get it fixed. Howell sends Brian off on an errand, to borrow a spell-book from the public library. Of course, this is just another example of Howell's exploitation of his friends and customers.
Howell has been commissioned to create a bravery potion. A murderous beast has attacked someone in the forest near the town, and the Fairies – normally the most brutal of the town's inhabitants – need something to stiffen their resolve. The potion works almost too well, since it makes the consumer completely fearless to the point of stupidity.
Steg uses a skin moisturiser potion, but it reacts badly with his dwarf-giant DNA and he ends up looking like a goblin. After an attack by some racist humans he is taken in by a family of friendly goblins. Of course, as always in this kind of comedy-of-errors it is only a matter of time before they discover the truth.
Barbara the seeress has bigger problems. Her mother comes to town to visit. Worse, the mother shacks up with the barman and threatens to make him her newest husband.
Brian (James Buckley - Red Dwarf ) joins the Munty Reserve Force. This sounds like an easy job, since the town is not at war. However, last week's fearlessness potion has not worked on the Fairies. They are scared to go into the woods, so they send in Brian and Howell the wizard (Paul Kaye - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell ).
Steg goes dragon-spotting. Nobody has seen a dragon in the area for thirty years. However, it is an excuse for him to meet Esmerelda in the bell-tower.
Barbara does her first day's work at the Seer's Guild. She is skilled enough to see that a gullible person will be robbed, but too gullible to realise that she will be the victim. Since the thief knew when and where to stage the robbery, it was probably an inside job.
The demonic entity gets into the town. It is after Howell – or more precisely, the amulet he stole from it. Of course, the amulet is the only way that Brian can get home. The big mystery is, since it is worn locked on the wearer's wrist it is obviously a bracelet so why is everyone calling it an amulet?