Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) returns to Gotham City. Her cousin, Bruce Wayne, has not been seen in several years. Likewise the vigilante hero known as "Batman" has not been seen either. Kate blamed Batman for failing to save her mother and her sister, Beth.
Kate's ex-lover, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ), is now married to a man - her cow-orker Tyler (Greyston Holt - Bitten ). They both work for Kate's father, Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ), who runs a private security company called The Crows. Yes, rather than create a strong government that protects all citizens they have privatised safety so it is only available for the rich.
A supervillain named Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ), and her gang of mask-wearing thugs, has decided to terrorise Gotham. More specifically, they target Kate's father and his company.
Kate discovers a secret bat-cave under Bruce Wayne's skyscraper. Luckily she is a highlty trained Special Forces soldier, so she is able to wear the bat-suit and fight crime.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) has a knife with Alice's DNA, and wants to test it. She has a theory that Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ), a villain who specialises in mind-games, is really Kate's long lost sister Beth Kane.
A gang of thugs tries to steal the DNA sample. It seems that there is a third party involved.
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) orders his agents to catch or kill Alice's gang. Yes, somehow the rent-a-cops have unlimited legal rights - literally a license to kill!
Kate's step-sister, med-student Mary Hamilton ( Nicole Kang ), also runs a secret clinic where she gives free treatment to poor people. To start with, this subsidises the corrupt healthcare system that she claims to oppose. Secondly, this makes her the first point of call for wounded criminals such as Alice's gang members.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) secretly meets with Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ). In spite of Alice's many murders of innocent civilians, Kate is willing to make a deal with her. Unfortunately for Chuck Dodgson (Brendon Zub - Charmed (2018) ), Alice is obsessed with mentally torturing her father. Can Alice go 24 hours without comitting murder if that is what it takes to get Chuck back?
Tommy Elliot (Gabriel Mann - Legend of the Seeker (2008) ), Bruce Wayne's old frenemey, drops by in search of Batman. Yes, just like Olly Queen he had a best buddy named Tommy. And since everyone thinks that Batman is back in town, Tommy assumes that Bruce is back in town too.
Someone steals a super-pistol from Wayne Enterprises secret lab. This is the only weapon powerful enough to penetrate Batman's body armour.
Kate goes to Tommy's party, where she flirts with Reagan the barmaid ( Brianne Howey ). Everyone seems to hate Tommy, even Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) - despite the fact that Tommy is one of his biggest customers. Reagan is the only one who sees that as a real estate mogul, Tommy is basically deepening the city's socio-economic segregation.
Kate's ex-lover, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ), is assigned to bodyguard Mary Hamilton ( Nicole Kang ). They get trapped in an elevator with Sophie's cow-orker/husband Tyler (Greyston Holt - Bitten ). Will Sophie take the opportunity to be honest with him?
A cat-burglar named Magpie ( Rachel Matthews ) is in town.
Chuck Dodgson (Brendon Zub - Charmed (2018) ) has been tortured by Batwoman for the last few weeks. Finally Luke Fox talks the torturer into taking her victim to a doctor. The only unlicensed doctor that Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) knows of is her step-sister, Mary Hamilton ( Nicole Kang ), who Dodgson tried to assassinate - but at least the doctor tries to be professional. Better, Mary can get info without actually torturing anyone.
Batwoman releases Chuck Dodgson (Brendon Zub - Charmed (2018) ) so she can follow him and trap Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ).
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) goes after Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ), and runs into Dodgson. It turns out that the renegade's relationship with Alice isn't straightforward. Her real love is a platonic one for her foster-brother, Mouse. Dodgson's agenda is to defeat Kane, who he holds responsible for Gotham's segregation between extreme wealth and poverty. The truth is, Batwoman herself might actually agree with this.
A killer dressed like a medieval executioner is killing law enforcement people in ways similar to the official government methods of execution. His motive is that he believes his targets are guilty of corruption, and that they deliberately target poor black people. This is a bit of a whitewash - it implies that the problem is limited to a trio of bad characters rather than a deeply corrupt and unequal system.
We get some mentions of familiar characters. The District Attorney is named as the one who convicted Jack Napier, AKA the Joker. It turns out that Mayor Copplepot brought back the firing squad as a means of execution.
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) denounces the Executioner as being a Social Justice Warrior. This marks Kane out as being a strawman. Luke Fox has more valid complaints, although he is allowed to because he is a young black man not an old white one.
The subplot is about Alice and Mouse stealing a pistol-sized coil-gun that is powerful enough to penetrate the bat-suit.
A freelance sniper is assassinating scientists in Gotham. A female ninja is hunting the sniper. She turns out to be Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ), one of Kate's ex-lovers. Small world.
Kate's main ex-lover, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ), finally has to be honest with her husband Tyler (Greyston Holt - Bitten ). There are lots of flashbacks to Kate's expulsion from Military School, when she won the Battle of the Sexes by proving a CIS-gendered woman is better than a CIS-gendered man ... and by extension, a trans-woman ...
The subplot is about Alice and Mouse's pistol-sized coil-gun that is powerful enough to penetrate the bat-suit. An international gangster, Sophia, wants it.
Kate's main ex-lover, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ), is still working with her husband Tyler (Greyston Holt - Bitten ). Workplace dating is not a good idea. It turns out that her husband no longer trust her.
Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) and Mouse conduct a revenge plan, taking over an award-giving ceremony hosted by Dr. Ethan Campbell (Sebastian Roché - Odyssey 5 ).
This takes up after the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths: Hour One, as depicted in Supergirl [Season 5, Episode 9] .
This is a setup for Crisis on Infinite Earths: Hour Three, to be continued on The Flash [Season 6, Episode 9] .
A hacker hijacks the morning commuter train into the city. Batwoman saves four hundred passengers, but gets photographed by them (instead of paparazzi). A brave young policeman helps in the rescue, despite having none of the billion-dollar advantages Batwoman has.
Batwoman complains that the general public seem obsessed with her private life. Later on she decides to divulge intimate details of her private life, in order to set herself up as a representative for lesbianism.
Beth wanders into Wayne Towers, and wonders why nobody recognises her. It turns out that she is from an alternate universe, thanks to the Crisis on Infinite Earths events.
We get more flashbacks to the events that turned Beth into Alice, as in Batwoman (2019) [Season 1, Episode 5] Mine Is a Long and a Sad Tale. Now Alice is in the custody of the Crows, but Mouse takes hostages to trade for her release. With Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) in GCPD custody, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ) is in charge.
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) is locked in the same prison as his former minion, Chuck Dodgson (Brendon Zub - Charmed (2018) ). The good news is that Dodgson knows about all the corruption that the Crows have been responsible for. The bad news is that the man convicted of killing Lucius Fox is also in the prison, and for some reason sides with Kane.
Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ) is in temporary charge of the Crows, so she starts a massive lockdown of the city. She even puts a shoot-on-sight out order on Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ). Yes, this story is full of ironies.
Since Beth is an anomaly caused by the Crisis on Infinite Earths events, she cannot exist indefinitely in the same universe as Alice. Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) must choose which one to sacrifice. Luckily Alice is in the hands of her step-sister, who still bears a grudge after the murder of her mother.
Nocturna ( Kayla Ewell ) is a femme fatale who seduces people, then drains their blood. She would rather read a magazine than have sex with her victims, so she obviously has even more psychological problems than the average vampire.
Thanks to the expert testimony of Dr. Ethan Campbell (Sebastian Roché - Odyssey 5 ), a specialist in facial reconstruction, Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) has been exhonorated for the killing that Alice framed him with. However, now everyone thinks that Alice is dead.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) has started up a gay bar, so she can get richer by helping rich lesbians hook up. Nocturna uses it as a hunting ground for her next victim, so the bat-family stake it out. The only two straights, the doctor and the computer nerd, might actually be the ones to score ...
Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ) has to choose between her carrer and her love-life. In the heteronormative world, shows like Friends and Sex in the City were castigated for having female protagonists choose the Life part of their work-life balance. Now, almost twenty years later, a show aimed at lesbians is giving the same answer. Will it get the same treatment?
Duela Dent ( Alessandra Torresani ) is the niece of Harvey, the famous District Attorney. She goes around carving up the faces of famous online influencers, giving them Joker smiles like that of Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight . It turns out she is a former patient of Dr. Ethan Campbell (Sebastian Roché - Odyssey 5 ), and is attacking his other patients.
After the uncovering of law-enforcement corruption in Batwoman (2019) [Season 1, Episode 6] I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury, the man accused of killing Lucius Fox is up for a retrial. Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) begins to suspect that the Crows were involved in corruption, and for some reason they paid a fifty thousand dollar bribe as inducement for a witness to destroy videotape evidence. Yes, poor old Dodgson was right all along!
Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ) goes on a date with Batwoman. Unfortunately Sophie's homophobic mom comes to town, and Sophie has never come out to her.
Alice is obsessed with catching the doctor who held her prisoner as a child. It is not just a case of revenge - he has Mouse, her beloved foster-brother.
Dr. Ethan Campbell (Sebastian Roché - Odyssey 5 ) and Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) both turn the tables on each other. She gets strapped down and filled with Fear Gas, which forces her to relive her worst memories. In her case it is the time she spent with Cartwright's mother, a bossy old woman who Alice refers to as the Queen of Hearts.
Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) escapes from Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ), but discovers that her crew of thugs has been wiped out by the female gangster that she double-crossed in Batwoman (2019) [Season 1, Episode 7] Tell Me the Truth. Worse, Mouse is missing and Alice will need help getting him back. Luckily, due to the fate of Dr. Ethan Campbell (Sebastian Roché - Odyssey 5 ) Alice now has leverage on Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ).
Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ) is back in town. She teams up with Kate Kane's other ex-lover, Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ), to investigate the killing of Lucius Fox. Since the original suspect has been released, someone is killing off all the witnesses.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) is suffering from Imposter Syndrome, so she refuses to wear the Bat-Suit. Instead she solves crimes in her normal day-clothes. At least one cosplayer is running around as the new Batwoman, to give hope to the beleaguered city of Gotham. In all fairness, Kate is a cosplayer too.
Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) is in Arkham Asylum with Mouse, Tommy Elliot (Gabriel Mann - Legend of the Seeker (2008) ) and a cat-burglar named Magpie ( Rachel Matthews ). She has a plan to change things.
Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ) and Sophie Moore ( Meagan Tandy ) are still working together. This time they have to hunt down The Detonator, a supervillain who has not struck in seven years. By incredible coincidence, not only did he come back just after the Lucius Fox case was reopened but the bombs he plants apparently target the evidence.
Tommy Elliot (Gabriel Mann - Legend of the Seeker (2008) ) left Lucius Fox's secret journal with a money launderer, who is currently auctioning things to organised crime figures.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) goes into the nightclub, and discovers Reagan the barmaid ( Brianne Howey ) is now working there. Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ) is Kate's backup ... in both senses, one assumes.
A cat-burglar named Magpie ( Rachel Matthews ) is in town.
The underworld figures deal in millions of dollars. But the people who run Gotham, the corrupt billionaires who run businesses like Wayne Enterprises, spend that much in a weekend shopping spree. The wealth gap between the haves and have-nots is incredible. Doctor Mary can get two and a half million dollars in a suitcase in the middle of the night.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) regrets her hook-up with Reagan the barmaid ( Brianne Howey ). Luckily Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ) is still in town.
Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) and Mouse use Tommy Elliot (Gabriel Mann - Legend of the Seeker (2008) ) as their gofer. With bandages instead of a face, and a pair of silenced automatics, he gets nicknamed Hush by the media. Strangely he is using .45 ammo rather than .22 rounds, but perhaps he got a ton of subsonic ammo from the same place he got the surpressors.
Mouse wants to double-cross Tommy ASAP, because he wants to stay in Arkham and enjoy the good life. After all, now he has the run of the place. Alice prefers to use Tommy for revenge on mutual enemies.
The MacGuffin is Lucius Fox's journal, because it contains the design of a weapon that can penetrate the bat-suit. Kate has already destroyed two such weapons - the Hamilton coil-gun and the Wayne rail-gun. Her suit will only work as long as nobody develops a better weapon.
The bat-team has a new member - the lesbian schoolgirl from a few episodes ago. Yes, the bat-cave will end up with more lesbians in it than the actuall full-on lesbian bar that Kate opened. Meanwhile, Kate is jealous because her two ex-lovers have now paired up in their own lesbian relationship. Has none of them heard of a three-way? And did any of the male heroes in the Arrowverse ever spend as much time working on his sex life - with as many love interests?
Alice ( Rachel Skarsten ) and Mouse hide out in the sewers. Mouse wants to retire and live happily ever after, but Alice prefers to use Tommy Elliot (Gabriel Mann - Legend of the Seeker (2008) ) for revenge on mutual enemies. To penetrate the Bat-Suit they need Kryptonite. Yes, this two-for-one mineral can kill both Batwoman and Supergirl!
The Arkham breakout that Alice caused in the previous episode has unleashed the most terrifying villain so far. Titan Turnow, a gigantic former American Football player, is on a kill-crazy rampage with a pair of machetes. Now he is taking revenge on anyone involved in his conviction. Since his rage apparently stems from steroid abuse and Traumatic Brain Injury, this is the social justice issue of the week.
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) is obsessed with taking Batwoman down. Alice is a far lower priority for him now. However, he agrees to team up with Batwoman. It could be that he needs her more than she needs him. After all the Crows have to blow their locations in the dark by using torches rather than night-vision goggles - even though infra-red technology dates back to the Second World War.
We discover that this reality's version of Bruce Wayne looks like Warren Christie ( Alphas ). Then it ends in a cliffhanger. Unfortunately Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) is being written out next Season, so her plot arcs will have to be tied up.
Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ) is on a plane back from National City, where Supergirl lives. Yes, Kara could have flown over to Gotham without the need for an airplane, but she put Kate to a lot of trouble instead. Anyway, the plane explodes mid-air.
Ryan Wilder ( Javicia Leslie ), a random homeless woman, finds the batwoman suit in the wreckage. This is precisely the problem with Social Justice Wanker thinking - that humans are interchangeable, and that becoming a superhero is basically cosplay. This kind of thinking is evident on the Right wing too, as evidenced by the amateurish coup attempt in January 2021.
Col. Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) refuses to give up hope of finding his daughter, who went missing when her vehicle went into the river. He and his step-daughter lampshade the fact that this is a direct copy of what happened at the start of Season One.
Bruce Wayne (Warren Christie - Alphas ) is back in town. We the audience know who he really is, because this was a reveal in the final episode of Season One. However, the other characters are meant to be fooled. The question is, do the finger-prints match the face?
Ryan claims that if Alice were not caucasian, she would have been killed by the Crows long ago. The reality is that the Colonel issued shoot-to-kill orders on both her and Batwoman before he knew they were his daughters. That said, it may explain why Batman's rogue's gallery are all white.
Julia Pennyworth ( Christina Wolfe ) is cosplaying as Batwoman, a replacement for Kate Kane who cosplayed as Batman. Unfortunately, Alice does not want a new Batwoman on her trail so renders Julia out of action. If only there was a Black lesbian to take over, and provide representation for that community.
Meanwhile, local Black lesbian Ryan Wilder ( Javicia Leslie ) is being oppressed because of her Prior Criminal History.
Alice's plan is to spread a plague across Gotham by releasing thousands of bats from the sewers. She then offers the cure to Kate's cousin, who gives it to her mother's company Hamilton Dynamic for mass-production and distribution. So why is she still working in an illegal basement clinic?
This introduces Victor Zsasz, the most interesting potentially recurring villain so far. He is a freelance assassin who remains concognito, despite having his body covered in hash-mark scars to mark his number of victims. When he runs out of space, he has to use his head.
Kate's cousin reveals that she sold her mother's shares in Hamilton Dynamic, making herself a Billionaire. So why is she still working in an illegal basement clinic?
Ryan Wilder ( Javicia Leslie ) has been active in Gotham's criminal underworld. This means she is friend-of-a-friend with Victor. She also has to get a proper job to impress her Parole Officer, so she signs up as bartender in Kate's lesbian bar.
Victor calls out the new Black Batwoman for cosplaying, since she is basically Passing as White Batwoman. She decides to replace the annoying red wig with a big black afro one.
Alice gets interrogated by Safiyah, her former mentor. Kate's ex-lover has a chat with Safiyah's henchwoman. Yes, this episode certainly manages to pass the Bechdel test.
Apparently Gotham has a new drug craze, which is as deadly as it is addictive. How the dealers get rich if it kills their customers is not explained. Batwoman contines fighting the war on drugs, beating up poor people because Might Makes Right. She becomes more hypocritical in the next episode.
Batwoman gets a case that the cops are not bothered about - a young black kid has gone missing. This gives Batwoman a flashback to her own childhood, when she was kidnapped by the Candy Lady - a Granny Goodness type who brainwashes street kids and sells them into street-gangs. Yes, the Crips and Bloods were created by a suburban white woman.
Batwoman is upset because nobody came looking for her, the little Black girl, but they all went looking for a missing white woman. The irony is that Batwoman was a runaway who was never reported missing by the Black community, while the Fair Skin, Blue Eyes girl was Beth Kane - from the billionaire Wayne family.
While the Asian doctor girl gives tech support to Batwoman, the other Black lesbian gets tech support from Token Black Guy.
Kate Kane's disappearance has got something to do with a painting created by Jack Napier, AKA the Joker. It is in the hands of a secretive group called The Collective. Jacob learns this when he meets a source and gets ambushed by one of Safiyah's assassins. He has a couple of Crows for backup, which means there are three fatalities. Batwoman refuses to hands a mass-murderer over to the Crows, because she things they will torture him for information. Ironic, since Kate Kane is the one who tortured Dodgeson.
Batwoman has a sob story about some Crows flirting with her. When she was rude, they arrested her and she spent eighteen months in prison. Well, she had her lesbian lover's drug stash in her bag ... and this was evidently a dealer quantity. Token Black Guy has a worse story - his father (Lucius Fox) was killed by the Crows. In reality, it was one corrupt crow working for a super-rich villain.
A thief nicknamed Wolf-Spider is after the same painting. Batwoman uses violence in an attempt to stop him, but is crippled by the kryptonite bullet still lodged inside her. The Crows are better at using violence than she is, and this upsets her more than anything.
Alice goes after Ocean, the man Safiyah ordered her to kill. Of course, there is a lot more to it than that.
The show's cast has been streamlined, and it looks like they are aiming towards an all-lesbian cast. Kane (Dougray Scott - Mission Impossible 2 ) has been incarcerated in Metropolis, and there is now mention of the Crows. Instead, Renee Montoya ( Victoria Cartagena ) – a lesbian ex-cop – has been assigned to clean up the mess from the previous Season. A bunch of plot devices – as in, supervillain weapons from Batman's trophy case - have been lost and are potentially in the wrong hands.
Black Batwoman is still controlling the city, with Luke as her sidekick. He has his own batman suit, a high-tech version that is fully armoured. In spite of this, the fact that he is smarter and his suit is more capable than Batwoman, he is basically treated as a sidekick. That said, he is not too proud to punch down against those less fortunate.
Alice is locked up in Arkham Asylum. Well, she spent two Seasons walking free and being an untouchable serial killer. It is only fair that she should face consequences for her actions. However, she has a fanboy who has set up a Free Alice website.
One of the supervillain weapons pops up – the Mad Hatter's hat. It is sold on ebay, and bought by a fan of the villain who becomes a copycat. Although he is the Alice fanboy, he does not bother trying to rescue her. Instead he takes over the Medical School's graduation ceremony so that he can get revenge on the medical establishment. After all, they perpetuate a for-profit medical system that only benefits Big Pharma. And the so-called good guys have to admit that he actually has a point.
Kate Kane's step-sister is the valedictoran speaker at the med-school graduation. This means that the rest of the lesbian gang are in the audience.
Batwoman and Alice team up for their first case together. Someone has been infected with the DNA of Killer Croc, and has started to eat people.
Batwing is on the reserves bench this episode, because his suit is glitching and he needs to fix it. It seems to be shutting down because it thinks he is injured, so he has to get the Asian-American doctor girl check him out. This leads to some awkwardness between the two.
The main story is about Batwoman's feeling of rejection by her birth-mother, the woman who sent her away at birth and paid the doctor two million dollars to cover up the details.
Some kids have discovered a weapon created by Mister Freeze. It goes missing from police custody, so the Bat-Team have to track it down again. The good news is that it is in the relatively benign hands of Mrs Freeze, the formerly frozen wife of the now-dead supervillain. The bad news is that a group of thugs is after it so they can sell it to the highest bidder.
In the subplot, Alice is suffering side-effects after being injected with tracking nanites. In fact, she actually has halucinations about them.
Like Sarah the White Canary in Legends of Tomorrow , Batwoman uses a weapon in most of her hand-to-hand fights. Evidently this is to make up for their relative lack of reach and upper body strength when up against a male opponent. This actually makes a lot of sense, especially when compared to the parkour fighting style used by females in the MCU.
Mr Freeze's super-weapon has been nabbed by a conspiracy. They now start to cover their tracks by wiping out a group of journalists who are about to expose them. The head journalist is the sister of Batwoman's girlfriend.
Black Batwoman's secret identity is smeared by her estranged mother Jada ( Robin Givens ). Forensic accounting has uncovered a secret slush fund, where massive amounts of money is channeled out of Wayne Enterprises and used for some secret purpose. It takes ages for anyone to realise that this is how Bruce Wayne paid for all the Batman expenses.
A Wayne Enterprises crony is around to help out. He may be white and male, but the actor is a proudly open gay man in real life. Fans will recognise him as Andrew from Buffy: Season Six .
Black Batwoman goes for a cosy private dinner with her estranged mother Jada ( Robin Givens ). She takes along the other black lesbian, posing as her date. Unfortunately, the half-brother and his date drop by to join the party. Yes, there is a lot of familial soap opera drama.
The chef turns out to be Professor Pyg, a disgruntled ex-employee of Mama. He does not just want revenge on her personally - he wants to kill both her offspring as well. It is a hell of a coincidence that Batwoman only recently revealed her parentage. If she had delayed a couple of months, this story might have had a very different outcome.
Meanwhile, Alice investigates clues as to Poison Ivy's whereabouts.
Montoya ( Victoria Cartagena ) is obsessed with catching the new Poison Ivy, because the original one was her lesbian lover. Yes, Montoya is probably the most promiscuous person in the DC Universe. How long will it be before she sleeps with one of the Bat team?
Alice has her suspicions as to who the new Poison Ivy is. She is playing both ends against each other.
The Black Glove henchman was set up as a major recurring villain for the story arc. It turns out he was just a redshirt, made to make Poison Mary look scary due to her off-screen violence.
Poison Mary and Crazy Alice are on the run together. They have to neutralise the tracking nanites in Alice's blood. It would have been easier if they had just sabotaged the computer when they were in the Batcave during the previous episode. Instead they leave a trail of bodies while they try to find a blood donor to transfuse Alice with.
Batwoman's half-brother gets nabbed by their mother Jada ( Robin Givens ) in exchange for her scientists making a cure for Mary. Yes, Wayne Enterprises was unable to do the necessary so Batwoman had to subcontract to outsiders. Jada's plan is to freeze her son until he can be neurotypicalised. However, he decides to go on a killing spree instead.
Batwoman's brother stages a hostile takeover on Wayne Enterprises. He forces her to resign as CEO, although she has already been smeared by Jada so was regarded as a liability by the Board anyway. Also, since she had to subcontract the cure it seems she is better off without the Company. Unfortunately, this means the Bat Team lose access to the bat-cave. Yes, if Mary and Alice had waited then they would not have needed their elaborate escape plan.