ANOTHER show about a vampire Private Investigator in Los Angeles? Angel ... Blood Ties ... Forever Knight ... It's different from these shows insofar as the villains aren't supernatural beings who can match the hero on an even basis. This doesn't bother the protagonist, because he only enjoys beating up people who are weaker than him.
The protagonist, Mick the Vampire P.I. (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ), says I don't hunt women or children, I only hunt predators. Sexist pig! He's implying that females aren't competent enough to be villains!
TV journalist Beth ( Sophia Myles ) and her cameraman Kevin Weisman ( Alias ) investigate a murder. The victim has two punctures in her neck, as if bitten by a vampire ...
This was written by David Greenwalt ( Angel ), and seems like something that Marti Noxious could have come up with. It is more sexist Fem-Jep (females in jeopardy), waiting for a square-jawed moron to save them.
A convict is released from jail. He served over two decades. Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) put him away - but the con knows Mick is a vamp, and has had time to plan revenge!
A newly-turned vamp goes rogue, and starts killing humans for food. We get an insight into Vamp society. There is one vamp in L.A. for every 10-20,000 humans, and they need to keep a low profile in order to survive. There's a Cleaner ( Molly Culver ) who helps by removing the evidence of feedings ...
Mick's memories of his turning at the hands of his wife, Coraline ( Shannyn Sossamon ), are brought to the surface.
Beth's BF the D.A. is prosecuting an International Arms Dealer. Unfortunately the villain has a small army of henchmen to unleash upon the secret witness. This is only fair, after all. There is no chance of a fair trial, since Beth ( Sophia Myles ) is a TV journalist and has prejudiced the entire jury pool!
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) goes to protect the DA's witness, who is hiding in the desert. But he gets injured, and too much direct sunlight could kill him ...
Someone is draining escort girls. Looks like a vamp is on the prowl, so Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) investigates.
The killer is a hormonal teenage vamp who wants to create a GF for himself. He is a lot older than Mick, which explains why he kick Mick's ass, but not why he's never wised up and gotten in control of his teenage instincts.
Josef (Jason Doring - Veronica mars ) asks Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) for help. His ex ( Holly Valance , the lead actor's RL GF) has gone MIA. She is the oldest known vamp alive, with a million bucks and a secret agenda. She would make a great Big Bad for a story arc ...
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) attends an arson fire, and meets a photographer who looks just like Mick's wife Coraline ( Shannon Sossymon ). Since Coraline's death has featured in flashbacks in almost every episode, this is hardly coincidence. She appears to have stumbled across a serious crime, and Mick gets deeper involved. A woman was murdered by her BF, just like Mick killed Coraline. Coincidence?
A Charlie Manson copycat is executed by the State of California. Then someone starts killing off the Government's prosecution team - and the main witness is a friend of Beth the Journalist ( Sophia Myles ). Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) investigates. Is there a copycat at work, perhaps one of the pseudo-Manson Family? Or is there, by extreme coincidence, yet ANOTHER rogue vampire?
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) and Beth ( Sophia Myles ) discover the truth about Coraline ( Shannyn Sossamon ). Sort of. The conclusion asks more questions than it answers.
Someone puts a hit out on Josef (Jason Doring - Veronica mars ). The killer knows to use incendiary weapons, and has access to military equipment!
We get to find out whether Josef is really a shallow git.
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) and Beth ( Sophia Myles ) try to deduce the facts behind Coraline's activities.
Beth's sorta-BF, the DA, is prosecuting a major drug-lord. Presumably the Arms dealer case from a few eps ago was successfully concluded. But the drug lord has a hit put out on Beth, and Mick has to protect her ...
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) finally discovers what Coraline ( Shannyn Sossamon ) was up to. Unfortunately, someone else is onto her as well. A big-time Euro-vamp named Lance is in town, and he wants something she took from him.
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) tries to adapt to his new lifestyle. Can he keep up his profession in his weakened state?
Beth's editor is killed. The killer is a vamp, and Josef (Jason Doring - Veronica mars ) is the main suspect.
Guest-stars include Ksenia Solo and Victoria Pratt .
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) is hired to protect an actress from Flash Forward. She is being stalked by a creepy unattractive blackmailing paparazzo. Another suspect is a movie producer, who looks like the Mulder guy from Warehouse 13.
Beth's new editor is not much better than the Paparazzi. She wants to make two changes to her life - a new job as the DA's investigator, and a dating relationship with Mick.
A young boy is kidnapped. He may be Mick's Grandson.
Mick (Alex O’Loughlin - The Invisible ) is not the only one with a human date. Josef (Jason Doring - Veronica mars ) has a hot lady lawyer as a blood-doll Freshie. In contrast, one vamp couple have been together for 150 years.
A human is killed, and the killer is a vamp. Claudia Black and the other senior vamps must find a solution before the existence of their community is revealed.
This is reviewed in a
special supplement