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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Our heroes finally get to meet the robot cop's maker.
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This is reviewed in a special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Andromeda [Season 1, Episode 15] Forced Perspective
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: DS9 [Season 6, Episode 5] Favour The Bold
Reviewed in our special supplement
This is reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
This is reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
The colonists discover an alien, frozen in ice. It is dead, but the corpse contains a strange form of energy. Luckily guest-star Roy Dotrice [ Beauty & The Beast ] is on hand to give advice.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Hercules [Season 5, Episode 16] Greece Is Burning
Our heroes have to work alongside a hard-ass thug from Central Detectives.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
A packed passenger transporter is blown up, with an on-the-run executive aboard.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
The detective's estranged wife manages to witness a murder.
The detective and his robot partner are assigned to investigate. Strange how the whole city only has two cops! Nigel Bennet [ Lexx, Season 3 ] is the security goon suspected of running a cover-up.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
The detective and his partner are kidnapped. They wake up imprisoned with computer programmer Xenia Seeberg , who wears a flimsy tee-shirt.
The city is the site to robot rampage. It also has a vigilante group who want to stop the creeping socio-economic takeover. The vigilante leader interrogates the detective, a good excuse to show clips from previous episodes. This actually works as an update on the show's plot arc.
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Star Trek: VGR [Season 3, Episode 21] Before And After
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The detective is having relationship problems with his girlfriend, due to his paranoia about her implant.
The cops are assigned to investigate a series of labour-related incidents at a chemical plant. There is friction between human labourers, supplied by a pressure group named Blood And Muscle, and the android supervisors.
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This is reviewed in a special supplement
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: DS9 [Season 6, Episode 2] Rocks And Shoals
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Earth: Final Conflict [Season 3, Episode 3]
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Angel [Season 2, Episode 1]
The Trial
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Finally the show's plot arc is coming into action. The memory implants from the film, the concept that goes back to Philip K Dick himself, is central. One of the supporting characters is suspected of having an implant. The villainous Recall Corporation is suspected of being behind it. Yes, we get Dick's questioning of our perception of reality, mixed with cynicism and paranoia about the role of Corporations in modern life. Admittedly it sounds better than it really is, but it is nice to see a show where the makers actually try to think about things.
The detective's father appears, in the form of Anthony Zerbe [ Licence To Kill ].
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Alias [Season 1, Episode 21]
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: VGR [Season 2, Episode 25] Resolutions
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
The Mysterons replace a journalist. Spectrum is called in to protect the President of Earth.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Andromeda [Season 1, Episode 14]
Harper 2.0
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: DS9 [Season 5, Episode 26 ]
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Clancy Brown [ Highlander ] and his wife Jessica Steen are taken in by an underground colony of lost humans, led by Patrick Bacheau [ The Pretender ] and Roy Dotrice [ Beauty & The Beast ].
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
This is the second part of the story. The detectives must discover the identity of the villain.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
A lone gunman attempts an assassination.
The android discovers a clue to his origins. David Warner [ TMNT 2 ] guest-stars as a top doctor.
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Total Recall 2070 [Season 1, Episode 9] Baby Lottery
The detective and his wife wanted to have a baby.
Alias [Season 1, Episode 20]
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
The police station is taken over by a twenty-ish computer hacker. It turns out that he's genetically engineered, linked to terrorists and has a grudge against the police chief.
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Star Trek: VGR [Season 2, Episode 17] Dreadnought
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Dark Angel [Season 2, Episode 21-2]
Freak Nation
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: DS9 [Season 5, Episode 1 ]
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Dark Skies [Season 1, Episode 8] Hostile Convergence
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Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Reviewed in our special supplement
Star Trek: TNG [Season 4, Episode 26] Redemption Part I
Star Trek: TNG [Season 4, Episode 25] In Theory
Star Trek: TNG [Season 4, Episode 24] The Mind's Eye
Reviewed in our special supplement