A pair of siblings in the Midwest USA use a magical Colt revolver to fight demons. If this sounds familiar, it is because this show basically takes the premise for Supernatural (2005) and gender-swaps it so the protagonists are sisters instead of brothers. It is all set in a single town, instead of a different setting each week, which may be a symptom of a much lower budget. Certainly the opening credits sequence seems quite basic and low-budget compared to other shows. That said, this is based on a comic so at least the viewers should expect a plot arc and decent backstory.
The story is simple. The protagonists are descended from Wyatt Earp, and have inherited his demon-killing revolver. They also have an ally in the form of a US Marshal, part of a demon-hunting department of the US Justice system that Wyatt set up.
Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) and the demons mostly keep to their trailer park, far outside the town. They only come at Wynonna a few at a time, so it seems like a fair fight. Also there is a mysterious stranger who acts and dresses like someone from the old West.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) goes on her first mission as an official US Marshal. The real Marshal is the Token Black Guy, so the rules of US TV dictate he will not be a love interest.
The town has a new Deputy, Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ). She does not seem to know what happened to her predecessor, who was britally slaughtered by a demon. Even if she did know she would probably not care, because she is too preoccupied with Wynonna's younger, hotter sister Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ).
This week the demons' plan is to send a Reaper after her. It is a big shadowy CGI creature with a black cloak and glowing red eyes, the kind of thing we have seen many times before.
The demons take some humans hostage. They have a plan to escape from the deadly triangle. It turns out that they have someone on the outside - a powerful witch. Is this the woman that Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) is obsessed with finding?
A ghostly serial-killer is on the loose. This one only appears in mirrors, and targets people who have done something unforgivable. Naturally, one of the regular characters becomes his main target because nobody cares if a one-off character is put in jeopardy.
The Marshals decide to arrest Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ), head of the Revenants. They play everything by the book, and we get some exposition as to why this must be the case.
Bobo's lawyer is Ce-Ce Stone. It turns out that she is lawyer by day, witch by night. Yes, she is the Stone Witch that Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) has been searching for. However, despite her making herself easy for him to find she is certainly not easy to defeat.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and her boss go looking for two more of the Revenants who killed her dad. They uncover a Donner Party style family that eats its victims.
Wynonna's sister Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) sorts out their uncle's will. It turns out that Waverly has a destiny of her own. Uncle paid for her online courses in supernatural history, and now she is keeper of the bones. This may have something to do with Bobo's plan, which is to recover parts of specific a human skeleton for trade with the Stone Witch.
We discover that the Marshall boss has a secret of his own. Well, why not? After all, everyone else's secret has been exposed (half-way through the Season) so he will need one of his own in order to draw out the rest of the Season.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and the lesbian Deputy, Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ), start to bond. Their bosses are away, so they get drunk together and try to solve a series of mysterious murders.
Wynonna's little sister Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) dumped her loser boyfriend last week, so it looks like the Deputy might have a chance. However, this week little sister is hosting a batchelorette party for her friends. She only has two friends left, it seems - it is a small town, and the local death rate has had a serious spike since Wynonna returned. Luckily, Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) has nothing better to do than hang around and brighten things up.
The Stone Witch is back. She has a couple of thugs, and leaves a trail of bodies in her wake. It seems she is after the skull that little sister was made guardian of last week. Wow, what a convenient plot device and lack of subtle build-up or foreshadowing.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) discovers Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) has gone missing in mysterious circumstances. He goes to the Police, and helps them identify a suspect. Apparently there is a serial killer at work, known as the Jack of Knives. Yes, the old Jack the Ripper cliches are all in force.
Wynonna wakes up, and very quickly discovers who the killer is. After all, we cannot have an element of mystery in the show. We have to be told at the start who the bad guy is, rather than be excited at the prospect of working it out for ourselves. No, no surprises here. Move along, now.
Wynonna is trapped in a cross between Torture Porn and Kill Bill . Meanwhile, Doc and Marshall Dolls follow up a lead at Fight Club .
The Alpha from Bitten makes a guest appearance. Not as a werewolf, of course.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is suffering from PTSD after the events of the previous episode. She gets suspended from duty as a Black Badge US Marshal.
Doc Holliday's arch-enemy, the Stone Witch, is at her weakest. She has had a falling out with Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ), and without allies she is at a severe disadvantage. Luckily she has an uzi and can take out twenty opponents with only thirty bullets, so even on full automatic she must make a deadly shot at least two times out of three!
It turns out that in this universe, just like in Supernatural (2005) , if you burn a demon's bones you also destroy their soul. Yet another point of similarity between the two shows.
Bobo's arch-rival is in town. Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) goes looking for him, to try and make a deal. Unfortunately he is now an insane Cult leader, with a shape-shifter as muscle.
Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) has a couple of new helpers. They are twins in dominatrix-style corsets, with a vampiric bloodlust and powers of seduction. However, it only works on men.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) has a helper of her own. Her elder sister, the original heir to Wyatt Earp's demon-killing legacy, is back.
With his arch-enemy no longer a threat, Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) takes her car and leaves town. However, he ends up with a broken fan-belt at a remote location. Can he rely on a mysterious stranger to help him out?
Someone hires a gang of gun-toting thugs to assassinate Marshal Dolls, Wynonna's boss.
Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) has what he wants, so he holds a big party for everyone in town to attend. The Earps turn up in evening attire in the hope of foiling his mysterious plan.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) is tied up ... in a torturer's basement.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) try to stop Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) and his accomplice from escaping. But first they have to evade the entire town's population.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and Special Agent Dolls team up to take on the Revenants. It turns out that, as the Stone Witch showed a few episodes ago, you do not need a supernatural Colt peacemaker to kill them. Yes, regular bullets seem to work just fine.
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Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) try to bust their former ally out of Black Badge Prison. They have a new ally - his mysterious lover ( Rachel Skarsten ).
The heroes work well as a team. Waverly pretends to be a Scotland Yard detective, which allows the actress to use her real British accent for a change. However, she is exhibiting strange signs of demonic influence.
Wynonna's frenemy from High School is back in town. After the events of Season One, local real estate prices plummeted so she invested a lot of money in bargain basement property.
A spider-like demon has infested a local property that is currently undergoing renovation. It cocoons its victims in the attic.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) starts the episode with a sexy cheerleader dance for her lesbian lover. It seems like little sister will have a lot more to do this Season. As well as her active sex life and her job doing research for Wynonna, she also has mysterious blackouts ... as if she was secretly possessed by a demon.
Deputy Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) arrests a young man whom she accuses of taking upskirt photos. Of course, the Deputy is only over-protective because her lover, Waverly, does not wear underwear. The Sheriff refuses to charge the suspect, not because he would also have to charge Waverly with being a Flasher. The suspect is the younger brother of Wynona's frenemy.
The main storyline of the week concerns the former High School sports team. They made a deal with the equivalent of a Crossroads Demon from Supernatural , and now it wants its pound of flesh. This is not unlike something that would have happened in Buffy The Vampire Slayer , only it has been up-aged so it takes place at the Ten Year Reunion rather than at an actual football game.
A couple of demons steal a secure briefcase from a Black Badge Agent. Dolls' replacement insists the team recover it. Unfortunately because the previous screw-ups were on her watch, she has been black-balled by the Agency and cannot get backup. As a result, the Agency has rendered itself incapable of properly functioning. Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) volunteers to go undercover in the villain's bar, as the entertainment.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) discovers what happened to Dolls. She leaves him with Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and the new barmaid.
The Gardiner boy from the previous episode realises that his sisters are acting strangely. He reports this to Deputy Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ). While he is at it, he tells her that he has also seen Waverly act strangely.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is possessed by the demon that formerly inhabited Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ). She tags along with Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) as he heads off to work.
The town fire-fighters are actually a secret society of demon-hunters. Their leader is Ewan (Brendan Fehr - Roswell ). They have got everything planned out - the fire station is built on the site of an old church, and is still consecrated ground. Well, it would have been useful if they had made an appearance in Season One. Worse, now they are here they want to take out the demonically possessed Earp sister.
The Asian nerd heads back to HQ. Hopefully he will find out why they have not been answering the boss lady's calls. She assumed they were ignoring her, but the truth might be far worse.
Holliday and Dolls get some exposition regarding the revelation at the end of the previous episode. Apparently the Black Badge Division is still operational, but it has completely abandoned the Ghost River team. In other words, the good guys are on their own and can expect no backup.
The Season villains are after the magical Seal. Apparently Bobo the previous Season's villain had two. He moved the spare one, and it is somewhere within the triangle. However, it must be on holy ground. The bad news is that there are lots of different holy sites within the triangle.
The villainous witches force the Sandman to cast a sleeping spell over the Triangle. Everyone in it falls asleep, although our heroes are immune.
A couple of cowboy spirits are in town. They want to get even with Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) for his mis-deeds in the wild west, well over a century ago. It turns out that the posse's leader is Bass Reeves, a real-life African-American lawman also mentioned in Timeless .
Wynonna takes lesbian Deputy Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) on a field trip. She needs backup on a mission to get the DNA of a one-night stand who may the her baby's daddy. It turns out that he is a barman in a strip club, and that is not the worst thing about him.
Wynona gets send back in time to the wild west. She sees a few familiar faces - after all, Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and the preacher are immortals. Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) is there, and has not yet been cursed to become a revenant.
It turns out that the Stone Witch ( Jessica Sipos ) is to blame for everything. She imprisoned her husband, a demon named Clutie, and now her demonic sister-wives want to free him.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is heavily pregnant. However, that does not stop her from sparring with Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ). Afterwards, she has a not-a-date with Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ). Unfortunately the demons have a plan to turn them against each other.
Waverly and the barmaid have both been mis-treated by their lovers. They go to a spa together, and hang out in the hot-tub.
Black Badge investigates a body that was found. It seems that someone incinerated Tucker Gardener. This is the second recurring character to be killed off-screen. Presumably the Widows did it in revenge for him decapitating the Stone Witch. Predictably, Dolls goes on a mission with only the nerd for backup.
It turns out that a number of assumptions actually lead to twists.
Deputy Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) gets bitten by one of the Widows. Her lesbian lover, Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ), gets the chance to team up with the other Widow in exchange for the cure.
The Iron Witch used the magic plate to create an alternate universe. All she did was wish that Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) had never been born. Not unlike Buffy: S3 - The Wish , which itself was inspired by It's A Wonderful Life . Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) is the only one who remembers the original timeline.
In a world without Wynonna, Doc Holliday has replaced Bobo as head of the Revenants.
The Widows have freed their husband. However, now they have the predictable falling out. Again. Which one will Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) side with?
Wynonna starts to give birth. It turns out that this is the real story arc of the Season, while the demon brides storyline was just a subplot.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) goes after Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) for revenge. There is also some concern over Waverly's parentage.
The town fire-fighters/demon-hunters led by Ewan (Brendan Fehr - Roswell ) have got everything planned out. They were strangely absent in the alternate timeline. However, now they want to save Wynonna's baby and raise it as the ultimate member of their Order.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and her team work to wipe out the occasional group of Revenants. Nobody has a clue where the demon Clootie is these days.
A coach with blacked-out windows pulls into town. The inhabitants are vampires, who can walk in daylight and can casta hypnotic glamour spell on victims just by touching them. One of them is an old girlfriend of Doc's.
Wynonna's mother is still back, but is self-admitted in a mental ward and has no intention of leaving there any time soon.
Wynonna's car crashed, and she was hurled from the wreck. She finds herself trapped on a ledge, half way down a cliff, with a dislocated shoulder. Luckily she has halucinations of her mother to keep her company.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) is dragged off by a Mountain Man. He keeps her in a cage in a cabin filled with boobytraps.
The freak-of-the-week is easy meat for Wynonna. However, the real climax is an encounter with Clootie's sidekick. This henchman, dressed like John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone - Demolition Man ), can teleport at will. No weapon made by man can kill him.
The opening montage implies that Marshall Dolls was the greatest love of Wynonna's life, even though he was basically just her boss. Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) has a new love interest - his estranged wife, a tarot-reading vampire.
Wynonna and her team mourn the loss of their friend. This goes to illustrate how rare it is in shows like this for death to have consequences.
A stranger comes to town, claiming to be a friend of the dead man. He is obviously on a revenge quest, but on whom? Is it Team Earp that he blames, or Black Badge Division?
Wynonna's magic Colt has run out of ammo. She and Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) look through his old stuff in search of a reload.
The Asian nerd is gay, and looking for a sex partner. He cannot find one in small-town mid-west USA, even though the only two hot young lesbians in town have successfully hooked up. Perhaps the problem is that he was looking on Tinder, rather than the original gay app Grinder.
There are lots of mysterious trees in the area. The Forest Ranger reports them to Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ), who passes him on to the Asian nerd. Luckily the Ranger is also a homosexual, so they will be able to hook up in the workplace.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) discovers where her mother is. Wynonna knew where she was all along, stashed in the local insane asylum.
The family have a new member - their favourite neighbour, Jolene ( Zoie Palmer , AKA the robot from Dark Matter ). She bakes cookies that make everyone love her, obviously an idea taken from Ted in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: S2 .
This is the Xmas episode. Mama Earp cooks everyone a big dinner, and wants her old pal Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) to come along. The others are reluctant to tell her about what they did with him.
Bolshar Clootie gets his minions to kidnap a lot of innocent civilians. Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) teams up with a friendly fireman, Charlie.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) has gone back to his wife, Big-Nose Kate the vampiress. Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) deals with the rejection by hooking up with Charlie the random fireman from the previous episode. Not one of the demon-fighting firemen from the previous Season - no mention is made of them, but it seems like they were all killed off and have been replaced by a new bunch.
Wynonna and the lesbian Deputy must team up to defeat some revenant bikers.
A big Troll type monster is on the loose. Well, he is more like a massive overgrown gnome.
It is date night. The gay men and the lesbian couple have a double-date to celebrate the Deputy's promotion to Sheriff.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) tries to get over Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) by going on a date with Charlie the fire-fighter. When she discovers Doc has become a vamp, she goes to confront Kate. This leads on to a flashback of Kate's origin story, when she met Doc and Clootie.
Clootie revives his dead wife, Constance Clootie ( Jessica Sipos ). She is a mumified zombie-like corpse, and she was decapitated to spite his other wives in the previous Season, but now she is cobbled back together long enough to stumble around in search of a plot device.
Clootie traps Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) in a dream-like state. Doc is imprisoned, so Wynonna must do the quest without him. Yes, just like the way the grown-ups used to get KO'd in Buffy: Season One so the school-kids would save the world.
Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ) is one of the antagonists in the dream-world. The others go looking for the real Bobo.
Anna Silk comes to town. Is she a succubus? Well, she is a supernatural messenger of some kind and her job is to deliver some exposition.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) go to the old abandoned mineshaft. They need to recover Bolshar Clootie's severed arm, but it is now being worn by a radioactive zombie. Instead of Lost Girl , this is turning into an episode of Z Nation .
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) does not help the girls on the mission because he needs to feed. The Sheriff babysits him.
Charlie was down for the count. Now he is back up again, thanks to Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) and her magic fingers. With the Sheriff busy evacuating the town, it becomes his job to babysit Waverly. This helps her discover who her real father is.
Without her magic gun, Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is easily captured by the Revenants. They trade her to Bolshar Clootie in exchange for a seat at his table. Naturally it will not be as straightforward as this.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) needs to feed again, so he goes looking for Charlie and Waverly.
Mercedes is back from the dead, now as Bolshar's trophy wife. But Wynonna needs more allies. Unfortunately she has been slaughtering revenants for years. Can she talk them round to taking her side?
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) has an army of Revenants. Bolshar Clootie has an army of unholy beekeepers. This might mean that a massive battle is about to take place, but this show settles for character scenes instead of spectacle.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) finally faces off against Bobo (Michael Eklund - The Divide ). One is a vampire, the other is Bolshar's new sidekick. But the outcome relies on a third party.
The whole story has been established to have a biblical twist. Bolshar was the snake in the garden of Eden, and now he walks the Earth in human form. That is something of a drop in stature, compared to the likes of Lucifer . Peacekeeper, the magic revolver, is actually the flaming sword. And the final scene is open-ended, so we can have a new Season involving the garden of Eden.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) has been left alone at the Hellmouth. Her only ally is the retired Sheriff, and her only weapons are some cylinders called Beaver Blasters ... which move the Earth for her.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) are trapped in what is misleadingly called the Garden of Eden, but is a frozen wasteland.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is stuck in the basement of a disused Black Badge facility, trying to save Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ).
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) are stuck in Eden, also trying to save Nicole Haught. So which Nicole is the real one?
This kind of show loves Lesbian representation, but hates indulging the so-called Male Gaze. However, this episode manages to satisfy both lesbians and straight males. The real surprise is that Katherine Barrell is so comfortable with both the nudity and the lesbian sex.
The Earps were stuck in Eden for eighteen months. When Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) gets back to town, she is arrested by Sheriff Claybourn (Ty Olsson - Supernatural ) on suspicion of the murder of the retired Sheriff. With Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) as her legal representative, she ends up in a chilli cook-off with a get-out-of-jail card as the prize.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) teams up with Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) to fight a mysterious crusty monster that lives in the woods.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is abducted by Black Badge operators, who take her outside the county perimeter to the new HQ. The good news is that Jeremy is a senior agent there, and she is in demand as an operator. The bad news is that her first assignment is to ride shotgun, quite literally, on a consignment of booze intended for the town's bar.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) has teamed up with the demon who runs the town's demon club, charmingly named the Glory Hole. Since they have no way of legally obtaining booze, Doc is sent out to hijack the shipment.
The Valdez girl turns out to have a boyfriend, a teen redneck boy who lives nearby. However, his family turn out to have a grudge against the Earps. In fact, they may become major recurring villains.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) go hunting for the magic gun, Peacemaker, thanks to a lead from the gay demon bar-owner. They visit a museum which is showing a film interview of her ancestor, Wyatt Earp. Doc reveals that his friend Wyatt was not as heroic as the legend made him look.
Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) has been cursed to attack Wynonna. Every time she tries to say the name of the person who cursed her, she ends up vomiting frogs.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) and Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) find the next clue in the search. They need the help of the last remaining Revenant.
Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ) is cured, so the witch sends her Reaper after Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) instead. Eventually we are reminded that Waverly has her super-powers, since she is still the daughter of an angel, but she does not bother using her powers against the Reaper because this would remove all suspense and drama. Like in Charmed (1998) , when Piper exploded demons just by looking at them. Or like when Wynonna used Peacemaker to shoot Revenants on sight.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) organises a bachelorette party for the lesbians. Naturally, she just picks Ladies' Night at the strip-club ... so they get male strippers instead of lesbian ones.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) gets an unwelcome handout from a fellow angel - a Cupid. Everyone accidentally falls in love with each other, a comedy of errors reminiscent of Midsummer's Night Dream .
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) does the walk of shame after last episode's hook-up. The good news is that Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) is available to deliver a fresh set of clothes. The bad news is that since it is Halloween, the fresh clothes are actually a sexy halloween costume.
Jeremy briefs the Earps on their mission, then takes an hour off so he can go to his Tuesday afternoon talking group. We find out what happened to his boyfriend from the previous Season.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) has a sparring session with Nicole Haught ( Katherine Barrell ). Since Nicole lost her job as Sheriff, she did not bother to apply now the position is vacant again.
Wynonna insists on investigating an allegation of a man being bossy to his female companion. Yes, a supposedly abusive relationship is deemed worse than a demonic serial-killer. This is reminiscent of Sexy Victims Unit, which uses the Nanny State to replace traditional male guardianship of vulnerable females.
The bossy man turns out to have magical powers. It turns out that his female companion is a genie, and she has given him an infinite number of wishes. But the power dynamic might not be as obvious as all that.
The climax is set at the town's pub quiz championships.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) alternates between drinking binges and shooting sprees. Waverly and Nicole steal Peacemaker in order to stage an intervention.
Black Badge Division is on the offensive. A SWAT team raided the Glory Hole, and now they are combing the woods and rounding up the starving demons. Doc and Jeremy end up in a cell together. Yes, it turns out that BBD are the Big Bad Division of this Season.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) gets trapped in the fog. She finds a Cabin in the Woods ... but instead of safety, she ends up trapped with Jolene ( Zoie Palmer ). Since Demons are merely Fallen Angels, Jolene wants to bring out Waverly's demonic side.
Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) is blinded and helpless. She must find Peacemaker again, and prepare for a climactic confrontation with the Clanton heir. Sheriff Claybourn (Ty Olsson - Supernatural ) is back, as a Reaper.
Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon - Lake Placid: Legacy ) and the others are trapped in a cell under Black Badge HQ. This is reminiscent of the finale of Buffy: Season 4 ... and we know how that ended for the Counter-Demon Initiative.
Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) has her full angel powers - well, a dark angel of sorts. Her only mission is to retrieve the book that she removed from Eden. Can she be talked into remaining with her human fiance on Earth?
With the story arc concluded in the previous episode, the Season Finale focuses on the characters instead of the plot. Specifically, everything centres on the big gay wedding. Well, this is the only thing the fandom really cares about. The lesbian couple are set up to get their happy-ever-after, while the straight couple have their ups-and-downs.
There is a subplot involving the wedding dress. Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) bought it for herself, but her jealous sister Wynonna ( Melanie Scrofano ) tried it on in secret. Unfortunately, the dress was cursed by local dressmaker Cursey ( Charlotte Sullivan ). Yes, there was a witch in town the whole time and nobody noticed.