[Season 1 !Season 2 ]
This is set in the early 1950s. General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) is head of Project Blue Book. He wants to cover up all alleged alien encounters, in order to avoid a national panic. This ignores the fact that the USA was already in a Cold War Panic. Is he part of an alien conspiracy, like Cancer Man ( X-Files ), or is he leading the resistance like Captain Frank Bach ( Dark Skies )?
The General has delegated the field-work to Captain Michael Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ). In order to give the cover-up some scientific credibility, they recruit Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) as Quinn's partner. In the Twenty-First Century it would be a mixed male-female team, but this is the Mad Men era so it is two caucasian males.
Quinn and Hynek go to Fargo, North Dakota, where a USAF pilot claims to have seen a UFO. The official story is that it is a weather balloon.
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) makes a new friend - Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ).
Flatwoods, West Virginia. A woman ( Brooke Smith ) and her children see a monster near a forest fire. The locals, a mob of drunken gun-toting yokels, blame her for causing a panic.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) discovers he is still being stalked by the mysterious Man In Black (Ian Tracey - Sanctuary ).
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) hangs out with her new friend - Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ). But What she does not know is that Susie has her own agenda.
Lubbock, Texas. A V-shaped set of lights is seen overflying the town. Donald Keogh, a famous Ufologist, gets a tip-off about it. General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) has to cover it up.
Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) and Hynek run into trouble with the locals. Just like the West Virginians, the Texans seem to be a stereoypical torch-weilding mob.
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) becomes interested in getting a bomb shelter. The neighbours have bought a cheap flat-pack wooden one. Yes, it is basically a garden shed - and in no way capable of protecting them from a nuke. She has something else to be paranoid about. Someone seems to be stalking her.
Gurley, Alabama. Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) and Hynek investigate another report of a UFO. It turns out to be linked to a local USAF base where Werner Von Braun (Thomas Kretschmann - Stendahl Syndrome ) is building the American Space program.
Quinn is resentful towards the US Military Police who guard the base. They are only doing their duty to the USAF, as Quinn himself does, but he does not approve of people who are only obeying orders. He also suspects that Von Braun's rockets are secretly intended for use in air-defence systems and ICBMs. Similarly, Hynek is cynical about Von Braun - and accuses the great scientist of only caring about politics.
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) leans on her friend, Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ), for support. Susie uses this opportunity to further her secret agenda.
We discover a bit more about the secret agenda of General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ). The flying saucer recovered in Project Blue Book (2019) [Season 1, Episode 2] The Flatwoods Monster makes a re-appearance.
Terra Haute, Indiana. The UFO survivor from Episode One breaks into a radio broadcast tower. He thinks that the aliens are communicating with him via radio waves. When the local cops try to stop him, he tells them a special series of numbers - 3, 42, 11, 76, 79. This brings back memories of the TV show Lost .
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) investigates the numbers, and tracks down a mysterious numbers-broadcasting station. It points him to other UFO survivors.
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) gets a security guard courtesy of General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ). Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) tries to debrief Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) about the events of the previous episode.
Hynek and Quinn go to Missouri, and discover a group of abductees. Finally Hynek shows his partner what the MIB led him to in Episode One.
White Forest Missile Test Range, Nevada. Presumably this is a reference to the White Sands range in New Mexico, but renamed because it is filmed in Canada where there are forests instead of deserts.
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) investigates the incident. He has become obsessed, and is sleep-deprived thanks to visions of the man who burned himself. He also meets the mysterious Man In Black (Ian Tracey - Sanctuary ).
Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) catches a suspicious-looking individual. Is this a Russian spy plot?
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) leans more than ever on her friend, Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ). For some strange reason, Susie and her husband do their secret spy-talk in a public place instead of the privacy of their home. Even worse, Susie speaks Russian when she might be overheard.
General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) has discovered that the scientist has started freelancing, and taken a camera project to Fairchild. He threatens to close the unit altogether.
Bowling Green, Ohio. Some boy-scouts are out camping when they fall victim to an unusual meteor shower. The scout-master is abducted. Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) investigates the incident by himself.
The local Native American tribe, the Choctaw, has a secret cave filled with all-paintings of the mysterious Sky People. Just like the one in Smallville , but the paintings include the triangle symbol from the MIB's files. Graham Greene ( Defiance ) is around to give exposition on the Choctaw culture.
General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) has a different mission for Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ). He has to interrogate the Russian spy he caught in the previous episode.
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) are called in to investigate a group of US Army Rangers who claim to have been in combat against a UFO.
Meanwhile, the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) learns her nosy neighbour has gone missing. She wants to buy a gun, and asks Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) to teach her how to shoot in a Thelma And Louise way.
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) wants to resign. Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) does not care, but draws the line at letting Hynek take the files. Regardless of who typed them, they are still Air Force property. After being chewed out by the General a few weeks ago, Hynek should have learned the definition of paid employment.
A military veteran (Malcolm Goodwin - iZombie ) holds the office hostage, making this the Desperate Hours episode. The hostage-taker claims to have been abducted by aliens, which allows Hynek to invent the term Close Encounters of the Third Kind . We get all the cliches, including hypnotic regression and alien implants.
Meanwhile, Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) is ordered to seduce the scientist's wife Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ). Since the previous episode was reminiscent of Thelma And Louise, it is obvious how this storyline will proceed. This show is typically devoid of surprises or original twists, and consists of a massive collection of cliches.
The mysterious Man In Black (Ian Tracey - Sanctuary ) makes another appearance. So does Hynek's pre-teen son, who has been absent from the show for so long that this reviewer forgot the Hyneks were parents!
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) go to Washington DC, which is buzzed by UFOs.
Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) has no memory of being roofied and diddled by Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ). However, she does become curious when she discovers her house has been bugged. Can Susie avert her suspicions and pin it all on a patsy in time?
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General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) recieves a phone call threatening to reveal the truth about the Roswell incident of 1947. He gets Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) accompany him to Roswell, with the hope of permanently closing that case. The suspects they interview include Zach Magowan ( Black Sails ).
Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) is part of the main storyline now. Her husband has sent her undercover into a UFO fanatic group. Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) has been promoted from Mimi's gal-pal to the girlfriend of Captain Quinn. Yes, for some reason the two females have separate plot-lines.
Zach Magowan ( Black Sails ) tries to blackmail General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ).
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) discover an Alien Autopsy movie. The Ray Santilli version was debunked around ten years ago, so this really marks the show as anachronistic. X-Files covered the same ground ... twenty-five years previously!
General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) is having a real crisis of faith after the previous episode. He starts going to Roman Catholic confession, while the generalship stuff is left to his colleague.
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) are sent to Groom Lake, Nevada. They get a tour of the Area 51 establishment, as part of an inter-service rivalry between the USAF and the CIA. It turns out that the mysterious flying obects they saw in Season One were secret CIA spy planes.
Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) has a babysitter to watch her son, who is kept off-screen. This frees her up to attend the UFOlogist group, in order to keep herself relevant to the storyline.
Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) goes to the drive-in movie by herself. Yes, she has not bothered to re-ignite her friendship with Mimi. Instead she meets her new KGB handler.
Some hillbillies in Kentucky have an all-night drinking party, and end up shooting their way out of an alien invasion. Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) are sent to investigate. The CIA Agent from Groom Lake turns up, and informs them about Project MK Ultra - a spying system that uses precognitive telepathy!
Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) gets sick of staying at home. She abandons her motherly duties, and takes her nerdy UFOlogist friend on a field trip.
Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) dresses in expensive lingerie to seduce her target, but gets interrupted and is unable to fulfill her mission. Her new handler is less than happy, and decides that the KGB should not leave loose ends. Will her goons expertly dispose of Susie, or will they amateurishly let her escape certain death? And will she endure multiple blows to the head without any visible bruising?
The mysterious Man In Black (Ian Tracey - Sanctuary ) abducts Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ), and gives him lots of exposition. He even tries to recruit Hynek, and takes him on a mission to Puget Sound.
Mimi Hynek ( Laura Mennell ) goes to Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) for help. He leaves her in the office, where she does research and answers the phone.
Quinn in turn goes to the CIA agent, and gets more info from the MK Ultra girl. They go to Washington State, in the hope of catching the MIBs. It used to seem that they were a super-secret Agency, but it turns out that they are just CIA freelanders gone renegade. Despite them running rings around everyone in Season One, it is incredibly easy for Quinn and his friends to deal with them.
This starts with a bookend sequence in 1976. Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Mimi ( Laura Mennell ) are technical advisors on the set of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind . They narrate flashbacks to the Robertson Commission.
The Commission was a committee of scientists who reviewed the team's case files. Our heroes pulled in a couple of witnesses to testify for them. One is the African-American CIA investigator who worked the last few cases with them. Bearing in mind that the commission is basically a CIA plan to take over Blue Book from the US Air Force, he is probably not going to be very helpful to his USAF friends. The second witness is the week's new guest star (Bronson Pinchot - Lois & Clark ), a con-man who claims to have been abducted by aliens.
Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) has her own subplot, which none of the Hyeks know about. This follows up on her storyline in the previous episode. She confronts a defector (Michael Imperioli - The Sopranos ) but instead of killing him - as she had promised the KGB - she offers to fake his death if he helps rescue her daughter. But can he be trusted?
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) visit the Skinwalker ranch in Utah. The neighbour (Christopher Heyderdahl - Sanctuary ) gives the usual Guardian schtick from Cabin In The Woods , to dissuade strangers from trespassing.
The investigation links the ranch to experiments run by JoBeth Williams , a civilian scientist working on a nearby Air Force base.
Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) is cleaning up the crime scene from last week. General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) drops round to speak with the man she killed there. Luckily his body is long gone, which means that there is no reason for her to vacuum the carpet. Harding takes her in for interrogation.
Mimi ( Laura Mennell ) gets locked out of the Air Force offices because she does not have enough security clearance. Worse, the UFOlogists also exclude her from their group. Her days of being a go-between are over.
Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) and Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) have meetings with a few anonymous sources who offer them secret files concerning UFO projects. Later their office is raided by Internal Affairs, who are looking for some secret files that someone stole.
Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ) was released by General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ), but now she is about to go on the run. The KGB send their best assassin, so she goes to hide out with her old friend Mimi ( Laura Mennell ). Luckily the KGB killer is equally incompetent.
This episode lets the characters' mistrust and paranoia come out. It seems that everyone has been lying to everyone else, or at the very least holding out on each other. However, one character in particular gets scapegoated despite everyone else being equally deceptive.
A mysterious airplane is spotted over British Columbia, Canada. A second signal appears on radar, and they apparently collide. The Canadian Air Force calls in the USAF team to investigate.
Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) has been suspended from duty after the events of the previous episode. Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) invites him along for the trip to Canada.
The search and rescue effort takes place in familiar territory. Yes, the show is finally set where it is filmed.
The story has a Cold War twist. This might provide the good guys with leverage against the KGB, so the espionage storyline might be resolved by negotiation next week.
Quinn (Michael Malarkey - Vampire Diaries ) and Hynek (Aidan Gillen - Game Of Thrones ) are visited by Senator JFK himself. He sends them to a US Navy battleship in the North Atlantic, where some crewmembers claim to have seen a UFO. Why is a battleship functioning as command ship when the main capital ship should be an aircraft carrier? And why does it use radar to detect underwater targets instead of sonar?
Unfortunately the Admiral (Colm Feore - Revolution ) has decided to cover up the sighting. He believes it is a Russian plot, and takes it upon himself to start World War Three.
The team board a trawler that is drifting around. It is not a Russian spy-ship, but a Chinese civilian vessel somehow transported by the UFO.
The battleship has a mini-sub, so Quinn takes it down to investigate. Strangely, the ship also has lots of Second World War era anti-submarine weapons, so the Admiral decides to blow everything up.
Mimi ( Laura Mennell ) goes to visit General James Harding (Neal McDonough - Arrow: Season 4 ) and make her official statement about Susie Miller ( Ksenia Solo ). The Generals persuade Mimi to talk to Susie, in the hope of getting secret info out of her. This is just Susie's ploy to save her daughter.
The show ends on an open note. Not exactly a nailbiting cliffhanger, but a question is left open as Hynek and the mysterious Man In Black (Ian Tracey - Sanctuary ) go off on a quest together.